Saturday, August 31, 2019
Management, Personal Relationship and Decision Making Essay
The concept of interpersonal relationships and management involves ideas, taught, and beliefs that are related with social association and affiliations which are employed as approached to marketing, operations, training, management and executive decision (Giddens, 2001). These taught and perceptions constitute different philosophies used by various organizations that create a harmonious place for members and personnel. These beliefs allow the organization’s business to improve. Business improves since personnel performances are able to maximize their potential because people are working perfectly as a team. It is no secret that in order for business to be successful, management plays a very important role (Virine, 2007). Thus, for business to prosper, philosophy in management should be carefully taken into consideration (Virine, 2007).             In order to successfully manage an activity or personnel it is important that a manager is strong-willed, determined and possessed the â€Å"drive†needed to achieve the desired goal.  It is significant that a person should do a specific thing really well. In order to achieve this, a fine plan should be accomplished and when the plan is executed it is necessary that the plan is strictly followed. It is also important that the existing plan can adapt to changes that when problems are encountered, it can easily be resolved. Also in managing, it will be fitting to add that it is not enough that a person would know how to do things correctly, but it would be a welcome addition to recognize that a person knows how to things better.            A person should understand and put into his mind that there are occasions when great just isn’t good enough. He should not settle for less instead strive and work harder to deliver and perform things way beyond what people have expected. He should not be satisfied by saying â€Å"this will already do†and â€Å"this is alright†. He should always work to be the best. Being the best should not be the endpoint that will mark the conclusion of a venture, but it should be a starting point of something that is great. Through sheer innovation one should take something that works, it could be ideas, or various products such as electric appliances, glassware or simple things like papers and plastics, then transform them and improve them to something that is really unexpected. A person should always try to work to achieve excellence.            However, in order to properly manage things there are other factors that should be taken into account. One major factor is inter-personal relationship. Relationship with others influences the way we manage things our everyday life (Kahneman, 2000). It is because of our relationship to our love ones that we strive to make things better. It is because of these people who are close to us and we hold dearly in our hearts that we struggle in order to create a better living condition. Because of them we â€Å"shoot for the stars†and aim for the best. Furthermore, our relationship in our workplace with fellow personnel and with the manager dictates the success or the failure of an activity. As mentioned before, it is important to achieve a working area that is surrounded by people which are friendly and are always prepared in lending help. Somehow, they can be your family that during the most challenging times in the work one would have somebody to lean on (Lauria, 1964). They would provide you support and the much needed boost during office hours. With someone to call on, personnel can fully utilize their skills and maximize their talents. Workers do not need to be worry of accidents that may happen, since a sense of security and protection is given to them, as a result they become more focused. Also, in return workers and personnel would work doubly harder to showcase their affection to the people who have helped them in work and their gratitude to the organization and their bosses. Another essential issue that arises from the proper managing of things is decision making. Making a sound decision is hard and when at one point an organization has arrived to a decision, it is always certain that not everyone would be pleased, there would always be contentions. Generally, there are no rules that would make a person a good decision –maker (Plous, 1993). There are always risks that are involved and often times these risks impose immense problems that lead to the downfall of what seems a fair decision at the beginning. There are, however things that can help a person in making decision. Information should first be gathered and accumulated about the issue at hand. Careful study and precautions must be done to properly weigh things. In making a decision it is important to first ask who will be affected once the decision is handed out. Then, we should also understand who will benefit and to whom the decision is detrimental. In making a decision, one should decide for the good of majority and sacrifice his own self interest. To be a good decision maker one needs to be self-less. It is a noble act, a supreme sacrifice. A situation that recently took place in my office is the grudge that happens between two of my colleagues. The conflict occurs because of a misunderstanding for the division of labor in the office. Due to the misunderstanding, a part of the job was left undone. When the deadline arrives and portion of their proposal was still incomplete, pressure started to build up and emotions run high. As a result, a dispute between them existed. For a period of one month or so they started not to talk with each other after their proposal was dumped. Since, both are my friends and I am the one who is being caught from their fight I decided to talk to them and invite them to be part of a project that was assigned to me. Although they were hesitant to work with each other, I convinced them telling they are the most trusted person I knew that could help me and the only person which fitted the job. Professional as they are, they put aside their differences, and worked as a real team. With me calling the shots, and making sure everything is carefully attended and no single detail taken for granted we finished an astonishing job with lots of time to spare. We can infer that by setting aside their argument and their pride for a better cause, and giving each other another chance to work a fine output is achieved. They decided to be selfless and put the organization on top of their priority. References Giddens, A. (2001). Sociology. Cambridge: Polity. Kahneman, D. (2000). Choice, Values, Frames. Cambridge: The Unviersity Press. Lauria, A. (1964). Respeto, Relajo and Inter-Personal Relations in Puerto Rico Anthropological Quarterly, Vol. 3 (No. 2). Plous, S. (1993). The Psychology of Judgement and Decision Making New York: McGraw-Hill. Virine, L. (2007). Management Concepts: Vienna. Â
Friday, August 30, 2019
Financial to people who are living in poverty Essay
1. Introduction Microfinance is the provision of financial to people who are living in poverty. The system is providing small loans to poor person who want to expand their business. A series of financial service include loaning, saving, insurance and so on. There are two main characteristic on microfinance. Firstly, it is focus on below average income person or poor person for their customers. Secondly, it must ensure that the possibility of its own sustainable development. The beginning of the activity was most closely associated with economist Muhammad Yunus in 1976. He was born in Bangladesh. Between 30 years, the success of Grameen Bank which was built by Yunus was noticed by the world. Then, microfinance has covered nearly development countries and some developed counties. In the case of the text book, microfinance was present by two extreme parts, macro success and global mess. For the macro success, lender loaned money to women in order to support their family. Then, much family got rid of po verty. By 2001, more than 7,000 microfinance institutions had served 120 million borrowers around the world. On the other hand, there are two debates lead to huge problems. Firstly, most of microfinance institution’s new shareholders were rich investors. Secondly, several competitive microfinance institutions loaned money to the same uneducated clients, if crop or ventures fail, clients would face crushing debt loads. For example, in some parts of India, almost 80% of borrowers were in default. 2. Case question 1 Therefore, what happen about microfinance? Does it macro success or global mess? 2.1 SWOT analysis For the critical thinking of microfinance is SWOT analysis. SWOT analysis may help us know more about microfinance totally. There are two strengths for microfinance, the first one is that helped in decrease the poverty. The target of microfinance is to provide loans to poor people who want to start small business but cannot able to receive commercial bank help. For example, more than 350 million people in Indian below average income. The microfinance institutions offer the opportunity to them to start their own business. So, microfinance helps in decrease the poverty. The second one is that promoting the development of local community. If every individual who receive small loans to become rich, the development of local community will be promoted. There are two weaknesses about the microfinance. First of all, it is not proper regulated on banking process. Due to lack of efficient rules and regulations there would lead to high case of credit risk and defaults. Moreover, microfinance institutions focus on less people only. For example, India’s 70% of people live in the village, that is to say that most of poor area haven’t been touched. For the opportunity of microfinance, there are two main points also. Initially, it still has huge untapped market. For example, Pakistan’s microfinance industry was developing faster already, with an expansion of nearly 47 percent during 2007 (AbanHaq, 2008). By the end of 2008, the borrowers had been extended to 1.7 million (Meher Shah, 20 09). In addition, some small business which were loan from Microfinance institutions would provide much more employment opportunities. Microfinance institutions not only loan money to individual to start their business but also help in the increase the employment opportunity to them. There two threat analysis about microfinance as well. The first one is that over involvement of government. For example, in Indian, bank had freeze on credit to micro lenders for many times, it led to Indian’s microfinance industry pushed to the brink of collapse (India’s microfinance sector under threat, 2010). Furthermore, it is a high competition industry. For example, Indian’s commercial bank normally provides about US$ 133 a week in credit to the microfinance industry (India’s microfinance sector under threat, 2010). So, it is cause to high competition for much more applicant. 2.2 Why has microfinance been quite successful on worldwide basis? In the study case, 84% of microloan recipients are women(D’Espallier, Guà ©rin, & Mersland, 2011). Therefore, it is easily find that most of microfinance institutions target to women. This is because that repayment is higher among female borrowers, they usually do more conservative investment and reduce moral hazard risk(D’Espallier, Guà ©rin, & Mersland, 2011). On the other hand, when women improve their circumstances, they also improve the lives of their children. So, by investing in nutrition and education, they can help to create a better future for their children and their communities. Furthermore, many microfinance institutions help much poorest families get rid of poverty. It is â€Å"to ensure that 175 million of the world’s poorest families, especially women, receive credit for self-employment and other financial and business services†(D’Espallier, Guà ©rin, & Mersland, 2011). Thus, it absorbs global attention. In addition, the success of the Grameen Bank of Bangladesh indicated that a new business model had been created. Until recently, Grameen has reported repayment rates of 98% and serving over much more function to poor person (Morduch, 1999). This new business models was imitated by the world. 3. Case Question 2 Using agency theory, identify the area or improvement for the government of certain MFI have be found to engage in questionable practice. Microfinance institution is a party that helping poverty to do business by offering mini-loan. It is an agency of not only providing finance service to support poverty but also an organization contributes to society. The main problem of lending money to pool people is high risks of returning the money. The pool people, who are lack of educations, experience and need more train to return to the job. As an agency the â€Å"principal†(top managers) require profit while loan office is less concern about the interest. 3.1 Agency theory Agency theory explains the relationship between principals and agents. The objective about this theory is to identify and resolve the problem and conflict between principal and the agent of the principal. The two problems agency theory addresses are: * Problem of desire goal of principal and agent are in conflict. * Problem of different acts in managing the risk. This theory had been used in examining the relationship of agency, define as â€Å"a contract under which one or more persons (the principal) engage another person (the agent) to perform some on their behalf which involves delegating some decision making authority to the agent†(Jensen & Meckling, 1976) The following equation shows the result of problem come from. The utility of the principal will focus on return, whereas the utility of the agent will focus on the income. Agent wants to increase the income while the principal refers to more return. As the result, there is a trade-off exist in between. UP (R) = 1/UA (I) UP = Utility of the principal UA= Utility of the agent R = Returns I= Income In consequent, to resolve the problem is to design the ideal contract. There are two types of contracts design for such problem: behavior-based contracts and outcome-based contracts. Behavior-based contract, the principal monitor, measure and reward the base on the agent’s behavior (Bergenetal, 1992). The outcome-based contract, the agent will be rewarded according to the realized outcome (Bergenetal, 1992). 3.2 Porter’s Five Forces Porter’s five forces is concept for analyzing industry and developing strategy of a company to position business. Base on this concept to understand microfinance industry environment. Investors always seek for return; the industry environment will impact how efficient the decision made for profit. Source:(Porter, 1979) Suppliers (High) There are many investors in market; those can divide into two types, commercial investor and faith investor. The faith investors are not seeks for profit, but long term poverty alleviation. (Cranenburgh, 2010)Commercial investors are looking for return because the capital market is cheaper. Unfortunately there are most MFI remain lending money to pool people are informal which the stakeholder are commercial investor. Threat of new entrants (High) Commercial investors are better in positioning that they have better access than financial service expertise. Low entrant capital require lead to low entrant standard require. The investors seeks return, it cause high impact in investment. Commercial investors look for short term invest, and it can be re-enter for commercial investment as a cycle. Threat of substitute (Medium) Poor people need money of making living and other social purpose (education, insurance, for life long. In India, the Reserve Bank of India (RBI) provides life insurance for poverty to improve the life expenses under the microfinance category. In many other countries, MFI design new financial service according to the need of poverty which charge very low interest. Internal rivalry In fact, the intensity of competition is depends upon the size of the company in the game. As entrant barrier low, the major operators in industry are informal institution (SHGs, MFI and NGOs). The competition will increase when an established organization goes into market and implement promotional strategy for boosting out of bad situation as it is weak. In additional, some formal bank start to do financial support with the help of other commercial organization like provide loan for SHGs. This factor will attract more operators in market. 3.3 Challenge Facing by Microfinance The microfinance system is separated in three levels: micro, meso and macro. To understand the function of those levels activity, identify the challenge MFIs are facing by governance. Source: Adapted from Helms, Access for All The micro level activity includes both perspectives of clients and MFI. The problem comes out from the borrower’s perspective is limitation of financial support. This would cause predatory lending practices. From the clients’ perspective, the problem relate to the managerial experience of clients, how they manage the funds and sustainable funds. The meso level is about services and infrastructures. The MFI need strong backup to support ongoing financing lending process. Limited capacity would terminate the funds to borrower. The macro level consists of central bank, finance ministries and other financial department. The problem comes out the potential risk when new policy established (monetary and currency, egg). The failure of systemic function would lead to a collapse of MIFs. 4. Case Question 3: ON ETHICS: Given the criticisms that â€Å"the rich have literally profited from the dirt poor†. Do you have any reservations about investing in MFIs that have gone through IPOs? Microfinance is a key thing that can help people living in poverty to become financially independent. It is better able to provide for their families in times of economic difficulty. Considering nearly half of world in less than two dollars a day to survive, microfinance is an important solution. However, microfinance has its shortcomings. Thus, in our opinion about this question, we are neutral. Here are advantages and disadvantages in below. 4.1 Advantages Access Banks will not extend loans to those with little or no assets, and generally so not engage in small size of loans associated with micro-financing companies. Microfinance is based on the concept that even small amounts of credit can help end the vicious cycle of poverty. Extending education Families receiving microfinance are less likely to pull their children to leave school for economic reasons. Improve health and welfare Microfinance can lead to better access to clean drinking water and better sanitation, and providing better access to health care as well. Sustainability In the developing country, even a small working capital loans $100. It can be launch a small business. Benefactors can help pulling themselves and their families out of the poverty. For example, a 19-year-old girl named Salamatu, from Sierra Leone started selling rice business (Kate, 2011). When her father and brother died, she could not pay the school fees by her own. She joined a local saving and Loans Group Plan in her community. This group can give small loans to them. Salamatu took out two loans. One is starting a small rice selling business and one is paying for her school fees (Kate, 2011). Job creation Microfinance can help create new jobs. It has a beneficial impact on the local economy. 4.2 Disadvantages Some investors who are interested in specific microfinance IPO must be wary (wise GEEK, 2012). Because some microfinance institutions are free with funding to the poor, but require excessive interest payments in return. This can put a person into a wore financial hole. This would cause social unrest. MFIs in India increased the risks. MFIs might face increased pressure to provide the assets and income growth (Jennifer, 2010). Thus it would increase default risk. In addition, because of high yield investors’ interests, microfinance institutions issuing high risk loans. This could cause valuation issues. However, lenders often could not perform. Because India does not have national systems that track the borrower’s credit history (Jennifer, 2010). 5. Conclusion Firstly, we give the reason of microfinance has been successful. Secondly, we identify the areas for improvement of MFIs. Then, we provide the two parts – advantages and disadvantages. Some considering buying into microfinance IPO should be carefully examined, and understand the company and its specific practices, then proceeding. Microfinance is not always appropriate. For extreme poor, or those who are sick or unable to work, microfinance may not be an appropriate tool. Bibliography India’s microfinance sector under threat. (2010, November). Australian Banking & Finance, p. 20. Cranenburgh, K. C. (2010). Analysis of the Microfinance Sector Faith Institutions and Impact Investing. International Interfaith Investment Group, 37-38. D’Espallier, B., Guà ©rin, I., & Mersland, R. (2011, 5). Women and Repayment in Microfinance: A Global Analysis. World Development, pp. 758-772. Haq, A. (2008). Microfinance Industry Assessment: A Report on Pakistan. Islamabad Pakistan: Pakistan Microfinance Network (PMN). Jongbloed, K. (2011). DIY Banks Make Education Possible For Girls. Retrieved from Meher Shah, A. N. (2009). Spot light on microfinance. Micro note. Islamab: Pakistan Microfinance Network (PMN). Morduch, J. (1999, October). The role of subsidies in microfinance: evidence from the Grameen Bank. Journal of Development Economics, pp. 229-248. Shevock, J. (2010). Microloan Default Risk Rises in India as SKS Microfinance Plans Initial Public Offering (IPO). Retrieved from WiseGEEK. (2012). What Is a Microfinance IPO? . Retrieved from
Thursday, August 29, 2019
Operations Management Synthesis Essay
Product Design The products that will be made out of the given components are corrective lenses for eyeglasses. The product will have the following features: a. Corrects near-sightedness or far-sightedness, whichever may be the case, through varying curvatures of the lenses, for different grades b. May be rectangular or circular in overall shape c. Around 1.5 inches in length, 1 inch in width d. Clear and transparent, not dark Considering that the finished goods (lenses) are very much expensive in relation to the raw materials (marbles), it would be safe to say that much value was added to the raw materials by the process of manufacturing, as a result. Process Design and Layout Given a product with just modules and essentially made from the same base – standard glass lenses, the process could be considered as repetitive-focus. Given the raw materials of only marbles, the illustration above is the process diagram that will be used. In order to clearly explain the diagram, the process involves the following steps: a. Crush marbles b. Melt marbles c. Add chemicals to treat the glass for durability d. Check for proper consistency/ratio of chemicals to glass and impurities e. Transfer defects back to start of production cycle f. Cool the material g. Check for bubbles h. Transfer defects back to start of production cycle i. Roll out the cooling glass j. Shape or cut out into shape (either circular or rectangular) k. Check dimensions (1.5 inches by 1 inch) if correct l. Transfer defects back to start of production cycle m. Curve the lens according to specifications using a curving machine n. Check if curvature specifications are met o. Transfer defects back to start of production cycle p. Final cleaning for any impurities q. Polishing of lenses for a shiny or glossy finish r. Final checking of lenses s. Package the lenses t. Ship the finished goods u. Administer preventive maintenance before next cycle (general cleaning of machines, check for machine irregularities) The layout is done in such a way that in case of defects, the transfer back to the start of the production cycle would be easier. Furthermore, the layout allows for job expansion for the workers due to them handling more than one step in the process. Also, this layout is supposed to minimize the amount of distance from one process to another, as long as these processes follow each other. Quality Management Initially, quality checkpoints are put up right after every crucial process. Meanwhile, the concept of six sigma is also implemented in order to address and eventually minimize them. By using the DMAIC, the following is how defects would be addressed: a. Define defects (For instance, bubbles were found.) b. Measure and collect process data (Identify how many products were defective and how much of the production process was affected.) c. Analyze data (What was the cause of the defect? i.e., inconsistency of chemical-to-glass ratio) d. Improve process (What should be done to prevent it from occurring again? i.e, thoroughly checking for proper consistency/ratio of chemicals to glass and/or hiring experts/more skilled employees) e. Control new process to make sure performance is maintained Location The primary determinant of location would be costs of rent and delivery of raw materials. The factory must be closer to suppliers than customers. If we are to apply clustering, it would also be good to be close to competitors, as it would implicate a technology spill-over. To compare the advantages of the possible different locations and the advantages of each, the center of gravity method is while also determining the most convenient manner of delivering orders. Human Resources The main objective of the human resources department is to make sure that the employees are skilled in glass processing. This is in order to troubleshoot properly and detect any defects in the product itself. Since the process is repetitive-focus, the qualifications of the workers are not as high as the qualifications needed for a process-focus design but still higher than that of the product focus. Salaries would be a bit higher than the minimum wage. Furthermore, the following factors shall be observed: a. The criteria on determining which Individual should be assigned to a station must be based on their skills, talents, and strengths (i.e, hiring field experts for checking for defective products and hiring capable persons for cleaning, packaging, and preparing for shipping). b. Employee empowerment should be considered through incentive systems (i.e, offering incentives to employees based on their needs, for instance, car loan for managers while food/transportation bonuses for the laborers). c. Employee empowerment through job expansion (i.e, enriching/enlarging the scope of the jobs, for instance, 1-2 employees assigned for all checkpoints instead of having 1 per checkpoint). Supply Chain Management .The primary suppliers should easily be accessible since raw material orders will only be issued upon demand. There must be a strong relationship that would be built with primary suppliers in order to eventually avail of discounts and a higher assurance of good quality. There should always be backup suppliers in case the main supplier fails to deliver. Other suppliers would include actual glass manufacturers in case of the lack of materials from primary sources. Inventory Management In order to maximize resources and keep inventory holding costs at a minimum, we will employ the Just-In-Time method for managing inventory. Furthermore, we will order only when we need to produce; thereby not falling into the trap of availing of quantity discounts which sometimes incur more expenses in the long run. As a result, to further reduce inventory costs, finished goods could be shipped out of the plant as soon as possible. Scheduling All orders will be taken and processed in a uniform manner. Orders may be changed in specifications only until the preliminary process of producing the modular standard glass lens is concluded, meaning that once the process of curving the lenses, which is the process where the orders differ, the orders cannot be changed anymore. Regularly, orders will be processed and queued regularly, preferably every day, Maintenance Preventive maintenance is done every after cycle, which involves the standard operating procedure of cleaning the machines. When factory is not scheduled for production, a more general preventive maintenance is undertaken to ensure smooth operations during the scheduled productions by increasing the reliability of the machines.
Wednesday, August 28, 2019
Philosophy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 21
Philosophy - Essay Example Ignoring the theft maybe the easiest response to the situation since I do not need to do anything but such response to the situation may not be the most appropriate. Telling the authorities about the incident may be a good thing to do on my part but it will result to having the man arrested and deprived of his freedom. On the other hand, approaching a perfect stranger and telling him that what he is doing is bad may result to some undesirable responses from the man and it could result to some unpleasant incidents. To decide which response is appropriate to promote the rule of law, let us look into the teachings of Immanuel Kant and Aristotle. Under the moral philosophy of Immanuel Kant, morality can be summed up as an ultimate commandment of imperative or reason from where the duties and obligations of people are derived (Kant, 1785). Kant believes that an imperative action or inaction is necessary to maintain peace and order. For Kant, there are two classifications of imperative action namely the hypothetical imperative and the categorical imperative. Kant defined a hypothetical imperative as a something that compels an action under given circumstances and the categorical imperative as an absolute requirement as an end and justification of an act (Kant, 1785). Kant believes that human free will is the source of all rational action and to treat the action as a subjective end is to deny the possibility of freedom. In applying the ideas of Kant in the case of the man at the grocery store; we can conclude that the act of taking the batteries without paying for them is wrong. Under the categorical imperative of Kant, some actions require absolute responses that serve both an end and justification for the enforcement of the law. Since in the eyes of the law, taking something without the knowledge and consent of its owner is absolutely wrong, the man’s can be categorically described as a wrongful act. According to Kant’s teachings,
Alzheimer's disease Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Alzheimer's disease - Essay Example It has a slow development and normally starts after the age of sixty (Medline Plus, 2010). The short-term memory is disturbed while long-term memory is still there. The patient starts losing control over his language, reading and writing skills. He begins to forget the names of acquaintances, relatives or even members of the family. When the disease starts getting worse, the patient may even forget how to eat, drink or go to toilet. Stage 1, mild stage, has symptoms like losing way, trouble in calculating bills, asking something repeatedly, taking longer to perform daily tasks, putting things in weird places, and showing attitude problems. Stage 2, moderate stage, shows symptoms like requiring assistance in performing daily tasks, forgetting recent happenings and acquaintances, mixing up distant past with recent past, having language problems, and wandering away. Stage 3, severe stage, has symptoms like being unable to feed oneself, control bowel and urinary movements, speak, read, w rite or recognize members of the family. Memory vanishes away totally (American Health Assistance Foundation, 2010). References American Health Assistance Foundation. (2010). Alzheimer's symptoms & stages. Alzheimer’s Disease Research.
Tuesday, August 27, 2019
The Main Difference between Wage Rate for Teacher and Sportsman Assignment - 4
The Main Difference between Wage Rate for Teacher and Sportsman - Assignment Example The current US federal minimum wage rate is $7.25 per hour, which was set in 2009. If the minimum wage rate is increased from $7.25 to $7.50 per hour, it will be good for the minimum wage workers. Increased wages will help minimum wage workers live a better standard life and will ultimately result in increased business productivity for the companies. At present, very few people go into the profession of teaching because people do not consider it a very good profession because of low wages. However, if the government equals the wages of teachers and business personnel, more people will try to join the profession of teaching because teaching is comparatively easier to do and requires less time than business. It will destabilize the economic progress of the country. If there will be no limit, more and more people will want to join the profession of lawyers because of attractive salary packages. In this case, other professions will be affected. Moreover, practicing lawyers will not want a large number of new lawyers to become a threat to their jobs. Therefore, they limit the entry of new layers in the profession of law. Considering the change in the total revenue resulting from the quantity and quality of the output produced by Michael Jordan, the amount given to the player was fair because he served his club very well during the whole season. Increase in wages will make the employees do more for their companies. When the employees will receive higher wages, they will definitely work hard with full dedication and commitment increasing their overall productivity and output. According to the output effect, a decrease in the wage rate will decrease production costs, so the price of final goods will decrease. The number of final goods produced will decrease, so the demand for labor will increase.
Monday, August 26, 2019
The relationship between SC35 and E2F1 in the apoptotic response of Research Paper
The relationship between SC35 and E2F1 in the apoptotic response of head and neck cancer cells following cisplatin treatment - Research Paper Example The impact of head and neck cancers on the health care system can be gauged by the fact that each year almost 500,000 new cases of head and neck cancers occur globally, with almost two thirds of the cases occurring in developing nations (Marur & Forastiere, 2008; Lung, Tascau, Almasan, & Muresan, 2007). There are several risk factors for the development of head and neck cancer but amongst those, the most important are tobacco use and alcohol consumption (Forastiere, Koch, Trotti, & Sidransky, 2001). Studies have revealed that the consumption of tobacco and alcohol has the strongest association with these cancers and these factors have a synergistic effect in the causation of head and neck cancers (Leemans, Braakhuis, & Brakenhoff, 2011). It has been found that tobacco usage increases the risk of developing head and neck cancer from five to up to twenty five-fold (Marur & Forastiere, 2008). Moreover, the use of both tobacco and alcohol leads to a forty times greater risk for these can cers (Marur & Forastiere, 2008). ... Over the last few years, there has been an increase in the incidence of cancers occurring at the base of the tongue and the tonsils. This changing trend has been attributed to the increase in the occurrence of HPV-associated squamous cell carcinoma (discussed above) which occurs due to HPV infection following oral sex, which has become an increasingly popular practice amongst the younger generation (Marur & Forastiere, 2008). More recently, it has become common practice to classify head and neck tumors into two main subcategories based in the underlying aetiologies and risk factors, viz. HPV-positive and HPV-negative head and neck tumors. Studies have revealed that these tumors belonging to these two categories differ in not only the aetiology and causative factors but also have different underlying molecular mechanisms, which cause them to have different levels of tumor severity and prognosis (Leemans, Braakhuis, & Brakenhoff, 2011). Head and neck cancer is a heterogeneous disease, which can arise due to several different molecular mechanisms, each of which have different implications for the cancer invasiveness, severity, response to treatment, prognosis and patient survival rates (Leemans, Braakhuis, & Brakenhoff, 2011). Cancers are shown to be clonal replications of cells that have acquired certain genetic alterations which cause them to undergo unchecked cellular proliferation. These genetic alterations can occur in two main classes of genes which are important in the cell cycle, viz. proto-oncogenes and tumor suppressor genes (Forastiere, Koch, Trotti, & Sidransky, 2001) In the case of tumors of the head and neck, studies have revealed that the most commonly implicated genetic change in tumors of this region is the loss of region 9p21
Sunday, August 25, 2019
Positive Effects of Using Correct Writing Strategies Research Paper
Positive Effects of Using Correct Writing Strategies - Research Paper Example Mistakes are part of learning and should thus be taken positively. The student can assess their mistakes and those of their peers and learn from the experience. However, the learning process occurs when correcting mistakes. The correction process should involve giving positive feedback, which enlightens the learner on the areas that require improvement. There are different types of mistakes that learners of a second language can make. Some errors are serious to an extent that they hamper communication. This happens when the learner is incapable of constructing comprehendible sentences. The main errors that make communication through writing impossible are mainly grammatical errors, which can be corrected. There are varying strategies that can be used by teachers to correct learners. In my leaning inkshedding and peer review turned out to be very helpful and enabled me to learn how to write correctly. Inkshedding could help students learn a language since it enables them to realize the best strategies to use in writing to communicate their idea to others effectively. In most cases, learners are unaware of their mistakes and require someone else to help them identify and correct their mistakes. On the one hand, inkshedding helps the ESL to communicate with the teacher, and the teacher is able to give valuable comments that enable the students to identify their weaknesses and improve their writing skills. Additionally, inkshedding enables the teacher to motivate the learners without making them feel anxious. After identifying their mistakes, the students are able to correct them even on their own. According to W. Susan, (2001)"Teacher can get an immediate glimpse into what each student thinking, this is more useful than the limited amount of feedback one receive from few students who are just routinely talking." Indeed, whenever I get my inkshed back, I see many valuable comments ma de by the instructor. Â
Saturday, August 24, 2019
Community Initiatives of Pfizer Company Term Paper
Community Initiatives of Pfizer Company - Term Paper Example Pfizer is among the leaders of the global pharmaceutical markets. It owes its success to the continuous investments in learning and innovation and to the development of sophisticated medical products that meet the changing needs of consumers. Thousands of researchers and professionals in various fields dream of being employed by Pfizer – the company that has proved to be an example of excellent employment opportunities and career prospects. However, Pfizer is not simply a prospective employer but is the company that cares a lot about communities, for which it works. Community programs are among the basic aspects of the company’s corporate performance. Pfizer invests significant resources in the development and implementation of various community program solutions. Although community programs are an essential element of the company’s corporate social responsibility, Pfizer should be more careful with its community program expenses, not to sacrifice other, no less important employment and corporate programs. Pfizer, Inc. is well-known as one of the most prominent leaders of the global pharmaceutical market. Founded in 1849, Pfizer currently resides in Brooklyn, New York and holds its headquarters in New York City. Today, Pfizer employs more than 100,000 people, of which more than 10,000 are medical researchers.1 The company comprises around 70 manufacturing and 50 distribution centers around the world, but the main Pfizer facilities are located in the United States.2 The company operates in almost 200 countries and its net income in 2005 exceeded $8 billion.3 Today, Pfizer is a publicly traded company, and its stakeholders include medical researchers, medical professionals, and individuals. Pfizer operates through the Board of Directors, which comprises 14 members, with 11 of them being independent.4
Friday, August 23, 2019
Business advantages for mobile apps Research Paper - 1
Business advantages for mobile apps - Research Paper Example The members of a business organization at various horizontals and verticals can stay focused, up-to-date and organized for all business operations. An overwhelming advantage is the cutting edge marketing procedure offered by the mobile applications. The launching of mobile applications is easier and faster than loading of a mobile website. The interference of mobile phones in the professional lives of people helps in reducing time for marketing products and services. The target customers can be reached through their mobile smart phones through promotional messages even when they cannot access their emails. The mobile applications are applications that are run through the internet and are intended to run on mobile smart phones and other mobile devices. The customized mobile applications developed by the business house allow the company to manifold its performance. The increased flexibility and performance is a key advantage of mobile application technology (Mallick, 2003, 196). Mobiles phones are personal devices and each person has a unique experience of accessing the mobile applications. Services like geo-location services, video footage and audio recordings for advertisements, news applications and various features attracts the interest of the customers to install the applications in their mobile devices (McClure et al, 2012, p. 10). The internet services that were previously available only on the desktops or laptops have now arrived on mobile phones. There are three distinct advantages identified with the use of mobile applications; these are â€Å"speed, volume of information, an d advertising†(Walters, 2012). Speed is of prime importance in today’s society. In our daily rat race most of us cannot afford to spend the amount of time staring at the computer while it boots up and gets ready for an internet session. Students, working people and others mostly access the internet these days on mobile phones. The mobile applications do not
Thursday, August 22, 2019
Web 2.0 Learning Essay Example for Free
Web 2.0 Learning Essay The original wiki, The Portland Pattern Repository (Portland pattern repository, n. d) was created by Full Name Cunningham in 1995 (c2. com/cgi. wiki? WikiHistory – reference properly – if there is no author use the title of the page The definition of a wiki is a webpage or set of webpages that can be easily edited by anyone who is allowed access (Edersbach et al. ,2006 ). The overriding goal of a wiki is to become a shared repository of knowledge with the knowledge base growing over time (Godwin-Jones, 2003). Chawner and Lewis (2004) noted that a wiki is an example of â€Å"social software†, â€Å"a type of software that makes it easy for groups of people to work in a virtual environment†. However, Viegas , Wattenberg and Dave (2004) indicate that wikis are vulnerable to malicious edits or â€Å"vandalism,†which can be a problem at may levels. However, Cych (2006) argues that acts of vandalism and mistakes are rectified quite quickly by the self-moderation processes at work (a couple of sentences expanding on this issue is needed here – if I were you I’d try and refer to something which discusses the accuracy of wikipedia against the encyclopeadia britannica). As an alternative to the global editing of wiki’s, restricting access to registered users only is often used for professional, work group wikis. One of the great features of a wiki is its capacity to be able easily editable. A wiki has the capacity to be able to be edited collaboratively rather the information presented in wikis have the option to be edited or added utilizing a very rudimentary mark-up computer code that would use a internet explorer or browser. Broken down, one page within a wiki is referred by many as a wiki page as compared to the entire set of wiki pages is called a wiki when taken into consideration (Cunningham Leuf 2001). Thus, it can be generalized that a wiki is a collection of information where contributors can contribute collectively and users can access freely information. This has been proven as one of the most accessible or effective web 2. 0 applications in providing accessible and affordable information to students and researchers. One characteristic of a wiki that has made it so popular in sharing and communicating information to students is its ease of usability. Students need not have a degree in computer science or web applications but rather just the passion of sharing intuition and a little bit of patience in order to learn the scripts involved in the programming. They are free and without any need for registration so that users need not have the need to register or pay any amount (Aigrain 2003). It also offers real-time editing and creation so it provides the opportunity for students, researchers and faculty with much needed time as they acquire, research, and provide information within the educational institution. To summarize, unlike blogs, Wikis tend to be more structured and flexible,and, while blogs can be highly personal, wikis are intensely collaborative (Godwin-Jones, 2003). Wikipedia Wikipedia is full blown example of a Wiki. Wikipedia is the pet-project of Wikimedia Foundation which is a non-profit organization that aims to provide encyclopaedia-type information to internet users. Wikipedia has then turned out to become almost a household name, with more than 8,000,000 online articles that is accessible in the internet and is presented in more than 250 languages (it is noteworthy that almost 2,000,000 of those articles are made in English). These articles are peer-developed, rather they are developed and continually improved by researchers, users and experts of a particular field in order to provide the most accurate and up to date information on a given topic/subject (Hinchcliffe, 2006). Currently, Wikipedia holds just below 610 million words which are approximately 15 times more than what Encyclopaedia Britannica holds in these books (Godwin-Jones, 2003). Because of its nature of being able to be written collaboratively by practically anyone that has something to contribute in the page, its fame and usefulness as a resource for information has steadily increased even from the start of its creation. Currently Wikipedia is within the top ten websites around the world that is being visited daily by users worldwide (Chawner Lewis, 2004). The name â€Å"Wikipedia†that was developed by Wikimedia is a combination of two words – Wiki which points to an online collaborative effort in creating an article or text and Encyclopedia (Godwin-Jones, 2003). But fame is without its critics. Because of Wikipedia’s astronomical rise and open nature, other people critical about these aspects have begun to look closer on wikipedia’s accuracy, precision with respect to how it is able to present information and reliability for users and researchers alike. Wikipedia has been constantly hounded with comments pertaining to high vulnerability of being vandalized and used for spreading wrong information that can be used as reference. However, because of its huge support from users, contributors and sub-programs have begun to address these problems (Chawner Lewis, 2004). In addition to this, there were studies conducted that focused on these two aspects of wikipedia and they showed that in general, Wikipedia’s instances of vandalism is rather short-lived and is as accurate as any other encyclopaedia, online or hard bound. Because of this it has won such prestigious awards as the Time Person of the year that focused on how Web 2. 0 technologies has furthered and practically galvanized online collaboration and collective effort throughout the world in order to produce scholarly articles for free.
Wednesday, August 21, 2019
Hemingways Writing Style Essay Example for Free
Hemingways Writing Style Essay From almost the beginning of his writing career, Hemingways distinctive style occasioned a great deal of comment and controversy. Basically, his style is simple, direct, and unadorned, probably as a result of his early newspaper training. He avoids the adjective whenever possible, but because he is a master at transmitting emotion without the flowery prose of his Victorian novelist predecessors, the effect is far more telling. In Observations on the Style of Ernest Hemingway, from Contexts of Criticism by Harry Levin (Harvard University Press, 1957), the critic says: Hemingway puts his emphasis on nouns because, among other parts of speech, they come closest to things. Stringing them along by means of conjunctions, he approximates the actual flow of experience. Hemingway has often been described as a master of dialog, and most readers agree, upon being first introduced to his writing, that this is the way these characters would really talk. It is interesting to note, however, that Hemingways one attempt at playwriting was a failure. Actually, a close examination of his dialog will reveal that this is rarely the way people really speak. The effect is accomplished, rather, by the calculated emphasis and repetition which makes us remember what has been said. Since the critics cannot entirely agree on Hemingways style, perhaps the best way is to put it into the authors own words. Shortly before his tragic death, Hemingway gave to the Wisdom Foundation in California a collection of his observations on life and art, love and death. They were published in the January 1963, issue of Playboy magazine, and in them Hemingway said of his writing: I do most of my work in my head. I never begin to write until my ideas are in order. Frequently I recite passages of dialogue as it is being written; the ear is a good censor. I never set down a sentence on paper until I have it so expressed that it will be clear to anyone. Yet, I sometimes think that my style is suggestive rather than direct. The reader must often use his imagination or lose the most subtle part of my thoughts. I take great pains with my work, pruning and revising with a tireless hand. I have the welfare of my creations very much at heart. I cut them with infinite care, and burnish them until they become brilliants. What many another writer would be content to leave in massive proportions, I polish into a tiny gem. Hemingway goes on at some length, but the essence of what he says may be in this paragraph: A writers style should be direct and personal, his imagery rich and earthy, and his words simple and vigorous. The greatest writers have the gift of brilliant brevity, are hard workers, diligent scholars and competent stylists. To explain Hemingways style adequately in a few paragraphs is impossible. Scores of articles, and even some books, have been written on the subject, and it is to these that the serious student should go for additional, more detailed information.
Business Analysis of Morrisons
Business Analysis of Morrisons Executive Summary In this competitive era every organization is facing financial ups and downs from last few years due to recession. UK has a wide variety of retailers all with big infrastructure and chains that include food, clothing and lots of other products. This assignment focuses on the financial growth of Morrison PLC and two other competitors of Morrison i.e. Sainsbury and Tesco. The report will shed light on the key indicators affecting the performance of Morrison and its two competitors Sainsbury and Tesco. Both Sainsbury and Tesco have a brand name in the retailing sector and give good competition to Morrison. To find out accurate result we collect both quantitative and qualitative data. Recession effects the whole world same as UK. Every company applies lots of strategies to overcome this. Some will successful and some unable of overcome the impact of recession. Morrison is one of the companies from retailing sector, which is successfully recovering from the recession, and giving tough competition to its competitors. In this assignment we will also discuss about the strategies adopted by the Morrison to overcome from recession and how it maintain it self in competitive market. And also try to find out what other methods Morrison used to increase its growth as compare to its competitors Sainsbury and Tesco Introduction Retailing industry is one of the biggest growing industries in UK. It stands on number 3rd in the world economy. Initially retailing industry used to restrain only small scale shops. But now retailers are more focused on customer services and expand their business at very large scale. In UK there are several supermarkets that have their long chains like Morrison, Sainsbury, Tesco and ASDA. From last five years UK retailing industry provide more than 190,000 employments and this figure is growing continuously (British Retail Consortium 2004b). It is estimated as 11% of the total UKS workforce.UK retailing industry provides part time jobs more then other sectors. UK retailing sector generates revenue of around 265bn per year which is the 8% of total GDP of UK economy.70% of UK supermarket is dominated by Morrison, Sainsbury, Tesco, and Asda. Morrison Morrison was founded by William Morrison in1899.In 1961 he opened his first store in Bradford. Very soon Morrison took over the Safeway and in early 2005 Morrison became the 4th largest Supermarket of UK retail industry. It has 403 stores all over the UK. Main business of Morrison is food and grocery. In 2005 Morrison generated 150,000 employments all over the UK. More then 9 million customers visit Morrison everyday. Morrison had its own warehouses and industries to maintain the demand and supply and has sufficient staff to provide better customer service. Morrison has more than 100yr experience in retailing sector. In 2008 Morrison awarded for the outstanding contribution in the retailing sector. In 2007 Sir Lan Gibson (64) joined Morrison as a non executive deputy chairmen. In 2010, 29 march Mr. Dalton Philips (43) Joined the group as Chief Executive. Mr. Mark Gunter (52) Joined Morrison as a Group retail director in the year 1993 and In 2005 Richard Pennycook was appointed as a G roup finance Director. Morrison has strong and experienced management hierarchy, which provides sustainability in the market and helped Morrison to recover from the Recession. In 210/11 Morrison sales increased 7% from the previous year. Overall growth of Morrison for this year is 12.8%. With this growth Morrison is giving tough competition to the competitors like Tesco, Asda and Sainsbury. Contribution of these three supermarkets is only 3.5%, whereas only Morrison contributes with the growth of 4.5% in 2010/11 to the market. This is one of the most beneficial years for the Morrison. USP of Morrison or reason of the growth is Morrison is use of unique manufacturing and packaging techniques and most of the food is prepared everyday to provide fresh food to the customers. Morrison continuously updated itself with use of new technologies and new innovative tools in supermarket. Now days Morrison is working on incorporating digital technology in its operations. Morrison provides all te chnological facilities to the customers like online shopping, self checkouts, card payments etc. Subsidiaries of Morrison plc- Farmers boy limited Neerock limited Safeway limited Rathbone kear limited Optimization developments limited Bos brothers fruit and vegetables Farock insurance company limited Optimization developments limited These are the few subsidiaries of Morrison from where Morrison purchase their food for the customers. Sainsbury:- Sainsbury was established in the year 1869. Today Sainsbury has 890 stores out of which 547 are supermarkets and 343 are convince stores. It has joint venture with land securities group PLC and The British Land Company PLC. It also has Sainsburys bank in collaboration with Lloyds bank. Sainsbury serves fresh, healthy and tasty food. It entertains around 19 million consumers a week and has over 16 % share in market. It has a workforce of 15000 people. Tesco :- Tesco is one of the biggest retailers in UK. Tesco has expanded its business almost all over the world like USA, Europe, Asia etc. In UK, Tesco started in 1924. It has 2482 stores and 287669 numbers of employees. Tesco was formed by Sir Jack Cohen. It was the first self service store. Tesco introduced the concept of superstores in 1967.Tesco focused on the strategy of serving good products at low cost. In 2002-03 Tesco introduced more then five thousand food products to grab the attention of customers. Tesco use many technical innovative tools to provide better service to customers like online shopping, self checkouts etc. Tesco deals in food, clothing and all other daily use products. Tesco is one the biggest competitor for Morrison. Quantitative Data data which we can quantify and verify and that can be manipulated statistically is called quantitative data. The data which is in the form of numbers and figures is quantitative data. Quantitative data analysis plays an important role in analyzing the business performance of a company. Both quantitative and qualitative data are necessary to analyze the business performance of a company in a better way. Financial ratio analysis is a type of quantitative analysis to analyze the performance of a business. Financial analysis- we can define financial analysis as the analysis of the financial condition of the company. It involves investigating if the capital is efficiently invested, efficiency of oprations, profitability of the company and the security of the debtors money . there are two types of financial analysis techniques- fund flow analysis and financial ratio analysis. Company requires these techniques to analyse if it is efficiently investing and using its financial resources. Tools and techniques of financial statement analysis- Horizontal and vertical analysis Ratio analysis Horizontal analysis- analyzing and comparing the financial data of a company of 2 or more years is called horizontal analysis Vertical analysis- this analysis is conducted on profit and loss account or on balance sheet and the result calculated is in percentage of a total amount. Ratio analysis- it is the most excepted and widely used technique. The result is calculated as one number articulated in terms of other. In this assignment we will be using this technique to quantitatively analyze the performance of Morrison with respect to its competitors Sainsbury and Tesco. Some of the ratios analyzed for Morrison, Sainsbury and Tesco are stated below- PROFITABILITY RATIOS- it can be defined as evaluation of the total performance and the effectiveness of the company. Some of the profitability ratios are discussed below- ROCE- This ratio stands for return on capital employed. We know that the main aim of the company for investing its financial resources is the profit it is reaping out of it. Therefore we can say that it is the success of a business in meeting its goals. Formula for return on capital employed- [Profit before interest and tax/capital employed] x100 Significance- It is one of the widely excepted methods to analyze the profitability and the overall performance of the company. It gives us information if the investment of the capital is optimal or not and funds are efficiently allocated and utilized by the company or not. Calculations- ROCE calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (612/4378) x100=13.97 In 2009- (655/4520) x100=14.49 In 2010- (858/4949) x100=17.33 ROCE calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (479/4935) x100=9.7 In 2009- (466/4376) x100=10.64 In 2010- (733/4966) x100=14.76 ROCE calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (1402/12099) x100=11.58 In 2009- (1419/12942) x100=10.96 In 2010- (1596/14681) x100=10.87 Net Profit Margin- it is the ratio of total net profit a company gains after eliminating all the taxes divided by the net sales. It is articulated in percentage. Formula: Net Profit Margin= [profit before interest and tax/sales or turnover] x100 Significance- to examine the overall profit of the company this ratio is used and is significantly used by proprietors. The return on investment depends upon the net profit. Calculations- Net Profit Margin calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (612/12151) x100=5.03 In 2009- (655/13615) x100=4.81 In 2010- (858/14348) x100=5.97 Net Profit Margin calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (479/16835) x100=2.84 In 2009- (466/17875) x100=2.60 In 2010- (733/18882) x100=3.88 Net Profit Margin calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (1402/23684) x100=5.91 In 2009- (1419/25734) x100=5.51 In 2010- (1596/27485) x100=5.80 Net Asset Turnover- it can be defined as the measure of capability of the firm to generate turnover by an efficient utilization of its assets. Formula- sales or turnover/capital employed Significance- higher is the ratio more efficiently and optimally the company has utilized its assets and lower ratio means the assets are underutilized. Higher is the ratio signifies the requirement of very low investment in the business and if the ratio is low it signifies incompetent management. Calculations- Net Asset Turnover calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- 12151/4378=2.77 In 2009- 13615/4520=3.01 In 2010- 14348/4949=2.89 Net Asset Turnover calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- 16835/4935=3.41 In 2009- 17875/4379=4.08 In 2010- 18882/4966=3.80 Net Asset Turnover calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- 23684/12099=1.95 In 2009- 25734/12942=1.98 In 2010- 27485/14681=1.87 Gross Profit Margin- it can be defined as the total amount of profit a firm can generate by selling its goods. Formula- [gross profit/sales or turnover] x100 Significance- it is an indication of how much the selling price of per unit of goods can be lowered without any loss in operations of the company. Higher is this ratio more efficient is the production of goods in the company and vice versa. Calculations- Gross Profit Margin calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (818/12151) x100=6.73 In 2009- (913/13615) x100=6.70 In 2010- (1062/14348) x100=7.40 Gross Profit Margin calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (1002/16835) x100=5.95 In 2009- (1036/17875) x100=5.79 In 2010- (1082/18882) x100=5.73 Gross Profit Margin calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (1761/23684) x100=7.43 In 2009- (2048/25734) x100=7.95 In 2010- (2270/27485) x100=8.25 ACTIVITY RATIOS- It is the measure of how efficiently and optimally the resources of a company are engaged. It is also known as turnover ratio because it is the measure of how quickly the assets are converted into sales. Stock days or Stock turnover- it is the relationship of cost of sold items during an interval of time and cost of average inventory during a particular interval of time. It tells about the times the company is able to convert the inventory into sales and the efficiency of company to manage its inventory. Formula- [stock or inventory/cost of sales] x365 Significance- it is the measure of how quick a company can convert its inventory into sales. Higher is this ratio indicates more efficient the company is an managing its inventory. It means the company is able to sell more and therefore will have adequate capital to get new inventory and vice versa. Calculations- Stock turnover calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (442/12151) x365=13 days In 2009- (494/13615) x365=13 days In 2010- (577/14348) x365=14 days Stock turnover calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (681/16835) x365=15 days In 2009- (689/17875) x365=14 days In 2010- (702/18882) x365=13 days Stock turnover calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (2603/23684) x365=40 days In 2009- (2669/25734) x365=37 days In 2010- (2729/27485) x365=36 days LIQUIDITY RATIOS- It is a financial technique to measure the short term solvency of the company financial condition. It is the measure of the capacity of a company to fulfill its short term obligations. Current ratio- it the relationship of companys current assets to its current liabilities. It is the measure of the potential of a company to accomplish its short term obligations. Formula- current assets/current liabilities Significance- it in the measure of how liquid are the assets of a company. It tells us how much safe a company is for its creditors. It is the measure of how stable company is financially. Higher ratio shows that company is more efficient to fulfill their short term obligations and vice versa. Calculations- Current ratio calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- 910/1853=0.49 In 2009- 1066/2024=0.52 In 2010- 1092/2152=0.50 Current ratio calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- 1722/2652=0.64 In 2009- 1591/2919=0.54 In 2010- 1853/2793=0.66 Current ratio calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- 6648/12689=0.52 In 2009- 13669/18115=0.75 In 2010- 11392/16015=0.71 Quick ratio- it is also called as liquid ratio or acid test ratio. It the relationship of liquid assets of company to its current liabilities. Formula- current assets less stocks/current liabilities Significance- It is the measure of how capable a company is in meeting in obligations and promises. Higher is this ratio indicates that company is more capable to meet its objectives and obligations. Calculations- Quick ratio calculation of Morrison for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (910-442)/1853=0.25 In 2009- (1066-494)/2024=0.28 In 2010- (1092-577)/2152=0.23 Quick ratio calculation of Sainsbury for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (1722-681)/2652=0.39 In 2009- (1591-689)/2919=0.30 In 2010- (1853-702)/2793=0.41 Quick ratio calculation of Tesco for the financial year 2008-2010- In 2008- (6648-2603)/12689=0.31 In 2009- (13669-2669)/18115=0.60 In 2010- (11392-2729)/16015=0.54 Comparison- Year-2010 Morrison Sainsbury Tesco ROCE 17.33 14.76 10.87 Net Profit Margin 5.97 3.88 5.80 Net Asset Turnover 2.89 3.80 1.87 Gross Profit Margin 7.40 5.73 8.25 Stock Turnover 14 days 13 days 36 days Current ratio 0.50 0.66 0.71 Quick ratio 0.23 0.41 0.54 Ratio analysis carried on Morrison, Sainsbury and Tesco for the financial year 2010 The above data shows some of the ratios analyzed for M orison, Sainsbury and Tesco for the financial year 2010.from the above data we can see that the ROCE ratio for the Morrison is high as compare to its competitors. Higher is this ratio high is the profitability and overall performance of the company. Thus Morrison tops the chart followed by Sainsbury and then Tesco at the last. If we have a look at the Net Profit Margin we can see that Morrison has the highest followed by Tesco and then Sainsbury. Since higher is the net profit margining more profitable is the business. Thus Morrison has made more profits as compared to Sainsbury and Tesco in concern of the revenue they have generated. If we compare the net asset turnover ratio Sainsbury tops the chart followed by Morrison and Tesco in the last. This data tells us that Sainsbury has made lowest investment followed by Morrison and Tesco lag behind in the race indicating inefficient use and management of resources. Looking at the gr oss profit margin Tesco has the highest followed by Morrison and Sainsbury. We know that if higher is this ratio more efficient is the production of goods in the company. Thus Tesco wins in this aspect and is most efficient amongst the three in the production of goods. Analyzing the stock turnover ratio Sainsbury has the least followed by Morrison and Tesco has the highest. Lower is this more quick is company in converting its stock into sales and more is the profit. Current ratio of Morrison is the least followed by Sainsbury and Tesco. Since higher is this ratio more is the ability of firm to pay its shorter debts. Thus Tesco wins in this race. Comparing the quick ratio, again Tesco has the highest, then Sainsbury and then Morrison. More is this ratio indicates more financially strong is the company. Thus Tesco again tops the chart. From the above discussion we can see that in some areas Morrison is doing good like profitability and in some areas it as lagging like financial strength as compare to its competitors Sainsbury and Tesco. Therefore Morrison should keep on working hard to compete with its competitors. Similarly we can compare the financial data of Morrison, Sainsbury and Tesco for the other financial years 2008 and 2009. QUALITATIVE DATA- It can be defined as ways of collecting information to illustrate the meaning of a situation or a problem instead of focusing on statistical approach of analysis. They help to explain a situation in more depth and with more description. There are lot of qualitative methods in the management study to analyze the business of the company and its competitors. We will be using Porter and PESTEL analysis to qualitatively analyze the business and the market environment for Morrison, Sainsbury and Tesco in UK. Porters five forces Overall Level of Rivalry In retailing industry, UK is dominated by the Morrison, Tesco and Sainsbury. All three are big brand names in supermarket of UK. All three gives good competition to each other. All have equal number of resources to attract the customers. Power of Buyer Customer is the king of todays era. So the power of buyers is relatively high, customer have lots of options so he can easily switch between suppliers. It affects the overall profit of the organization. But due to less number of competitors Morrison have chance to attract more and more customers by providing more offers to its customers and using new strategies. Power of Supplier All big brands have their own manufacturing units , which decrease the power of suppliers .Moreover , purchasing from outside make the cost of a product high and reduce the profit , so organizations prefers to avoid purchasing goods from outsiders. In retailing sector suppliers are dominated by the consumers. Threat of New Entry -The threat of new entry in supermarket is very low, because it requires huge investment and big infrastructure. Apart from this new organization has to provide food and other material at very low cost to sustain in the market and compete with the existing retailers, which is quite hard. Secondly, consumer acceptance is one the major issue for new entries in this sector which makes supermarkets less attractive as compare to other sectors. Threat of Alternatives Because all three supermarkets deal in food and grocery, a long range of products is always available to the customers. So, the customer always has the chance to switch between products. It depends on the way of customer service and the cost and quality of the product, which can bind up the customer with the product and the same organization. To Sustain in market and maintain the growth rate, Morrison have to provide the good customer service and better product at low coast as compare to competitors. PESTEL Analysis Through PESTEL Analysis we can identify the external environmental factors which impact on the performance of Morrison and its competitors Tesco and Sainsbury. Political Government of UK has imposed strict rules and regulation for the company to protect the environment e.g. laws related to waste disposal by companies. Food and other retailers will have to follow these rules planned by EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) and it will affect the cost of businesses. The bovine tuberculosis and chronic diseases through waste will compel the government to make more strict and stiff rules against these companies for the protection of company. European food authority has imposed regulations on food retailers to indicate the nutritional information and standard of quality of their products. The competition commission of uk and office of fair trading keep an eye on the main five supermarket retailing companies due to their high market share in the supermarket industry. Economic Rise or failure in economy has a direct impact on the business because it affects the purchasing power of consumer. After 2008, UK officially declared the recession in economy. Though, government helps a lot to reduce the impact of recession on business and normal people by cutting interest rates. (Euromonitor, 2010), and it in turn helps to increase the purchasing power of customers and increase the business in UK. Whereas people are still not able to become heavy spender like before. Now a days people think twice before spending money and avoid to buy the product which are less in use which affect the overall profit of business.(Keynote,2010). After, 2010 economy of UK has started growing up slowly and purchasing power of customer is increasing day by day. Social In UK population , there are less young people and children as compare to retired people.(Herald Scotland,2010) which affects the retailing business of food and grocery because it is understood that the eating and purchasing habits of older people is totally different and slow as compare to youngsters . They prefer light food mainly cooked at home and they like home deliveries to avoid the shopping, which cost extra to the stores. Apart from this older people dont believe in online shopping because they find it inconvenient and difficult to use (Turban et al., 2001), overall it affects the business growth. Technological In this technological era every sector try to use new innovative tools to increase the performance and provide better customer service. Same is the case with supermarkets. Now a days every super market use technological tools like online shopping, self checkouts, card payments which is a revolution in the supermarkets. With the help of these technical tools retailers can increase the productivity and efficiency of the employees and business and reduce the billing time of customers which automatically provide customer satisfaction and help to increase the overall profit. According to national statistics, 2010, people using internet have grown by 50% from last few years. In UK more than 70% people know the use of internet and prefer to use online shopping which saves time and money of customer. Environmental In UK, People believe in recycling, reduced packaging and avoid plastic bags. This kind of initiatives towards the improvement of environment is also promoted by UK government and Morrison actively takes part in CSR. From last few years more then 70% people have stopped using plastic bags and prefer to use reusable bags for shopping which cut down the packing cost of a product and increase the profit of an organization.(Office for National Statistics,2010) Legal By HM Treasury, 2010, UK govt. has increased the VAT charges by 20% on the products, which affects the overall profit of organizations. Apart from this National minimum wage in UK is very high as compare to other countries which is one the reason of reduction in profit on the products for the supermarkets. It is assumed that standard UK minimum wages could increase by 15% which can affect badly on the supermarkets of UK. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Morrison should move its focus towards different product categories instead of just focusing on being a specialist in food products in order to compete with other competitors like Sainsbury and Tesco. 2. Morrison should pay attention towards analyzing its financial and other resources and should try to strategically allocate these resources in an optimal fashion to achieve improvement in performance and efficiency of the overall business. 3. This is a world of technology and development. Thus Morrison should try to incorporate new and better technology like self checkouts and other form of technology like digital technology which should have features like online shopping in order to provide better customer service to its customers and compete with other competitors in the market. 4. Morrison should focus on better customer service and should focus on the concepts of CSR to fulfill its role and duties towards the society and the environment. CONCLUSIONS- 1. The financial analysis of Morrison shows that it is able to use its financial resources optimally and is able to fulfill its duties towards the creditors. But it really needs to work hard to improve on where it is lagging and it has a long way to go. 2. Morrison financial statement shows that the flow of fund and cash is strong and it is efficiently managing its financial resources but needs to improve more. 3. Morrison is working on the concept of CSR and understands its duties towards society and environment. This will help Morrison to build a good image and relationship with people in society. It was recorded that it did charity of around 1.18 million pounds. 4. Morrison should focus on adding new food products which are healthy to attract more customers.
Tuesday, August 20, 2019
Urbanization & Applied Anthropology Essay -- Anthropology
Urbanization is the process of life for many and the desired way of life for many others. Human beings both inhabit urban and rural areas today all over the world. Many people may be disappointed with the development of an increasing number of urban areas. Many peoples once rural areas are now swallowed up directly as cities sprawl outward. The effects of urbanization both positive and negative get examined in the following paragraphs. In addition, who is most effected by urbanization and who plays a role in preventing and/or properly planning development will also be revealed. Anthropology wears many hats in the world today. Human society gets impacted directly by the decisions made by countries or government agencies with the assistance of anthropologist. Let’s begin to examine where we are and where we are going with urbanization. Human societies live in settlements that get classified as rural or urban. Urban areas include human created structures and there are more residents that inhabit the area. Rural or country areas often develop randomly. Natural vegetation and land availability often play a significant role in determining human settlement in rural regions. Increasing the amount of rural areas becomes the focus of agencies and the government. Many urban areas were once rural areas before becoming developed. Urban areas include advanced civic amenities. Opportunities such as education, transportation, business, and social interface all typically increase in urban areas. Natural resources and natural events are often the basis for settlement in rural areas. Urban areas receive benefits of manmade advancements. Sciences and technology are playing an increasing role in day to day society functioning properly. Urban ar... ...n.d.). UN News Center. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Kottak, C. P. (2012). Window on humanity: A concise introduction to anthropology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Smrcka, K. (2010, April 23). Effects of urbanisation to be most pronounced in megacities. Engineering News. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Urbanization and Global Change. (2006, January 04). The Global Change Program at the University of Michigan. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Urbanization It’s Causes,Effects and Benefits. (2010, July 01). Why Articles. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Urbanization & Applied Anthropology Essay -- Anthropology Urbanization is the process of life for many and the desired way of life for many others. Human beings both inhabit urban and rural areas today all over the world. Many people may be disappointed with the development of an increasing number of urban areas. Many peoples once rural areas are now swallowed up directly as cities sprawl outward. The effects of urbanization both positive and negative get examined in the following paragraphs. In addition, who is most effected by urbanization and who plays a role in preventing and/or properly planning development will also be revealed. Anthropology wears many hats in the world today. Human society gets impacted directly by the decisions made by countries or government agencies with the assistance of anthropologist. Let’s begin to examine where we are and where we are going with urbanization. Human societies live in settlements that get classified as rural or urban. Urban areas include human created structures and there are more residents that inhabit the area. Rural or country areas often develop randomly. Natural vegetation and land availability often play a significant role in determining human settlement in rural regions. Increasing the amount of rural areas becomes the focus of agencies and the government. Many urban areas were once rural areas before becoming developed. Urban areas include advanced civic amenities. Opportunities such as education, transportation, business, and social interface all typically increase in urban areas. Natural resources and natural events are often the basis for settlement in rural areas. Urban areas receive benefits of manmade advancements. Sciences and technology are playing an increasing role in day to day society functioning properly. Urban ar... ...n.d.). UN News Center. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Kottak, C. P. (2012). Window on humanity: A concise introduction to anthropology. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill. Smrcka, K. (2010, April 23). Effects of urbanisation to be most pronounced in megacities. Engineering News. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Urbanization and Global Change. (2006, January 04). The Global Change Program at the University of Michigan. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from Urbanization It’s Causes,Effects and Benefits. (2010, July 01). Why Articles. Retrieved April 07, 2012, from
Monday, August 19, 2019
William Shakespeare :: English Literature Essays
William Shakespeare William Shakespeare was a very successful man; he was an English dramatist and poet. (1) He is considered the greatest playwright who ever lived. His comedies, sonnets, (the solid fact, however, of Meres’s mention of the Sonnets, two of which (though the whole collection was not published till ten years later) appeared secret, it would seem, next year (1599), introduces another range of hypothetical exercise in biography, which has sometimes been followed in opposition to the former method, but has been more frequently combined with it so as to permit of even more fruitful and wilder expatiation.), tragedies, and poetry. He has been famous ever since all of his works. He wasn’t really recognized then, because people didn’t know or understand who he was, now people know what he has done. The table of Shakespeare's plays is uncertain, but a reasonable approximation of their order can be imply from dates of publication, references in contemporary writings, and resources in the plays to contemporary events, thematic relationships, and metrical and stylistic comparisons. One of his accomplishments was his famous tragedy; it was called â€Å"Romeo & Juliet†, written by Shakespeare at a somewhat connection in his literary career, most probably in 1594 or 1595. In Romeo and Juliet the main plot, in which the new love between Romeo and Juliet comes into conflict with the longstanding hatred between their families, is skillfully advanced, while the true development of minor characters supports and enriches it. The most complex of Shakespeare's early plays, Romeo and Juliet is far more than (2) â€Å"a play of young love†or â€Å"the world's typical love-tragedy.†Weaving together a large number of related impressions and judgments, it is as much about hate as love. It tells of a family and its home as well as a feud and a tragic marriage. The public life of Verona and the private lives of the Veronese make up the setting for the love of Juliet and Romeo and provide the background against which their love can be estimated. (1) The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 1994-2000, â€Å"William Shakespeare†(2) The Columbia Electronic Encyclopedia, 1994- 2000, â€Å"William Shakespeare†It is not the deaths of the lovers that enclose the play but the public revelation of what has happened, with the admonitions of the Prince and the reconciliation of the two families. Another one of William’s works of art is Hamlet. Hamlet is a legendary Danish prince and hero of Shakespeare’s play Hamlet.
Sunday, August 18, 2019
Shakespeares Tempest - A Tired and Dated Work? :: Shakespeare Tempest
The Tempest: Immortal Classic or Tired and Dated Work? Why do educators hold the works of Shakespeare in such high regard? Should The Tempest be considered an "immortal classic"? Indeed Shakespeare's works had great significance in the evolution of English literature, but these works, including The Tempest are mostly devoid of significance and literary value in the present day. One can expect to gain little appreciation for fine literature from the reading of Shakespeare's works for reasons enumerate. First of all, the colorful and sophisticated metaphoric vernacular style of the language utilized is archaic; even the speech of intellectually refined individuals and other respected literary works do not imploy of this rich style of speech. The poemic composition of The Tempest does not increase one's ability to appreciate distinguished literature because the refined and respected works of most other classical writers are in novel form and thus differ highly from Shakesperian works in the literary devices and mannerisms from which th ey are comprised. The Tempest was written in early seventeeth century England. At this period of history and country the English language was quite different from what it is today in many ways. First, standard, formal vocabulary was different at this time. An great example is found in the line " bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!" (act 1 sc. 1, p. 9). In this line, the word incharitable is the modern equivalent of the word uncharitable. The standard dictionary word has changed prefixes somewhere througout the centuries. Another thing that would have made a further gap between the vernacular in the play and modern English is Shakespeare's deployment of common language,or slang (although I have no proof because I don't speak sixteenth century slang). "A pox o' your throught..." (act 1 sc.1, p. 9) and "...give o'er..."(act 1 sc. 1, p. 9). These phrases seem to be slang therms because they are so deviant from there modern english equvalents, "curses on" and "give up", respe ctiveley. What value does learning the archaic vernacular give to the reader. Surely it does not increase thier word power or sophisticate their vocabulary, for nowhere, not even in among people of high intellectual refinement such as venerable college professers, is this dead language used. Another distinctive trait of the vernacular used in The Tempest is the heavy use of metaphor. This use of metaphor is so heavy and outlandish that it becomes extrodinarily difficult to interpret and causes the words to fall into chaotic ambiguity. Shakespeare's Tempest - A Tired and Dated Work? :: Shakespeare Tempest The Tempest: Immortal Classic or Tired and Dated Work? Why do educators hold the works of Shakespeare in such high regard? Should The Tempest be considered an "immortal classic"? Indeed Shakespeare's works had great significance in the evolution of English literature, but these works, including The Tempest are mostly devoid of significance and literary value in the present day. One can expect to gain little appreciation for fine literature from the reading of Shakespeare's works for reasons enumerate. First of all, the colorful and sophisticated metaphoric vernacular style of the language utilized is archaic; even the speech of intellectually refined individuals and other respected literary works do not imploy of this rich style of speech. The poemic composition of The Tempest does not increase one's ability to appreciate distinguished literature because the refined and respected works of most other classical writers are in novel form and thus differ highly from Shakesperian works in the literary devices and mannerisms from which th ey are comprised. The Tempest was written in early seventeeth century England. At this period of history and country the English language was quite different from what it is today in many ways. First, standard, formal vocabulary was different at this time. An great example is found in the line " bawling, blasphemous, incharitable dog!" (act 1 sc. 1, p. 9). In this line, the word incharitable is the modern equivalent of the word uncharitable. The standard dictionary word has changed prefixes somewhere througout the centuries. Another thing that would have made a further gap between the vernacular in the play and modern English is Shakespeare's deployment of common language,or slang (although I have no proof because I don't speak sixteenth century slang). "A pox o' your throught..." (act 1 sc.1, p. 9) and "...give o'er..."(act 1 sc. 1, p. 9). These phrases seem to be slang therms because they are so deviant from there modern english equvalents, "curses on" and "give up", respe ctiveley. What value does learning the archaic vernacular give to the reader. Surely it does not increase thier word power or sophisticate their vocabulary, for nowhere, not even in among people of high intellectual refinement such as venerable college professers, is this dead language used. Another distinctive trait of the vernacular used in The Tempest is the heavy use of metaphor. This use of metaphor is so heavy and outlandish that it becomes extrodinarily difficult to interpret and causes the words to fall into chaotic ambiguity.
Saturday, August 17, 2019
Psychodynamic Theories Essay
As a group over the last few weeks we have been dicussing has a group the 3 main theories of counselling and after careful deliberation ive chosen to do my presentation on the psychodynamic theory. Psychodynamics is the theory and systematic study of the psychological forces that underlie human behaviour. It is especially interested in the dynamic relations between conscious and unconscious motivation . Psychodynamic therapies depend upon a theory of inner conflict, wherein repressed behaviours and emotions surface into the patient’s consciousness; generally, one conflict is subconscious . Psychodynamics was initially developed by Sigmund Freud ,Carl Jung and Alfred Adler. By the mid 1940s and into the 1950s, the general application of the â€Å"psychodynamic theory†had been well established. When talking about Psychodynamic theory the first name that pops into most peoples heads is Sigmund Freud. Sigmund Freud was Born in Austria on May 6, 1856, Sigmund Freud theorized and practiced neuropsychology, studying first hysteria and then sexuality. A highly controversial intellectual figure of the 20th century, he studied dreams, defined what he called the Oedipus complex and laid out three stages of infantile sexual development . He remains one of the most influential figures in today’s world. His name alone symbolizes the importance of his theories, and the name that comes to most people’s heads when saying the word psychology is Sigmund Freud. Freud was a psychodynamic psychologist and that came from Freud’s view on the mind is in the shape of an iceberg. He believes that mankind’s mind works in the unconscious. Every choice that mankind makes he is aware of, but maybe the consequences of our action might be unknown. The Structure of Personality which is another interesting part of Freud’s theory basically states that we have an ID, a Superego and an Ego. The ID is a biological reservoir of urges and impulses that need to be gratified. He says the ID does not have a conscious , it acts on instinct and it seeks out gratification and pleasure. It is the pleasure principle. The Superego is the Morality Principle, and the Superego knows the difference between right and wrong. The Superego is a bunch of learned internalized morals and values of society. This is basically the thing that keeps the ID in check. Freud said that Superego is our conscious, and that the Superego is the most powerful tool (guilt and pride). Last but not least is the Ego, which is the reality principle. The Ego finds socially acceptable ways to satisfy the ID. It finds the balance between the ID and reality. The functions of the Ego is to find a compromise between the ID and the Superego. The Ego must also learn to deal with anxiety, and it also helps to boost the self-esteem. Without the Ego there would be no mental health. After researching Freud’s theory of the Structure of Personality I feel we have different parts of our behavior that we can control and that we are conscious about and there are other behaviors that come directly from our unconscious . Our ego lies to us, denies, falsifies, and distorts reality which in turn causes us to create what Freud likes to call the seven defense mechanisms. The first of the seven defense mechanisms is Repression. Repression pushes the problem to the subconscious. It is the exclusion of impulses and thoughts from the conscious mind. Next comes Denial, and denial is the cutting of the conscious mind from external threats. ANTHONY BILLSON 5. 2 PAGE 3 An example of this would be when you are walking in the mall with your girlfriend and a beautiful woman walks by and you look but when your girlfriend asks you say, â€Å"I wasn’t looking at her. †Next there is a defense mechanism called Sublimation which is the changing of bad behavior and impulses into socially acceptable behavior and impulses. One example of this could be playing football for a scholarship in order to go to college. Another defense mechanism is Reaction Formation which is a development of behavior opposite of that which brings you anxiety . The next mechanism is called Projection whichis when the unconscious attribution of your thoughts and feelings is brought onto others. Finding flaws in others is a good example of Projection. Displacement is the next defense mechanism, and this is when an urge is placed onto another object. Taking out anger onto others when you really should be mad at yourself. Last but not least is the defense mechanism of Rationalization which is giving a good reason in place of the true reason. Another well known psychologist which is actually a student of Freuds’ is Carl Jung who is also a psychodynamic psychologist, Carl Jung was born July 26, 1875 in Kesswil, Switzerland and he went a little deeper than Freud did in his theories and he challenges some of his ideas. One is that Jung’s iceberg is right side up and at the top of the iceberg is the ego, and the level underneath that is the personal unconscious, and the final level of the iceberg is finally the collective unconscious which is almost the exact opposites of Freud’s. What I mean by deeper is that he feels that man is not just sexual but spiritual as well. He says that the major difference in man is based on the Libido which is your sex drive. As you can see Jung has a much broader level of human interest. Jung theories are strongly based on Darwin’s theory of Evolution. Jung thinks we evolved behaviorally which has allowed us to prosper and move forward in order to keep up with society. The next part of Carl Jung’s theory is the Archetypal Complex, which are common ways of dealing with the world. In other words it’s a genetically transmitted response strategy. It ensures survival. There are two examples of Archetypal Complexes and they are the enemy archetype and the social archetype. . There are examples in everyday life when a person does not know what something is they immediately show some sort of aggression or frustration which proves they are afraid of what is different or what they do not really know or understand. The social archetype basically means strength in numbers. Also the social archetype is what we look to for support and look to interact and socialize with. The response strategy is to develop a need to conform. With the whole idea of Archetypal Complexes different people use different ways to deal with the world’s problems, and enemy archetype could not be more precise about mankind being threatened by something that is different. The next part of Jung’s theory is the idea of Individuation which is the integration of our conscious perceptions of the outside world with our unconscious archetypal experiences. Polarities, which are opposite extremes, which ties in the Principle of entropy which, is a state of disorder and a randomness of energy. The last thing Jung states in his theory is the idea of wholeness which is having both polarities of our life met. Carl Jung’s theory challenges much of Freud’s, but in some ways is similar. Jung gets more into man being more spiritual than sexual which is almost the opposite of Freud. The next psychologist that I will mention will be a social psychodynamic psychologist by the name of Alfred Adler. Adler was born on February 7, 1870 and Adler’s theory states that all of us are born with a sense of inferiority as evidenced by how weak and helpless a newborn is. ANTHONY BILLSON 5. 2 PAGE 4 By this, Adler was able to explain that this inferiority is a crucial part of our personality, in the sense that it is the driving force that pushes us to strive in order to become superior. In addition to the Inferiority Theory of Personality, Adler also considers birth order as a major factor in the development of our personality. He believed that first born children may feel inferior and may even develop inferiority complex once their younger sibling arrives. The middle born children, on the other hand, are not as pampered as their older or younger sibling, but they have a sense of superiority to dethrone their older sibling in a healthy competition. Thus they have the greatest potential to be successful in life. The youngest children may feel like they have the least power to influence other members of the family. Because they are often the most pampered, they may develop personality problems of inferiority just like the first born. He was much less of a pessimist than Freud was; Almost a complete opposite from Freud. Adler believed that society impedes humans. His view of the mind is much like Carl Jung’s, but instead of having the ego at the top he has the conscious at the top with the unconscious on the bottom. He felt that social interests drive motivation, which is an innate drive to be social and to belong. He also stated in his theory that mankind is dependent on others and their reactions and their acceptance which in turn leaves mankind very vulnerable. The main idea of this theory is that he feels that mankind is more social than biological. A great example ofthis would definitely be that in today’s schools there are cliques and clans of different people that feel that they are cooler or better and than the people who are not as popular do whatever they can to fit in with a certain group. Teenagers nowadays are probably the best example there is of Adler’s theory of social interest. Another part of Adler’s theory that he brings up is the idea of the creative self which he says drives us toward human nature. There are two parts to this theory and they are the superiority complex and the inferiority complex. First of all the superiority complex states mankind tries to better itself in order to overcome our weaknesses. The second part of this theory is the inferiority complex which is when society measures us up to their standards. This is when we begin to avoid our weaknesses instead of trying to overcome them. The next theorist is Erich Fromm who was born in Frankfurt on March 23, 1900 and he was a liberal social psychodynamic psychologist who was also a student of Freuds. He believes that man is innately good and society is the thing that corrupts him. He also feels that the conscious mind dominates over the unconscious. Fromm says man is a social creature and he believes that mankind has social needs. He says life is a struggle and society makes our lives difficult. Fromm feels that the four needs of mans’ social life are relatedness, frame of reference , identity, and transcendence. Relatedness is a basic need and it states that man needs to feel connected to humanity whether it be friends, family, or activities. It also states that man has to beinteracted with other in order to belong. The problems start when a person feels that they are not a part of something. Relatedness is probably the most powerful need. Frame of Reference are common ideas and beliefs of looking at the world. This is when we seek out a belief system or a value system. We receive our frame of reference from where we find our relatedness. Without frame of reference there is no meaning to life. Identity is the next out of the four needs of mans social life which is when you know who you are and what you stand for. With identity you have to establish your own uniqueness or identity. Recognizing differences in others help you to find your own identity. ANTHONY BILLSON 5. 2 PAGE 5 Next comes transcendence which is rarely achieved and this means to rise above societies conformities in order to be an individual. With transcendence there is a risk of losing your relatedness, and for this not to happen relatedness must allow you rise above society. A conflict of freedom and loneliness means that the more that we become transcendent the more we lose the relatedness. My last theorist to talk about is Erik Erikson, he was born in Frankfurt, Germany in 1902 . Erikson impacted psychological theories by expanding upon Freud’s original five stages of development. He believed that each person progressed through eight, and ultimately nine (added by his widow), stages of development throughout their lives. Erikson’s theories were founded on the premise that environment played a major role in self-awareness, adjustment, human development, and identity . His belief in the Life Cycle later won him a Pulitzer Prize and a National Book Award. He was selected for the Jefferson Lecture and recognized for his achievement in the area of humanities. Erikson was best known for his impact on psychology through his theory on social development and his lengthy teaching career at prestigious institutions. Now after all my researching which has took me quite a while to get through cause there are so many sources to choose from ive realised that has psychodynamic theories have developed over the years our understanding of the human psyche has evolved and so as the effectiveness of the methods used by counsellors today. There is a negative side to this theory though cause some critics argue that psychodynamic theories are not falsifiable and therefore unscientific. In response to this criticism, proponents of psychodynamic theories point out that evidence does support some psychodynamic concepts. For example, research shows that there are unconscious mental processes, that people have mental representations of other people, and that people use unconscious defense mechanisms to protect themselves from unpleasant emotions such as anxiety. Other critics argue that psychodynamic theories are made by generalizing from a small number of patients to the whole human population. Relying only on case studies can lead to faulty conclusions. Still others argue that most psychodynamic theories are not based on studies that follow people from childhood to adulthood. Instead, psychodynamic theorists listen to descriptions of an adult patient’s past and draw conclusions about the relevance of childhood experiences however memories are not always reliable.
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