Monday, September 30, 2019
Eliot and Lawrence
T. S. Eliot and D. H. Lawrence – Compare and Contrast their Techniques and Themes T. S. Eliot and D. H. Lawrence, although they are both contemporary authors of Modernist period, express different values and techniques. They are both born in 1880s when the world enters the industrial age. While both witness the dynamic transition, they both criticize the modernity but in different methods. Two authors’ relations regarding techniques and themes would be analyzed by comparing Eliot’s The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock (1915) and Lawrence’s two poem – How Beastly the Bourgeois is (1929) and Bavarian Gentians (1923).Eliot and Lawrence both display modernistic aspects. Modern middle class of England, so called Bourgeois is strongly criticized in Lawrence’s poem, How Beastly the Bourgeois is. The title itself clearly demonstrates Lawrence’s hostility towards bourgeois. The poem begins describing how bourgeois seem fancy outside. However, if he were let to be â€Å"faced with another man’s need, or to a bit of moral difficulty (11-12), he goes soggy like a wet meringue (13). He is all wormy and hollow inside just like an old mushroom.To Lawrence, bourgeois hold every aspect of cultural decay in the modern Western world. One of typical modernist tactic is to criticize modernity which includes the suddenly enhanced status of the middle class who lack corresponding intellectuals. Eliot also demonstrates Modernism. He was a key figure of Modernism and was so important a figure that the early Modernism era in 19th century is also called ‘The Age of Eliot’. In The Metaphysical Poets, written in 1915, he introduces his thoughts on what distinct features ‘Modern’ or ‘Metaphysical’ poets should use.Although his early poem The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is published prior to the book review, it also displays modernistic features. First of all, Prufrock, the speaker of the poem, is not going for ‘telos’. His utterances are not logically connected and thus fail to be accumulated into certain purpose. In this poem, his objective would be to declare his love as the title implies. However, all he does is to vision and revision (33). Constantly suggesting something bold but never do as so, he doesn’t move forward but always retreat. And indeed there will be timeTo wonder, ‘Do I dare? ’ and, ‘Do I dare? ’ Time to turn back and descend the stair, (37-39) His impotent feelings are shown in lines 39 as he descend the stair or as he uses the word ‘digress’ (66). He keeps inferring to ‘overwhelming question’ but it doesn’t lead to actions, which reminds of Bourgeois. Another similarity between Eliot and Lawrence’s poems is the coherent relationships between contents and structures. In Bavarian Gentians, gentians are compulsively modified by various embellishments. Bavarian gentians, big and dark, only dark arkening the daytime, torch-like, with the smoking blueness of Pluto's gloom, 5ribbed and torch-like, with their blaze of darkness spread blue down flattening into points, flattened under the sweep of white day torch-flower of the blue-smoking darkness, Pluto's dark-blue daze, black lamps from the halls of Dis, burning dark blue, giving off darkness, blue darkness, as Demeter's pale lamps give off light, 10lead me then, lead the way. (3-10) Words or phrases such as â€Å"big and dark, only dark and again darkening the daytime†qualifies gentians and those embellishments don’t stop until the line 6 before the main verb ‘sweep’.Compulsive embellishments start again after the main verb, and what the speaker does from line 3 to 10 is just to describe how dark and blue the gentians are. This strikingly repetitive structure helps expressing the desperate desire the speaker has for deadly vitality. Bavarian gentians itself contains vitali ty as the word ‘Bavarian’ infers. Also, its role is to lead the speaker to underworld where ultimate source of vitality seems to reside. Prufrock’s utterances are wordy and redundant as well. For instance, he uses triplets from line 122 to 124. Shall I part my hair behind? Do I dare to eat a peach?I shall wear white flannel trousers, and walk upon the beach. I have heard the mermaids singing, each to each. (122-124) Triplet is a powerful technique to finish because it lets reader to feel that something is completed. However, Prufrock could not insist temptation to add some more. Right after the triplet, he continues as if he murmurs, â€Å"I do not think they will sing to me†(125). This endless revision mars the effect of the triplet and even makes it redundant. Triplet turns out to be in vain and this structure strengthens Prufrock’s indecisive character, in accordance with contentsEliot and Lawrence are also both talented in using vivid and power ful images. In How Beastly the Bourgeois is, Lawrence borrowed the hollow and damp image of mushroom to describe Bourgeois. It starts â€Å"Nicely groomed like a mushroom†which gives some humor to the poem. In Bavarian Gentians, repetition of dark and blue makes strong impressions. The gentians are like dark torch â€Å"darkening the daytime†(4) and â€Å"their blaze of darkness†(5) assign unimaginable darkness to the gentians. The vivid and powerful images of gentians are so impressive that it remains long after the poem is finished.The Love Song of J. Alfred Prufrock is also famous for shocking images, devised by Eliot’s attempt to achieve ‘sudden contrast’. When the evening is spread out against the sky Like a patient etherized upon a table (2-3) This striking juxtaposition leaves strong images. Evening, like a patient etherized upon a table presents a symbolic landscape where Prufrocks’ unfruitful floundering eventually ends to be drowned. Line 8 to 9 also shows Eliot’s brilliance. The lines â€Å"tedious argument / Of insidious intent†(8-9) successfully secure the effect by putting unexpected words joined together.Eliot deliberately polished his lines to give exactly this unusual feeling. Samuel Johnson, however, criticized this kind of juxtaposition. He first named them ‘metaphysical’ poet with negative connotation. Also, he diminished the effect by arguing that in metaphysical poetry â€Å"the most heterogeneous ideas are yoked by violence together†(Samuel Johnson, Cowley). However, Eliot rebutted Johnson’s review in The Metaphysical Poets. The poet must become more and more comprehensive, more allusive, more indirect, in order to force, to dislocate if necessary, language into his meaning.Furthermore, he encourages that poetry should include heterogeneity of material compelled into unity only differ in degree. While both Eliot and Lawrence create powerful imag es, their concepts of image are very different. Lawrence claims â€Å"poetry must be spontaneous, flexible, alive, ‘direct utterance from the instant, whole man,’ and should express the â€Å"pulsating, carnal self†(The Poetry of the Present, 1919). His version of successful poetry should contain raw feeling of instinctual self. On the contrary, Eliot is strongly against dissociation of sense and sensibility.Therefore from Eliot’s point of view, Lawrence’s inclination toward sensibility is not desirable. In Eliot’s point of view, Lawrence could even be categorized as a romantic poet. It is because Lawrence’s trust in instinctive raw feeling might relate him to Romanticism where human’s individual feelings were though highly of. Eliot endeavors to deliver image by letting people â€Å"feel their thought as immediately as the odour of a rose†(Metaphysical poet). For him, thoughts do not conflict with feelings. They are r ather harmoniously joined together and produce memorable expressions.He used ‘allusion’ to achieve these effects. When classical literature is inserted as an allusion, a text is connected to another, enlarging the thought and feelings of the text. While Romanticism regards poets’ genius as important, Eliot regards classical texts as so. Meanwhile, Lawrence values poet’s genius above others as he tries to capture ecstatic moments of vitality through his vision as shown in Bavarian Gentians. Eliot might advise Lawrence to control his overwhelming passions and use classical literature instead, for old texts often possess depths which enlarge the meaning of poetries.For example, an epigraph attached to the Love Song alludes to Dante’s Inferno. Guido confesses his sins to Dante only because he thought Dante would not be able to escape from the inferno and infamy him. Guido’s utterance takes place because Guido presumes that his utterance would mea n nothing as if it has never existed. Prufrocks’s utterances are also facing ontological question. Unlike its title, love is neither ever achieved nor even declared. He confesses â€Å"It’s impossible just to say what I mean! †(104). His utterances fail without accomplishing any goal.Therefore, the epigraph arranged rich context in accordance with Prufrock’s situation. Although Lawrence might be related to Romanticism with regard to his trust in human instinct, he is not Romantic poet. Contrary to typical Romanticism which tends to be often criticized for its idealistic detachment, Lawrence sings the vitality of human instinct, closely related to reality. In Bavarian Gentians, the speaker does not fly away from reality but rather goes underground and face the reality of realities – death. Gentians’ dark and blue power guides the speaker to enter into the presence of Pluto.Were it not been for his desire for the essence of vitality, this bre vity to face death would not be possible. Lawrence â€Å"takes off his mask of persona unlike other romantic poets such as Wordsworth and Yeats†(J. Kim, Lawrence) and vigorously recites his raw feeling as it is. As Eliot pursues to â€Å"incorporate erudition into sensibility†(Metaphysical Poets), he would prefer Bavarian Gentians to How Beastly the Bourgeois is. While Lawrence exposes direct feeling in both poems, Bavarian Gentians uses myths of Persephone or Odysseus. and Persephone herself is but a voice r a darkness invisible enfolded in the deeper dark of the arms Plutonic, and pierced with the passion of dense gloom, among the splendor of torches of darkness, shedding darkness on the lost bride and her groom. (16-20) Persephone or ‘the lost bride and her groom’ could be seen as allusions as it strengthens both the images of life and death. Persephone, combined with his mother Demeter, symbolizes uncontrollable vitality of land. Within this context, it become more persuasive that the speaker does go underground searching for essence of vitality retained in death.Regardless of their different techniques and themes, Eliot and Lawrence deliver messages and images vibrating with energy. They are contemporary poets with critical minds. Each took different measures to depict problems but both proved to be effective. Eliot who went over to England in pursuit of ‘tradition’, he referenced other works of literature within his text. This technique, called ‘allusion’ enabled Eliot’s text to be equipped with richer context in which the texts could be more delicately understood.Lawrence, on the other hand, focused more on expressing innate vitality of human being just like a person who was passionate enough to elope with his lover. He created direct and vivid images. Ceaselessly correcting himself, Prufrock loses his momentum. Eliot shows alienated character without making any adjustments. He rather chooses to borrow classical literature to round Prufrock’s character. Lawrence, meanwhile, tries to solve the problem of his era by suggesting the power of vitality. He urges others to pursue the vital power to the end, even till one faces death, where the essence of the power could be found. (1835 words)
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Central Park Reflection
My Reflection On Central Park Imagine a topographical view of Manhattan in the early 1800’s; all you see is squares and streets. This was Clinton’s Commissioner Plan- to level all of Manhattan to make way for streets and buildings. However, what were not taken to account were parks and recreational areas. This would all change in the 1850’s as landscape architect Frederick Law Olmsted architect Calvert Vaux won the right to build their project- the Greensward Plan (CentralParkHistory). This plan would become Central Park, which spans two and a half miles from 59th Street to 110th Street and half a mile from Fifth Avenue to Eighth Avenue. For my second New York City trip, I decided to visit Central Park- one of the largest park’s in New York City. Firstly, the thing I noticed prior to the entrance of the park was the entrance itself. There are many entrances in Central Park. The one I used was the 59th Street and 8th Avenue entrance. There stood a beautiful monument dedicated to the heroes who died on the battleship Maine. Throughout the visit there are other monuments and sculptures of many historic figures-many of them being symbolic. As you walk in the beautiful park, a new feeling fills the soul. You forget the concrete jungle and all of its problems and enter a natural utopia. All the trees are fully grown and very lush. Most, if not all, the trees in Central Park did not come from Manhattan. In fact, Manhattan was cleared of most of its trees and plants. Central Park is now filled with 26,000 trees, covering 31 families within the deciduous and coniferous classes of trees, 71 genera, and 152 species (Central Park Conservancy). Talking about how New York City is so diverse with people and culture, it is also diverse with different trees, plants and shrubs. Central Park was landscaped so people can escape the city and its problems. Throughout out the years, Central Park was able to do so. With its curvy walkways and paved streets, one can seem to forget the â€Å"Grid System†of the city. Moreover, the streets that cars drive through central park are on lower ground compared to the landscape. In other words, if you look straight into Central Park you will not be able see cars driving because they are on lower ground. Moreover, Central Park offers â€Å"pedicab†and horse carriages as means of transportation around the vast and limitless park. It is a great way of getting around Central Park and having your own private tour guide of the panoramic landscape. What is amazing about central park is it has something for everyone. Baseball fields can be found throughout the park, including on the Great Lawn and the North Meadow. In addition to housing America's pastime, the park is home to a number of basketball courts, jogging paths and a swimming pool. One of the park's most popular attractions is its zoo, which survives as the nation's second-oldest publicly owned zoo. It features a petting zoo complete with pigs, goats and sheep. It also features the Wollman Memorial Skating Rink which is covered in ice for most of the year. In the summer it is the location of numerous theatrical performances. It hosted man bands, plays, and movies throughout the year. A trip to Central Park can make everyone who enters it jubilant. God’s gift to humankind is nature but, Man’s gift to New York City is Central Park. My journey through Central Park was breathtaking. One can throw all his worries and problems from the city and enjoy the natural life Central Park has to offer. Whether you go there to relax, exercise, play, or watch a concert, Central Park has something for everyone. Work Cited Unknown, â€Å"Central Park History. †Andrew Green and the Model Park. Web. 31 Oct 2009. . Unknown, â€Å"The Trees of Central Park. †Central Park Conservancy. Web. 31 Oct 2009.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Research In Motion Analysis Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
In Motion Analysis - Research Paper Example In a heavily competitive globalized business world, RIM cannot survive without the complete restructuring of its strategies with respect to human resources, information systems, marketing etc. Earlier RIM concentrated mainly in American and European markets for selling its blackberry phones. However, recent recession caused severe problems in these regions and RIM slowly shifted its focus towards the more prosperous and emerging Asian region. India and China are some of the emerging markets which are concentrated by RM now. However, it is not easy for RIM to penetrate in this market because of the strong dominance of others mobile manufacturers such as Nokia, Samsung, Apple etc in these markets. Since Canada is a democratic country, RIM may not experience much political troubles in India; however in China the case is entirely different. RIM should recognize that the political, legal, environmental, social, cultural and linguistic climate in overseas countries is extremely different from that in Canada. So, RIM should fine tune its HRM policies in overseas countries in accordance with the above mentioned differences. RIM should modify its technology used in blackberry phones in order to make it suitable to the legal requirements in other countries. For example, in India RIM is facing strong challenges with respect to technology. â€Å"India says it wants realtime access to RIMs BlackBerry Enterprise Email and its Messenger services in a readable format. Security officials say the inability to monitor BlackBerry traffic undermines efforts to protect national security†(FACTBOX - Problems BlackBerry services face in India, 2010). RIM was not much ready to accept the claims of Indian government. RIM argued that they don’t have the technology to cater the needs of Indian authorities; however, it assured India that it will provide manual access to its messenger services. India is not fully satisfied with the offers of
Friday, September 27, 2019
Critical response paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Critical response paper - Essay Example She later moved to Edmonton to work with abused children and teens in the child welfare system. At the age of 30, she collapsed with chronic fatigue syndrome. Recovering at home, she began her first novel. Therapy is an important part of recovery and for Goobie, a large part of her therapy is writing. As she was suffering from blurred vision she dictated the story a few minutes into a tape recorder. It was about a girl who decides to stop shaving her legs and enter a beauty pageant. The novel Mission Impossible won an award from the Writer’s Guild of Alberta and was nominated for the Governor General Award for children’s literature. According to Goobie there are a lot of negative messages given to children and teenagers in our society. She tries to reverse these as much as possible in her books. Her writing reflects the issues surrounding the anger and powerlessness of those too young to defend themselves. Beth Goobie has worked for a long time with children who have been physically and sexually abused. Expressing these feelings many of Beth’s novels have aimed to try and save young adults. Both her books, Scars of Light and The Only Good Heart are built on the theme of cults, abuse and emotional torture. Books like these have been therapeutic for her mind and a warning to others. In her words childhood is mostly about programming us to keep us in line so that as adults we stay in line and she tries to encourage kids to see beyond that. Goobie is well known for her quirky and dark young adult novels. She published several of them beginning in 1994. She wrote the much acclaimed Scars of light in 1994, in which she wrote about her traumatic experiences as a child in. The brutally realistic poems won her the Pat Lowther Memorial Award and were nominated for a Governor General’s Award for poetry. This was followed by 2 more Sticks and stones and Kicked out in 1995. In
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Human Reasorce Mangment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Human Reasorce Mangment - Essay Example All this is deemed to be in tune with the specific requirements of the organization (Bloisi, 2007). Before the review and after Caf Co adopted its new outlook of its human resource management, its human resource management had a number of similarities with its new outlook on human resource management. One of the similarities was that Caf Co recognized its personnel as the most important asset of the company and to this end various amendments were made to benefit the workforce of the caf. There was also the aspect that the human resource of the organization was deemed as a very important channel of the caf achieving its objectives and goals and this played a very important part in ensuring that the personnel were well trained and recruited to ensure that they met their objectives. This brought about the similarity that the personnel of the organization were well trained and also that new employees were well recruited before joining the organization. There was also the fact that the employees were handpicked from the best selection the market had to offer and old employees were subj ected to refresher course at a certain period. This method of human resource management can be classified as the classical form of human resource management (Marchington, 2005). When Caf Co adopted its new human resource management, the human resource though being deemed as one o... When this perspective was undertaken by the organization, the human resource of the organization started receiving extra benefits which were deemed as motivators for the personnel to accomplish their objectives and also realize their targets. To this effect the benefits were awarded to various individuals who showed that they were capable of achieving the 4Cs which denotes competence, congruence, competence and cost effectiveness. This new outlook by Caf Co indicated that they had adopted the Harvard human resource management which advocates for these policies to be implemented by any organization (Bloisi, 2007). 2. Necessity of more responsibility in the line management It is important for the management of any organization to portray a high degree of responsibility in their human resource management. This is especially true to the line management because in this aspect the management is responsible for the administration of all human resource activities which when brought together plays an important part in ensuring the organizational output is well coordinated to meet the organization's objectives as well as targets. When the management portrays an attitude of more responsibility, the personnel will also view the various projects as very important and in turn will put more effort in ensuring that the objectives are met. The supervising role that the management will play will act as a motivator for the personnel to ensure that they submit a high quality results. This will in turn play a very important role in ensuring that the organization offers the clients high quality products and services and this will play a very important role in improving t he public outlook of the organization. In this respect, the sales base of the
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Cigar Smoking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words
Cigar Smoking - Essay Example The first factory cigar in United States was established in 1810 in Connecticut. As the use of cigars gained popularity its manufacturing spread to other parts of the country. By the 1880s and the 1900s, cigars counted for the main form of the tobacco use, of which most of which was grown and distributed locally. By the beginning of the 19th century, of the tobacco used by adults, the amount used in form of cigars was approximately two to seven and a half pound per adult in U.S. (USDA 1997, Burns et al 1997). However during the World War I as the use of cigarettes gained popularity the use of tobacco form cigars declined. The tobacco used in cigars is substantially forming the one used in the manufacture of cigarettes. The form of tobacco used in the cigar filler, wrappers and binder is actually air-cured rather than flue-cured the one used in the cigarettes. Moreover the cigar tobacco is then aged and introduced to a several step fermentation process which allows it to be useable fo r a long period and also determines the aroma and flavor aspects of a particular type of a cigar. The cigars marketed in the use that are considered to be smaller ones usually have straighter bodies, weighing between 1.3 to 2.5 grams, whereas larger ones are usually of lengths 110 to 115 millimeters longer and of the diameter of about 17 millimeters and usually filled with 5 to 17 grams if cigars. On the other hand most brands of the cigarettes contain about one gram of tobacco and usually are of 85mm in length. (Burns, p. 1-20) I believe cigar smoking is bad for following three reasons: 1. Risk of Diseases The form of smoke that comes from both the cigarettes and cigars is the outcome of the incomplete combustion of tobacco, thus it can surely be said the smoke of cigar has the similar hazardous affects as to that of cigarettes, thus it also comprises of the carcinogenic constituents and toxic gases. As just discussed that per piece cigar contains a larger amount of tobacco than the cigarette therefore it takes more time to smoke a whole cigar thus creating more smoke. Moreover, the carbon monoxide burned per unit is more due to the lower porosity of the cigar wrappers. And as the content of cigars is concentrated in nitrate therefore it leads to larger concentrations of ammonia, nitrogen oxides and carcinogenic N-nitrosamines. The tar of the cigar smoke, when introduced to the animals, proved to be more carcinogenic than that of the cigarettes. In additions there is very little evidence from the premium manufacturers of cigars that suggest that cigars lead to less hazardous than cigarettes. It is however clear that if not more cigar smoke is as equally carcinogenic and toxic to that of the cigarettes and the disease risks are highly subjective depending upon the trend of its use and differences in inhalation of smoke and retention and deposition of cigar and cigarette smoke in comparison to differences in frequency of use and composition of smoke. (Davies and Day, p. 363-8) In the cases when the cigar smokers who haven't ever used any other tobacco products are compared to he the individual who haven't used any form of product, by
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
Summary for each of the reading Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Summary for each of the reading - Assignment Example A woman can try harder to be taken seriously but it totally depends upon the other person weather he takes you and your ideas seriously or not. To be taken seriously means that a person pay attention to and reply to you. It also means that what you think and what you do matters to others. However, it does not mean to be appreciated or to be respected. If a person thinks that your ideas are innocent, senseless or ordinary then he or she is not taking you seriously (Enloes, 2014). This chapter is based on a public conservation that took place on October 26, 2004, during an important UN peacekeeping and philanthropic support operation in Haiti. This event was directed and presented by Carol Cohn. The speech was started by Nadine Puechguirbal who has a PhD in political science. She started talking about the flood that took place in Haiti and how the hurricane destroyed a city named Gonaives. She also talked about how the UN community provided charitable support the people of Gonaives. The people of Gonaives lost their houses and were living in shelters provide by the UN communities. In these very shelters violence was going on against women by the men so that they could get control over the shelters, food and water. These women did not get anything to eat or drink and therefore they started selling themselves to get food. A few cases of sexual violence were also reported in Gonaives. This book mentions that humanitarian communities are working to provide securi ty to the women so that they can protect themselves as well as their shelter and food. The War of Terror is one of the most destructive and enormous combats between different countries of the world that caused massive destruction of societies, beliefs, buildings and financial well-being, trust of the public and other bodies. The war that took place between Iran and US destroyed major instillations within Iran including nuclear research facilities and electric companies. The
Monday, September 23, 2019
The Effects of Air Pollution Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
The Effects of Air Pollution - Essay Example When it comes to air pollution, you can actually find many of the problems affecting the life of a person and other living things. However, all of the problems caused by air pollution create different effects with different severity. But, there is no doubt about the fact that global warming is one of the most important issues associated with air pollution. Global warming is all about the increase in average temperature of earth that ultimately creates an impact on the climate. With a change in earths temperature it is obvious to see some fluctuations in the rainfall patterns and sea levels. When it comes to global warming, the major role is played by humans through the buildup of heat-trapping green house gases. Plus, carbon dioxide, methane and nitrous oxide play their part to aggravate the situation. However, carbon dioxide is the major contributor as according to IPCC, UK emitted 38 billion tonnes carbon dioxide in 2004. Also, 85% of UKs man-made emissions was carbon dioxide in 2007 (UK Emissions of Carbon Dioxide, Methane and Nitrous Oxide by National Communication Source Category) Global warming is one of the pressing issues faced by today's world but this change in climate is not new. If you will delve more into the details pertaining to the start of this particular problem, you will find out that it has been taking place for thousands of years. The difference is that it was happening as a natural cycle in past, which implies that earth experiences an ice age with a temperature increase and decrease, but it is now taking place for different reasons and on much faster pace. With an increase in the carbon dioxide, this problem is getting worse and it is thought that the start of the real problem was during the industrial revolution. But, it is worth mentioning that the topic about the actual start of global warming is frequently debated and different experts have different opinions. According to William Ruddiman, a climate scientist with the University of Virginia, "People may have begun altering the world's climate as early as 8,000 years ago" (Global Warming Started Long Before Industrial Revolution). It is well before the industrial revolution but the fact remains that it has created more problems with industries emitting a large amounts of carbons. Knowing when the entire problem started is not as important as knowing more about its causes and impacts. Actually, the problem exists because of deforestation and industrial revolution. Plus, production of energy is another reason behind the existence of this problem. Large amounts of carbons come from burning fossil oils and the problem is more likely to exist with an increase in population. The impact of global warming is huge. Due to global warming, sea levels are rising, glaciers are melting and with drying of cloud forests wild life is striving for its existence. What it means is that all living things are impacted by the problem. For humans, the impacts of global warming are severe. For instance; With a change in temperature, global ocean level will rise to create problems. It is found that a one meter rise in global ocean level would make Egypt to lose 1% of its land. Climate change will affect crops which can be extremely damaging for people living in South East Asia, sub-Saharan Africa and tropical areas of Latin America. Composition of many ecosystems may
Sunday, September 22, 2019
Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals Essay
Kant's Grounding for the Metaphysics of Morals - Essay Example The moral worth is determined by the principle acted upon. Therefore, as a Kantian, taking coffee from the automated machine to meet the addiction is morally worth since the airline pilot is on duty and he or she works for the airline. Taking coffee from an automated machine that belongs to the airline for his good and of the passages is morally good. In addition to that, Kant argues that â€Å"true inclination of purpose must be to yield a will that is upright†(Kant and Allen, 31), in other words, Kant that the actions done by a man should serve another purpose that is good. The primary intention of the airliner is to be sober while piloting the plane. His intentions and motives are clear. He does not want to consume the coffee to satisfy his natural pleasure. Therefore, according to Kant, the action of him taking coffee without paying is morally accepted. Finally as a Kantian, it is good to seek assistance and permission from any attendant who is around. By doing so it one creates a channel of order or law in which other people would follow if cornered by such a situation. Kant observes that â€Å"I should never act apart from in a way that my maxim had better become a law that is universally accepted†, (Kant and Allen, 74) Kant is arguing one should do something with the understanding that whatever they are doing can become a law through which other people will be allowed to do the same thing. As a Kantian it is therefore good to use the right channels in obtaining the coffee. The airline pilot can look for an attendant to the automated machine and present his request. In doing so, he creates a law in which other people in a situation like his will follow to be helped. As to conclusion, a person has the free will to do anything one wants, however according to Kant in â€Å"Ground Work for the Metaphysics of Moral†; the will of a person is bound by moral law if that will is free. This is to say that a Kantian should do
Saturday, September 21, 2019
Red Bull Marketing Essay Example for Free
Red Bull Marketing Essay From 1987, Red Bull was launched in Austria with the tag line â€Å"Red Bull verleiht Fluuugel†(Red Bull Gives You Wiiings). It wasn’t until 1992 that Red Bull began to roll out in other European countries. â€Å"Part of the growth strategy was to enter new markets slowly and methodically in order to maximise buzz and build anticipation†Keller, K. L (2008 *A) By 1997, Red Bull was available in 25 markets globally, including Western and Eastern Europe, New Zealand and South Africa. Over the decade since its inception Red Bulls sales by 200%, from 1. million units to over 200 million units, and by 2004 the company had worldwide annual sales of nearly 2 billion cans in 120 countries. The Marketing Strategy used by Red Bull was not to pound the market with their presence but to be seen as an exclusivity, and to be perceived as the drink for all occasions when needed. In this way, marketers left empty cans in nightclubs, placed samples and dispensers in universities and allowed the value of Red Bull to spread via word of mouth. Red Bull marketed the following properties: * Improves Physical Endurance Stimulates Metabolism and Eliminates Waste Substances * Improves Overall Feeling of Well-being * Improves Reaction Speed and Concentration * Increases Mental Alertness These characteristics of the Red Bull product opened itself up to a whole range of potential consumers and marketing situations. Because of its properties, Red Bull used the slogan â€Å"Revitalizes Mind and Body†, and positioned the drink using a premium pricing strategy, marking the price up by at least 10% on the most expensive competitors product. Norbert Krailhamer explains: We are much more expensive that [cola]. This is OK because ours is an efficiency product, so we can charge this price premium, which is the secret of its success†¦ Due to the respect for a price premium brand†¦ we can charge what is fair for the benefit†Keller, K. L (2008 *A) A large portion of Red Bull’s success has to do with the use of the distinctive Red Bulls and Rising Sun logo and slender 250mL can as seen on their sponsorship sign writing and general advertising. It is debatable whether or not Red Bull would be as popular and successful without this insignia. Evidence of this can be traced to the introduction of Red Bull in Germany , where the demand was so great that they sold out of canned stock and had to switch to glass bottles to keep up with the demand. As soon as the bottles were introduced the demand dropped. The success of Red Bulls marketing strategy can be highlighted with the bungled entry of Red Bull into the United Kingdom in 1995. The marketers believed that the United Kingdom was too different from the Austrian market, so altered the marketing plan. The changes occurred in three distinct ways: â€Å"Extract: 1) the company marketed Red Bull as a sports drink, not a stimulation drink; 2) it did not pursue a word-of-mouth strategy, choosing instead to sell via the largest beverage channels; and 3) it created new advertising and focused on billboards rather than electronic media. As a result, Red Bull was considered a failure in the United Kingdomafter losing more than $10 million during the first 18 months in that market. †Keller, K. L (2008 *A) 1. Introduction: Red Bull GmbH, the Austrian based energy drink manufacturer is a remarkable brand that has grown to surpass some of the worlds most established brands. After founder Dietrich Mateschitz returned from Asia with the rights to patent Red Bull and alter it to suit the Western market, he had a defined idea in his mind as to what he wanted to achieve with the energy drink. After trialing more than 200 designs and finally cementing the right combination of caffeine, taurine, carbonation and flavoring the â€Å"original†Red Bull flavor was established. What follows is the amazing story of how Red Bull was marketed in Austria and then from 1992 onwards into the rest of Europe, the Americas, Asia-Pacific and the United Kingdom. Some of the key stones in the Red Bull brand marketing triumph has been the simplicity of their marketing approach through application, the positioning of the product and the clever ways in which they have side stepped traditional channels when bringing the product to the market and building the buzz and anticipation of Red Bull rather than just solely relying on the decision making derived from traditional advertising methods. The diversity of the Red Bull brand has allowed itself to move with the market and remain the worlds most popular energy drink. Looking at the brands tangible flexibility can even be posed at the move in the market to sugar free beverages and the quick and succinct way that Red Bull acted in order to uphold its position and remain creditable at the same time. As of the 2009 financial year, Red Bull GmbH had net sales report of 3. 3billion dollars and now has 3900 employees worldwide. Source: BNET Resources 2. Brand Positioning and Values From the day of inception, Dietrich Mateschitz had a clear plan for how he wanted to establish Red Bull. The current positioning has left Red Bull in a very strong position among the market place and the values that it represents are continually being lived up to through its corporate presence in our daily lives. The position of Red Bull is: â€Å"Revitalizes Mind and Body†this tangible benefit, direct from Red Bull endorses the product to satisfy consumer needs before they have even made a purchase. Red Bull has also positioned themselves as the â€Å"Premium Energy Drink†above all other energy drinks in the market. The key word in this phrase being ‘premium’ as Red Bull has an exclusive appeal and a higher market price than its competitors; factors that have been thought through very thoroughly by the Red Bull marketing team. The â€Å"Premium Pricing Strategy†that Red Bull has incorporated, dictates that Red Bull will be priced at a rate 10% higher than the most expensive competitors price to ensure the class standard of the Red Bull name and set the standard for all of the rest of the competitors. In addition to the Premium Pricing Strategy, Red Bull introduced the Seeding Program, whereby initially Red Bull would only be stocked in the best and most classy establishments, whether this be exclusive clubs, nightclubs, bars, sporting events and related events to build the necessary hype or buzz about Red Bull, and to enable the word of mouth from the social elite to filter down into the working class. Once the market place was saturated with Red Bull buzz, the general market received the product too. In addition to the Word of Mouth strategy, Red Bull would supplement this with event sponsorship, athlete endorsements, sampling, point of purchase marketing and select electronic advertising. This allowed Red Bull to cover the necessary avenues which potential consumers were likely to come into contact with the brand and go on to purchase the drink. The values of the Red Bull brand are derived from the benefits of the drink itself: * Improves Physical Endurance * Stimulates Metabolism and Eliminates Waste Substances. Improves Overall Feeling of Well-being Improves Reaction Speed and Concentration * Increases Mental Alertness The Red Bull brand encourages the consumer to go to their potential and offers an aid in doing so. But offering these benefits in their product, Red Bull values the extension of horizons and energetic approaches to life. This can be summed up through their corporate sponsorship of Extreme Sporting events, individual athletes, the creation of events or the sponsorship of teams. The reasoning behind this is that these events are fast paced, high energy, thrilling and require exactly what Red Bull has to offer. By encouraging these types of events and endorsing the elimination of comfort zones, Red Bull is positioning itself as a goal, a motivation and a stimulant that can be harnessed to achieve any goal. Red Bulls success can be likened to the single-minded approach they have used n order to connect with their target market; 14 – 19yr olds and then the next highest penetration 20 – 29yr olds. Red Bull is an active product in today’s trendy lifestyle habits and is being reflected through their values and displays encouragement of abnormal sporting activities. . The Red Bull Air Races†in Perth Australia; and sponsorship of Mark Webber and Formula One. From a nationality point of view, Red Bull chooses the idols of sport and eye catching events to promote itself as well as support the people in question. This is seen all around the world and has been a strong driver in the popularity of Red Bull in certain areas of the world. Because Red Bull is a stimulant drink, it makes sense to market to the whole variety of consumers in the market place. In its 23 years of operations, the initial people who would have used Red Bull for â€Å"party energy†at nightclubs and parties will now be moving through to the quieter portion of their lives, however this does not mean they will no longer need Red Bull. Working long or irregular hours, studying and going the added distance is still important; therefore Red Bull has applied its benefit across several generations and the cycle continues. 3. Brand Characteristics Red Bull is now a very distinctive product in the market place and can be recognized based on some key points. Two Red Bulls and Rising Sun Logo * Slender Silver 250mL can (with silver and blue pattern) The name Red Bull * Endorsed Events or Persons i. e. Mark Webber As opposed to other energy drinks on the market it is the most represented and advertised product on supermarket shelving in Australia, (per unit) and is represented by an 80:20 spread of cans to bottles in the standard 250mL variety(1). Dominant characteristics of Red Bull include its involvement in Extreme Sports, high-energy events and the encouragement of athletes and the involvement within comfort breaking activities. It is important to note that the Red Bull marketing strategy encourages the promotion of the brand through non-traditional channels and is not seen in the same context as traditional carbonated drinks, or energy drinks. This fact makes adds to the characteristics of the brand. People recognize Red Bull based on its involvement and support in events and occasions. Rather than times, controversies or lengthy advertising campaigns which try to deliver a message over a long period of time. The marketing message for Red Bull has remained consistent throughout the 23-year reign it has had in the marketplace; adding to the resilience of Red Bulls brand characteristics. The Red Bull Australia website promotes Red Bull as: â€Å"Red Bull  ® Energy Drink has always been and always will be more than just a hot secret for the night owl and the non-stop party-animal. It is appreciated by a wide range of people, such as the overworked taxi driver, the stressed manager, the exam-anxious student and the pressured journalist†¦. It is used by surfers in the summer and snowboarders in the winter. For day or night, for job or fun. People who need more energy learn to value Red Bull ® Energy Drink. And the number of people who do is increasing all the time. †Red Bull Australia 2010 The Red Bull Australia website explains, through a marketing set spiel the characteristics of the brand and the direct benefiters. The exert highlights very clearly the intentions of the brand and the way in which it is appreciated. 4. Product Benefits and Consumer Satisfaction Red Bull markets itself on the two phrases â€Å"Gives You Wings†and â€Å"Revitalizes Mind and Body†. This can be demonstrated through its ingredients: Caffeine, Taurine, Sucrose Glucuronolactone, Glucose and B-Group Vitamins. These six ingredients all combine to give Red Bull the kick that consumers need. * Improves Physical Endurance * Stimulates Metabolism and Eliminates Waste Substances * Improves Overall Feeling of Well-being * Improves Reaction Speed and Concentration * Increases Mental Alertness As stated earlier the benefits listed by Red Bull allow themselves to be focused on a wide variety of people, whether they be office workers, truck drivers, athletes, students or partying. The given benefits of Red Bull provide the reasoning to buy and continue re-buying. Consumer satisfaction based on the product benefits is evident through the sales figures that Red Bull has been generating, with positive growth of 10% or more per annum. Performance the American Market shows the Market share of Red Bull compared to its competitors: Based on its 42. 6% share of the energy drink market sales in 2006, it is evident that Red Bull is a satisfying and enticing product. A large portion of Red Bulls ability to satisfy both physically and mentally comes from the consumption of the drink and seeing the performance of those around the consumer who are either consuming Red Bull or endorsed by Red Bull. This positive reinforcement from the elements encourages the consumer to drink more and to be brand loyal to Red Bull. 5. Brand Communities Red Bull’s mass sponsorship and consumer loyalty would work considerably well with a network of dedicated Red Bull Communities, rather than just the Red Bull sponsored, run and presented events. The basic criteria for the Red Bull Brand Community have already been met with the purchase of a Red Bull Product, as they have features and needs that are common to the other consumers who had purchased Red Bull previously. Ways that Red Bull could maximize on this could be through loyalty reward schemes, groups, emailing lists, gatherings, committees or clubs. While the idea of a Red Bull Brand community is appealing the practical application of one of these communities would be an expensive and difficult task to manage. The on paper, and metaphorical idea of a Brand community is a safer, more cost effective and ultimately simple Utopia when thought through. The Brand Community idea is one that should have been conceived during the introduction to the market or while the market was considerably smaller and more manageable. Red Bull uses the basic premise of Brand Communities already with their Red Bull Events and Sponsorships, in which it is then upon the individual to become a consumer and subscribe to these communities. The stress between the brand, the individual and the culture in which both exist is not under any amount of tension in the current marketplace and does not need to be altered at any point in the near future. The Brand Community, which Red Bull could potentially highlight, contains around 1 Billion people globally and would require large amounts of money to communicate to all of these people, let alone bring attention to it and get consumers to act upon it. 6. Brand Equities Red Bull has at its disposal a large set of Brand Equity that it uses to distinguish itself from other energy drinks and its competitors. These include its logo, its amber coloring, its taste, advertising, packaging, pricing and its reputation as a reliable and beneficial product for onsumers. In comparison to its competitors, Red Bull prides itself on being an al rounder energy drink that can be consumed anytime, in the right conditions, at the right place and the right time. Which has worked well for Red Bull as they have positioned the brand specifically to suit any occasion and to answer â€Å"Yes†to any of the Three Right questions. The development of these brand equities has been a continuous run through the development of Red Bull as a brand and its establishment in all the countries it now occupies space in. The Red Bull logo is a key device in the success of Red Bull and is possibly the strongest asset that they have in terms of Brand Equity. Many comparisons of competitor energy drinks such as Rockstar, Monster and Sobe No Fear yielded results that consumers could not differentiate between the Red Bull and its competitors while using unmarked cups and blindfold tests according to Helium Comparison Tests. In a real market perspective this fact is worrying that competitors are fabricating similar tasting products and that they are indistinguishable from one another. However this instance is found across all products in any category when basing comparisons without brand equities such as packaging, logos and distinctive colorings. Red Bulls marketing strategy has ensured that the strength on the product based on its merits receives the credit it deserves. The initial slow entry into markets, creating buzz and desired anticipation of the products has proven valuable for Red Bulls long term existence and has given merit to them too, in that they did ot let down the people who had tried the product based on hype and anticipation, creating return buyers and brand loyalties. Red Bull’s price premium is considered a winner with the market place as people believe that paying for benefit is better than paying for volume, as can be seen with competitors such as Rockstar who sell only the 500mL cans of energy drink and who deliver solely on their marketability rather than on product benefit such as Red Bull has done. The pricing premium has ensured that Red Bull be taken on its quality rather than on a commodity measurement ike quantity. This perceived value given to it and received by consumers tightens the consumer’s loyalty to the brand. Red Bull has seen a long run of marketing in sporting events and endorsing athletes to create awareness to potential consumers of its benefits in sporting activities, on and off the field. This spending on endorsements and events is evidence to the wider community that Red Bull is not just about profiteering, but supports the sporting world and provides entertainment and encouragement to those people who would like to strive to this level. However know where does Red Bull market itself to state that it will put you in this position. The clever marketing strategies which Red Bull have used remain honest and aim solely to promote Red Bull in a positive light whilst involving the consumers it is reaching out to. The Brand Equity that Red Bull keeps is a well-earned set of criteria that has been nursed from the beginning of the brand back in 1987 in Austria. The expansion of Red Bull into more than 120 countries is a sign of strength and highlights the diverse regions of differing brand equities among varying cultures. The underlying success of Red Bull remains in the marketing strategy that put it ahead of the competition in the first place. Without this, the basics of brand equities would not exist and Red Bull would follow the same course of one of its competitors. Because of this I believe that Red Bulls greatest brand equity is the brand itself and its history among the market over the past 23 years. Combining all of the elements discussed previously and essential make up of campaigns, strategies, advertising, targeted markets, successes and failures. This long history will benefit Red Bull in the long term, as it will become even more cemented into the grain of society and stay as the go to energy drink, rather than the fad competition products which have entered into the market in order to unseat the firmly held Red Bull. As for the continuing growth of Red Bulls Brand equity listings that is to be foreseen in the future, but there is little doubt that it will continue to build positively as the Red Bull product range changes to suit the coming changes to the current market. When it does I have no doubt that Red Bull GmbH will be ready for it. . Conclusion The Red Bull Branding Story follows a long timeline of success and obstacles that Red Bull GmbH has turned into triumphs. Red Bull have managed to turn a small Austrian drinks company into a global giant as one of the fastest growing brands and now staying true to one of the most popular of the 21st Century. Over the course of the 23 years that Red Bull has been manufactured, we can see a growing trend and the synthetic need created by Red Bull for energy stimulation drinks; and now the popularity of them to a point where we could no longer exist without them. Red Bull has become part of pop culture and every day slang and jargon, which intensifies its impact on the market and its sustainability in the consumers mind. As far as brands go, Red Bull has remained faithful to its consumers and to its own marketing goals, with little to no changes to the marketing strategy, the product packaging and flavoring, besides of course the Sugar Free Red Bull. This steadfast approach to marketing has clearly worked and a comparison of Red Bull and other Energy drinks shows that these brands lack the same commitment that Red Bull has.
Friday, September 20, 2019
The Purpose Of ICT In Schools Education Essay
The Purpose Of ICT In Schools Education Essay Introduction: ICT stand for Information Communication Technology is widely spread and essential to play in changing and modernizing educational systems as well as the way of learning. As we know, it is part of many aspects of our daily lives. ICT includes any product that will store, restore, operate, or receive information in a digital form. The computing industry (the Internet, hardware, software); telecommunications (cellular phones, teleconferencing); electronic display (calculator); and other services (including radio, video, television and so on) are just some example of the ICT tools. Studies in ICT include design, physics, information systems and so on. At the same time, many businesses use ICT because it is fast access, storage requirement, allow more than one person access the data at a time, better security, fewer staff etc. In the other hand, ICT is expensive to buy and we may need to be trained before using it as well as the computers may fail to work. Moreover, there are some differences between countries and between schools within countries. In some countries, ICT used into the curriculum, and establish high levels of power. It also appropriate ICT use to support teaching and learning world wide. Schools are in the early phase of using ICT in other country. ICT is characterised as an important way of the learning process and some developments of e-learning. ICT enabled learning but not necessary help to improve in the learning and teaching world. Broadly, there have three major types of ICT. It induced studies that can be identified. 1. ICT has tried by many students of integration into education that consists of infrastructure, such as the pupil-computer ratio, an average number of computers per school and levels of connectivity. There are almost all secondary schools had access to the Internet. Based on the report of European, it shows that ICT performs in schools is continuously increasing. 2. A few studies have taken some time to analysis it to the next level: to existence the benefit of ICT in educational world and also the home use of ICT for educational aims. Here is the example from the research that ICT use in schools is still quite low overall, despite the investment: In most EU countries ICT is not used very frequently using by students at school. But the students had the opportunities to use ICT everywhere. (Pelgrum, 2004). 3. The third level is about the cause and effect: the impact of ICT on learning and teaching. As the authors of the most recent study that they point out the impact of the ICT: it is difficult to identify a causal relationship between computers and educational outcomes (Machin, 2006). There is some evidence to prove that investment in ICT impacts on learning and on teaching. However, there are even fewer studies find that there is no evidence of a positive relationship between computers and educational outcomes. On the other hand, there are theories and studies to describe the implications of ICT for education: education that using ICT which can brings new capabilities to learning. For example, ICT has the potential enabling teachers and students to create an environment that provide an unlimited teaching and learning. As a result, ICT in education can also be broadly categorized in the following way as a subject (computer studies), a tool to support traditional subjects (computer- based learning, presentation, research) and as an administrative tool (education management information systems/EMIS). Contents: Great Impact on teaching, learning and attainment For education, the purpose of ICT is generally to familiarise students and teachers with the use and workings of computers, related social and ethnical issues. It is generally believed that ICT can empower both teachers and learners. It promotes change the development in 21st century. ICT is not only transform teaching but also learning processes. The transformation gets to increase learning gains for students that provide learner an opportunity to develop creativity, communication skills, and other thinking skills. Besides, smart solutions for the future including laptop learning, e-learning, smart classrooms, didactic equipment and stimulations is the key on education today. An entire learning environment is needed in which students, teachers, administrators, and parents can easily communicate and collaborate with each other, share secure information around the clock, and, ultimately, access a world of knowledge beyond classroom walls. Follow the picture above, we can see that ICT is very useful to the society especially to the students in colleges. According to ICT adviser Harriet Price, it is benefit that an ICT-rich educational experience brings to the students. She says that technology is an important part of students everyday lives. She makes sure that the necessary software and hardware is available for students to use, while also helping them develop their own ICT skills. As we know, more than half of the students in the groups have a computer or laptop at home as well as access in College that they can search for information regardless of time and place. ICT making all schools smart. That means everyone get different information and knowledge from ICT. As we know, computers are provided in every area in the schools, colleges or labs. Students get the chance to do assignments or group projects by using it. It also increases students knowledge at the same time. Besides, students who have laptop themselves can bring it with them. Training is provided in any colleges as well as to make students to learn more independent in their work. ICT provides quick and easy way in the research to train the society especially for the students today. It has a great impact for the students to have an easy for research and information compare to the earlier period. ICT is saving our time in doing the work. When we have to do our work and search information or example for our assignment in the earlier time, we have to go to library to collect those staff. It is not only to waste our time but also limited in the information we get. On the other hand, we can have our self-test before the exam coming. Besides buying the books for exercise, we can get the question from the internet. It makes students more comfortable to have a test. Moreover, group assignment always assigned by the teachers or lecturer. ICT are like a learning centre that could help to share ideas and understanding to the students. It also teaches us the grammar and improves our English by ourselves. For example, we know that working in pairs was the most useful practice, by using ICT that students can experience with collaborative learning. ICT empowers students to engage in the learning process and giving them an interest in their personal education. By integrating ICT into the classroom, students have the ability to learn more effectively, collaborate with each other, and explore the world around them. Anytime, anywhere access to internet-based tools is necessary to encourage learning inside the classroom and beyond. Today, by using ICT brings many benefits to the young generation especially for the students. For example, some of the students who working part time also has some time to do their College work. In addition, most of the times the students like to use word processing from the processor itself. It is quick and easy to edit their work and improve their presentation by using ICT at a time. Somehow, web is the only way to have quick and easy way to search the information on any topic. ICT is the one to make us easy access a world of knowledge. With a range of ICT equipment, the benefit for students is that a higher quality lessons through greater collaboration between teachers in planning and preparing the resources. It is more focused teaching, tailored to students strengths and weaknesses as well as through better analysis of attainment data. By using ICT, it improved the behavior management through better tracking of students. It is not only gain in understanding but also analytical skills which including improvements in reading comprehension as well as increase the knowledge. Moreover, ICT unknowingly help students improve in their development of writing skills such as spelling, punctuation, editing and grammar, it will become more fluency and originality. Based on the research of Software and Information Industry Association 2000, students who used educational technology in colleges are more successful because they have more active to learn and increase their self-esteem. ICT then enhances and extends the possibilities of learning across the curriculum. Thus, ICT provide more opportunities to show their hard work to an audiences or teachers as well as it is 24 hours. Most students reported that ICT was positively helping them with homework and many pupils indicated that access to internet resources was particularly important. Students also reported that writing was the most common use for ICT outside the colleges and schools, followed by researching. ICT would be important to their future career or to employment. Students get to gain confidence because they could do things and show things they had not been able to do before, that students could explore more and share more ideas with others. In fact, ICT also gives educators the opportunity to transform the way learning happens, and enable student development. ICT present a range of tools that teachers or lecturers use to present and display as part of their teaching and help educators interact with students as well as engage them in a more meaningful way. These technological tools can be determinate designed for education way that it can be software or hardware used in the contexts such as word processors and spreadsheets. The computer tools help the students and teachers manipulate complex data-sets. This then provides context for effective discussion that help to develop subject understanding. ICT is benefit for teachers to sharing of resources, expertise and advice. It is also easier planning and preparation of lessons and designing materials to the students. Sometimes, ICT helps teachers to access to up-to-date students and school data, in any time and anywhere. Enhancement of professional image projected to colleag ues is easier to get by teachers in using ICT. From a teaching point of view, teachers used these devices to deliver to a whole class, could use the digital content effectively that was available to them. Teachers also reported that ICT offered them enhanced resources to support learning through teaching. The levels of interaction, the immediacy and the ability to refresh work, were all indicated as ways in which ICT could enhance the range of teaching approaches taken. In some colleges, teachers were expecting more of the students used ICT- whether this was due to the higher pace in lessons, work being done more quickly. Negative impact on teaching, learning and attainment On the other hand, there is some negative effect of the ICT on education way. In college, computer is not enough for teachers to make the best use of ICT in the classroom. Based on the research of Sandhoitz, it will take a lot of time in the classroom even up to a year with the support of experienced team. Teachers sometime always depend on the information that searched by the web. It may make a mistake. Information from the web or internet that mostly came or wrote from personals opinion. It is not all facts by the way. Teacher who depend more on the ICT do not perform well as a teacher. Students, however, feel lazy to attend the class if they can easily get the study material from the web. It will change their behavior to become more irresponsible. Lets say lecturer give an assignment to the students, they may not understand if they never attend that class. The technological reliability was important and yet the students could respond negatively to a resource, both of teaching and technology. Across the school or colleges, students might not value ICT that spent too much time on presentation needs and copying without reading and understanding. At the same time, students will search the information from the web and caught by cutting and pasting. Through the behavior like this, it will cause their result and their reliability by other. By then the students will access the internet for other things, for example, facebook, MSN, Yahoo, Twitter and others. While the lecturer having the lesson in front, they will not pay more attention to the lecturer. The cause of the res ult will affect them to retake the whole semester. Money will become the issue right now. Then, it had created severe problem to the students. To those who always play computer and using the instant message that they will choose online communication rather than having real life conversation with the teachers. For example, when they having flu and will not be attending the class or lesson, they might e-mail the lecturer rather than call the teachers. When the problem deteriorates, students will become unusual when they meet outsiders. Furthermore, the students sitting in front of the computer for a long time may cause health problem. Health problem such as stress and eyes strain can effect a student in their education way. By then ICT also created more illegal act such as pornography. Those students who affected by the pornography may cause the effect on their education. The students will waste time by using ICT better than study on their work. Overall, the evidence on the impact on attainment of learning through ICT remains inconsistent, however. Great impact on practitioners and schools The introduction of ICT into schools has had an impact on teachers in terms of their overall workload that including planning, lesson preparation as well as on the ways in which these are coordinated and managed within the school and wider educational context. The availability of ICT itself has sufficient to enhance learning and teaching. Teachers have to be confident in their own ICT capacity and understand the potential benefits of using ICT in a planned. In advance, using ICT is to support teacher development for e-learning. Like students, teachers learn in different ways and they need to be able to access support when they needed. The provision of improved connectivity, among other developments, has allowed teachers to take advantage of online access to resources. As a result of access to resources at a time, teachers have greater control over the planning and preparation. By then teachers have expressed concern about knowing which resources are worthwhile and more research on the impact and availability of online resources. Such case studies provide evidence of changes in the ways in which teachers are approaching their role within the classroom. It is a better understanding of how teachers interact with the online environment. Then, there is an impact of ICT in the classroom on the teachers role. While gaining confidence and competence in the use of the technologies is to support e-learning, evidence is on the impact of using ICT on other aspects of the teachers role. Some forms of learning through ICT, the use of shared resources and collaborative learning, where the teachers facilitates rather than direct learning, might be difficult for some to accept. It is an impact of ICT on administration and overall workload. Once teachers have brought the technicalities involved with classroom- related hardware and software resources, they can enhance their teaching. This can be used to create additional teaching resources. Use of ICT for assessment purposes can also release valuable teacher time. Within schools, those specific technological developments such as connectivity via broadband access to internet will regard to the personalization of the learning experience. A key strand to embed ICT in schools has been and that of networking within schools and also across the education sector. Broadly speaking, schools recognize that systems can improve effectiveness and reduce costs. Across schools, using ICT to manage data was found to promote teaching and learning by facilitating more effective timetabling. The most effective tools were found to be school- devised systems and the use of Excel spreadsheets. As we know, school data was in forming the setting and in compiling reports to parents. Improved access to ICT, schools networks for teaching and planning were also identified as potential strategies. Use of ICT in schools tended to be raising the quality of the work produced by teachers such as presentations and reports, rather than saving time. ICT was also the key factor to improving efficiency, along with staff by using the software and hardware. Furthermore, teachers also perceived benefits in managing, storing and other work such as preparing reports with the time saved. Looking ahead, ICT would make teachers more effective in their work over 12 months. In order to be in the use of ICT to support learning and teaching, schools need to be e-confident. That means displaying a number of characteristics at a level. Thus, the internet has increased significantly the range of resources to support and stimulate learning and teaching across the curriculum and at all levels. It has also provided the means by which access to range of services, including libraries and careers services, can be brought together in one place. As ICT becomes part of the everyday life of the schools, there is a need to ensure the participation in the learning opportunities provided. Here, teachers can identify their own professional development needs and find solutions. Conclusion In todays interconnected world, information and communication technology (ICT) is widely used by our nation and it affects our lives every day. ICT gives great impact in education for the learners and teachers. ICT has become a key driver in education way. ICT has been identified by a range of important wider benefits of ICT on learning. The positive impact of ICT on students skills and teamwork are included. ICT also help student and teacher with activities that provided in the websites. That kind of activities gives ideas to the teachers in their teaching, so that students enjoy the class. Students learn more independently at the same time. They will take more responsibility for learning process. As seen, ICT can benefit both strong and weak students with their special needs. By the way, they especially improved the performance in students English and on writing skills. ICT is a part of socially system integrating meaningful communication within an education system. We can use it for analyzing the processes, meanings and functions of ICT in education. ICT also provided the research for us when we have to do the assignments. ICT is also one of the tools that have easy communication to other in foreign country. It saves the cost and time. Schools use ICT to make both students and teachers an easy way to their work. Different information and opinion can get from the web-sites. In addition, ICT provides wide array of information and effective lessons. That is also easy for students to do their work by using word processing. It makes our projects or assignments more neat and tidy. From the education system point of view, e- could mean enhanced education rather than electronic education. Consequently, ICT has a great impact to the society especially on education. On the other hand, ICT also has a bad impact on education system. Teachers will more depend on the ICT and not giving their knowledge to the students. The information and knowledge are not necessary correct from the web-sites. We have to more careful when having the research from the web. Teachers, however, will not increase their vision. Moreover, it will cause the effect on the students. Students may not be interested in the way teachers teach. They will more focus on the web such as Facebook, MSN, and Twitter. It unknowingly influences their result in the class. It also changes their behavior to the teachers in school. Students who generally communicate with friends by the ICT will caused a problem in communicate face to face to other. It is not only has an impact on character but also their attitude. Somehow, it will become more rebellious when influence by the illegal staff. Today, we can seen that have many teenagers use two or three phones. It will cause them not to pay attention in the lesson time. In a conclusion, ICT can be both advantages and disadvantages on education sector. We have to careful by using it. Internet, TV, radio and others are the ICT that provide the news and information to us. We can increase our vision when we have it. But, when we too focus on these staff, we may cause health problem by using it. We have to be wise in using it.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Free Essays - Anthony Burgess A Clockwork Orange :: Clockwork Orange Essays
 Clockwork Orange In Anthony Burgess’s A Clockwork Orange, Burgess creates a gloomy future full of violence, rape and destruction. In this dystopian novel, Burgess does a fantastic job of constantly changing the readers’ allegiance toward the books narrator and main character, Alex. Writing in a foreign language, Burgess makes the reader feel like an outsider. As the novel begins, the reader has no emotional connection to Alex. This non-emotional state comes to a sudden halt when Alex and his droogs begin a series of merciless acts of violence. The reader rapidly begins to form what seems to be an irreversible hatred toward the books narrator. However, as time progresses, Burgess cleverly changes the tone of his novel. Once wishing only the harshest punishments be bestowed upon him, it is these same punishments that begin to change how the reader feels. In fact, by the end of the book, one almost begins to have pity for Alex. The same character that was once hated soon emerges as one of many victims taken throughout the course of the book. Throughout Alex’s narration, Burgess manages to change the readers’ allegiance toward a once seemingly evil character. Alex is the type of character one loves to hate; he makes it all too easy to dislike him. He is a brutal, violent, teenage criminal with no place in society. His one and only role is to create chaos, which he does too well. Alex’s violent nature is first witnessed during the first chapter, and is soon seen again when Alex and his gang chose to brutally beat an innocent drunkard. This beating off the homeless man serves no purpose other then to amuse Alex’s gang. The acts committed were not performed for revenge, the one reason given was that Alex did not enjoy seeing a homeless drunk, â€Å"I could never stand to see a moodge all filthy and rolling and burping and drunk, whatever his age might be, but more especially when he was real starry like this one was†(13). Alex continues to explain his reason for dislike, â€Å"his platties were a disgrace, all creased and untidy and covered in cal†(13), from this explanation one realizes his reasons for nearly k illing a man are simply based on pleasure, desire, and a dislike toward the untidy. By the end of the second chapter Burgess’s inventive usage of a different language to keep the reader alienated from forming opinions about Alex ceases to work.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
The Acceptance of Digital Art Essay -- Art Technology Essays
The Acceptance of Digital Art Digital art has a fifty-year history of innovation and experimentation with new technology. The Pioneers of digital art were not artists but people who were exploring new visions through computers and the writing of computer programs. According to the Digital Art Museum, which is a joint venture between London Guildhall University and two independent art galleries, digital art can currently be classified according to three phases Phase I of digital art was from 1956-1986. The Paintbox Era, the second phase, lasted from 1986-1996. Art software became readily available and attracted more artists to the new media. Especially useful was the paint program and devices such as the scanner and film recorder. Phase III, 1996-2006, is called the Multimedia Era because of the increase in technology and Internet access allowing the digital media artist interactivity with many art forms. The widespread availability of computers and software has allowed the digital artist to create distinct ive works of art. Digital art is able to combine and transform more traditional types of art such as painting, sculpture, photography, animation and filmmaking. Digital technology allows the artist to create and manipulate color, images, and texture, instantly. Images can be made to appear, disappear and even combine or morph. The technological aspect of digital art often leads to questioning of whether or not it can be considered art. Digital art has been accepted and embraced by the commercial and entertainment industries for many years, but is finding it much harder to become part of the fine arts community. Digital art has many hurdles to overcome before it will be fully accepted by the mainstream tradit... ...ises the use of computer technology for creative expression but the main purpose is to create something aesthetically pleasing. If history is any example, then the acceptance of digital media art will be slow. Vincent Van Gogh was considered such a poor artist that he could not sell a painting in his lifetime. The Impressionists in general were laughed at and considered to be untalented artists and refused admission in the important galleries and exhibition of their times. Now these artworks sell for millions and are treasured in many museums. Photography has taken 150 years to achieve respectability in the fine art field. This art form faced many of the same problems as digital media art, ease of reproduction, use of new technology, and seeming lack of skill. With art, sometimes only time can tell what will be truly treasured by the next generations.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Should the Reader Forgive Humbert? Essay -- Essays Papers
Should the Reader Forgive Humbert? Lolita, by Vladamir Nabokov is a controversial book that elaborately represents and forces the reader to deal with a pedophiles obsession with his 12-year-old stepdaughter. As the reader finishes reading Lolita, he must establish a meaning for the novel which hinges heavily upon whether or not he should forgive Humbert for his rape of Lolita and for stealing her childhood away from her. This rape is legally referred to as a statutory rape because Humbert is having sex with Lolita who is under the age of consent. Humbert also figuratively rapes Lolita of her childhood and a normal teenage life. This decision to forgive Humbert will rely upon Humbert's words as he realizes what he has done to Lolita. In order for the reader to be able to forgive Humbert he must determine if Humbert is truly sorry for his actions. One must overlook the fact that Vladimir Nabokov has written, Lolita has no moral in tow. (314). Nabokov has obviously anticipated the reader's response to his novel and so he discloses that he sees no moral value in the book. This is obviously a false statement that is used to complicate the book and make the reader think. Lolita is full of moral choices and situations that learned readers will recognize and make judgments on. Most readers have a conscience and thus look for the moral contained in the story. This argument thoughtfully represents Nabokov's Lolita with real world morals. An ethical or moral reading of Lolita would lead the reader to the question of forgiveness of Humbert for his actions toward Lolita. To fully understand all that is involved in this question it is necessary to examine the word forgiveness. The word "forgiveness" has been used extensively throughout... ... to see that Humbert is sorry for his sexual rape of Lolita and is regretful for taking her childhood away. Given that he is genuinely sorry for his actions there is a greater chance that the close reader will forgive Humbert for his molestation of Lolita. Bibliography Couturier, Maurice "Poerotic mode 'Lolita' and 'Ada'" "Novel and Censorship, or Eros' Bad Faith." (3/12/67) Nabokov, Vladimir, The Annoteted Lolita, notes Alfred Appel Jr., (New York: First Vintage Books. 1991) Neufeldt, Victoria, Webster's New World Dictionary (New York: Simon, 1990), p. 380 Oxford English Dictionary, 1996, query=forgivenes Unger, Merrill F., Unger's Bible Dictionary, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1970), p. 377 Vladimir Nabokov, rev. of Lolita, by Charles Rolo, The Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1958 Should the Reader Forgive Humbert? Essay -- Essays Papers Should the Reader Forgive Humbert? Lolita, by Vladamir Nabokov is a controversial book that elaborately represents and forces the reader to deal with a pedophiles obsession with his 12-year-old stepdaughter. As the reader finishes reading Lolita, he must establish a meaning for the novel which hinges heavily upon whether or not he should forgive Humbert for his rape of Lolita and for stealing her childhood away from her. This rape is legally referred to as a statutory rape because Humbert is having sex with Lolita who is under the age of consent. Humbert also figuratively rapes Lolita of her childhood and a normal teenage life. This decision to forgive Humbert will rely upon Humbert's words as he realizes what he has done to Lolita. In order for the reader to be able to forgive Humbert he must determine if Humbert is truly sorry for his actions. One must overlook the fact that Vladimir Nabokov has written, Lolita has no moral in tow. (314). Nabokov has obviously anticipated the reader's response to his novel and so he discloses that he sees no moral value in the book. This is obviously a false statement that is used to complicate the book and make the reader think. Lolita is full of moral choices and situations that learned readers will recognize and make judgments on. Most readers have a conscience and thus look for the moral contained in the story. This argument thoughtfully represents Nabokov's Lolita with real world morals. An ethical or moral reading of Lolita would lead the reader to the question of forgiveness of Humbert for his actions toward Lolita. To fully understand all that is involved in this question it is necessary to examine the word forgiveness. The word "forgiveness" has been used extensively throughout... ... to see that Humbert is sorry for his sexual rape of Lolita and is regretful for taking her childhood away. Given that he is genuinely sorry for his actions there is a greater chance that the close reader will forgive Humbert for his molestation of Lolita. Bibliography Couturier, Maurice "Poerotic mode 'Lolita' and 'Ada'" "Novel and Censorship, or Eros' Bad Faith." (3/12/67) Nabokov, Vladimir, The Annoteted Lolita, notes Alfred Appel Jr., (New York: First Vintage Books. 1991) Neufeldt, Victoria, Webster's New World Dictionary (New York: Simon, 1990), p. 380 Oxford English Dictionary, 1996, query=forgivenes Unger, Merrill F., Unger's Bible Dictionary, (Chicago: Moody Press, 1970), p. 377 Vladimir Nabokov, rev. of Lolita, by Charles Rolo, The Atlantic Monthly, Sept. 1958
Monday, September 16, 2019
Business Model Assignment Essay
Had been very busy lately finishing up on all the marking and a host of other stuff. Why is it that everything has to come together at the same time? Now I have to advise my students on completing their Business Model Assignment. My advise to them: â€Å"Do a little bit every day. Don’t wait until the week of submission and then try to cramp everything in one week. You will go haywire if you do that.†There are four parts to the business model as required in the coursework brief: core strategy, strategic resources, partnership network, and customer interface. Now, we are in Week 4. Try to cover one part in one week, and you will be able to complete your assignment by Week 7. Of course, you would have to compromise on your CNY celebrations. Never mind, you still have many more CNYs to come. :)) In this post, I will touch on the first part – i.e. core strategy. Let me start with business model. A business model is just a simplified description of how a business makes money. Usually, it is the precursor to the business plan. The objective of having a business plan is to â€Å"sell†your project to external financiers or internally to top management. If you have a well-thought out business model, then it forms the basis for writing a good business plan. A business plan may consist of the management team, the business model, the implementation plan, the financial plan, an analysis of the external environments, and maybe also a part on risk analysis. So you see, the business model is actually just a part of the business plan. Okay, now let’s look at core strategy. What exactly do we mean by â€Å"core†? It simply refers to our most valuable customers – who we are selling to. It also refers to our most important product – what we are selling. Also refers to our most important channels – how we are selling. Strategy? It’s just the art and science of today’s business environment i.e. how we differentiate ourselves from others. It refers to us finding our very own space in an over-crowded market. In the marking scheme, marks for this part is allocated for three areas of discussion: the mission statement (3 marks), product and/or market scope (4 marks) and basis for differentiation (4 marks). Let us move to the first of these: the mission statement. The mission statement simply defines what we sell and who we sell to. Having a mission statement provides us and our employees the framework and purpose of the existence of our business. The mission statement can be stated in one sentence or several sentences. Get your group’s members to sit down together and brainstorm on a mission statement for your group’s business venture. If you put your brains together, you will be able to come up with a reasonably good mission statement. Google for examples of mission statements. Learn from the mission statements of others and try formulate a good one for yourself. After your group has come up with the mission statement, then explain your mission statement. So, in this area, two things you need to do: State and explain your mission statement. The next area of discussion is your product and/or market scope. Product scope refers to the number of products you carry for sale in your business. You may build a successful business based on a single product strategy or you may have different lines of product to cater to a larger variety of customers. Your product scope will determine your future marketing strategy, your profit goals, and market saturation. With a single product scope, you build your business around one primary product. You become a specialist and often can build a niche market for your product, especially if you can develop territories over which you have complete control. Management is simple and inventory is easily monitored. A multiple product scope can include selling two or three or hundreds of products. Market scope is similar to product scope. It defines the number of customers you sell to and who they are. Yeah, you are right – it’s akin to market segmentation. You should have studied about market segmentation in your Fundamentals of Marketing course. If you have forgotten, well, just Google and find out. So, in this area, what you need to do is to describe your product/s and/or your customer segments. What’s next? Oh yeah, basis for differentiation. Meaning how you differentiate your product or service with those offered by your competitors. Differentiating your product makes you stand out from the crowd. It represents the X-factor that sways the customer’s preference in your favor. In other words, successful product differentiation creates a competitive advantage for you because customers will tend to perceive that your product is unique or one of a kind. Product differentiation may be as simple as just changing the way that a product is packaged. It may also be as elaborate as introducing new functionalities to the product. So, in this area, what you need to do is to explain how your product/service is differentiated from those of your competitors.
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Analysis of Spring offensive Essay
Spring offensive; by Wilfred Owens focuses on the uselessness for war. There is a striking contrast between the first and last few stanzas, as in the beginning all is calm, slow and pleasant. From the 5th stanza onwards, there is a sudden change from the serene environment, to an outbreak of activity. The poem starts off with peace and tranquility. ‘Lying easy, were at ease and finding comfortable chests and knees, Carelessly slept.’ However even this early in the passage the last two lines connote the violence which is yet to come. ‘To face the stark, blank sky beyond the ridge, knowing their feet had come to the end of the world.’ The sky being described as blank, suggests that there is nothing good lying ahead of them and when ‘feet’ is used in the passage it implies that it is their feet that keeps them walking on ahead. It shows their reluctance, that, if given a choice, they wouldn’t be taking this path. The 2nd stanza describes the kindness of nature to the soldiers. It soothes their pain and the breeze makes them relaxed. ‘by the may breeze, murmurous with wasp and midge, for summer oozed into their veins, like an injected drug for their bodies’ pains’ Bodies’ pains connotes that they have already been fighting at another front. It is an introduction to the next two lines of the poem, which like the previous stanza are warning about the imminent war. ‘sharp on their souls hung the imminent line of grass, fearfully flashed the sky’s mysterious glass’ The imminent line of grass behind described is the battle field and the sky flashing, gives a warning for what is about to happen. As a continuation of the 2nd stanza, the 3rd stanza, also describes nature, as being on their side. ‘where the buttercup Had blessed with their gold’ However, there is increased warning. The brambles are portrayed as hands, which could clutch and try to prevent you from going anywhere ‘Where the little brambles would not yield, But clutched and clung to them like sorrowing hands; they breathe like trees unstirred’ The 4th stanza is different somewhat different to the first three stanzas as, it has little mention of nature. In this stanza, the soldiers are being prepared for war, yet there is not mention nor indication of it. ‘No alarms Of bugles, no high flags, no clamourous haste’ However when it is said ‘the sun, like a friend with whom their love is done.’ The idea of death is reinforced into the minds of the reader, as the sun represents life and to say farewell to it, would mean death. The last two lines of the poem also describe life and what they will lose with this battle. The 5th stanza is the beginning of the war. The speed of the poem increases dramatically. The first two lines describe their initiative action and the rest of the stanza, the reaction. Instead of having an actual opponent fighting back, Owen has described nature fighting the soldiers. All the scenery created by the war, has been portrayed as things caused by nature. ‘And instantly the whole sky burned With fury again them’ this phrase was used to depict the sudden explosion of the bombs, yet to state that the ‘sky’ burned, he emphasizes the extent of the battle. By using nature to describe the fighting and the results of the it, it makes the opponent seem huge and the battle hopeless, it also gives the feeling that everything is against them. Upon using ‘earth set sudden cups In thousands for their blood’ It implies that the whole world wanted their blood to be shed in puddles on the ground. The last line also describes the death of many soldier s. ‘chasmed and steepened sheer to infinite space’ This connotes that the earth suddenly split and swallowed everyone up with it, and an effective technique of declaring the demise of many. The last stanza is the conclusion to the event, and it is also in this stanza that more of the poets dislike for war is informed to the reader. In a continuation to the previous stanza, the poet informs us with the destructive nature of war, which is also cleverly portrayed as environment being the enemy, but unlike before, there are very few still standing and fighting. ‘of them who running on that last high place Leapt to swift unseen bullets or went up On the hot blast and fury of hell’s upsurge or plunged and fell away past this world’s verge,’ After all many that were left, ended up being killed in the array of bullets and bomb blasts. There is much irony in this stanza of the poem. ‘Some say God caught them even before they fell’ The word which is striking is ‘some’ It connotes that perhaps god didn’t catch them, and they also died, only to arrive in hell, just like those which managed to survive. The poet tells that those that remained were monstrous to their enemy, sequentially to win the war. ‘With superhuman inhumanities’ By using these expressions, the poet has highlighted the extent acted by the men as they are said to be inhumanities instead of cruelties. The last four lines of the poem shows the poets thought on war. Their battle is described as having ‘immemorial shames’, which connotes that the war was pointless and the victory empty. This is furthered by the last line of the poem ‘why speak not they of comrades that went under?’ This tells that the survivors of the war did not converse about their dead companions and it implies that it would have only brought upon pain and further the notion: that war is pointless. The poem has been written with style. Although contrast via nature is used to exaggerate the impact of war, it is very effective in the poem. Owen has clearly succeed in expressing his view of peace and the pointlessness of war.
Art a Bar at the Folies Bergere by Edourd Manet
elly Turner A Bar at the Folies Bergere by Edourd Manet In the detailed work of art by the artist, Edourd Manet, the subject matter is depicting a barmaid who is alone working in a crowded bar shown in the mirror behind her but at a far distance away. The look on her face seems like she is distracted and overwhelmed with so many customers that she can’t handle taking everyone’s order. The subject matter comes from the artist who maybe is unhappy with his own work and maybe overwhelmed with all the pieces he needs to create for a certain event.The media of this work is an oil painting. Oil paintings are used on a canvas. It is a slow drying process which gives the surface of the painting richness and depth of colors. To use oil paint you need good quality sable brushes, turpentine for cleaning and thinning brushes, a canvas, and paint. Points, lines, and shapes help create oil paintings. There are symmetrical forms of the barmaid depicting visual weights and counterweigh ts in the piece, A Bar at the Folies Bergere, by Eduaor Manet.The shapes in this piece are geometric by the reflection of the mirror and also soft edged by the crowd in the background in the mirror almost faded out. The overall balance is destabilized. The masses in this painting are mostly focused on the bar tender then geometrically have the crowd smaller and faded away in the mirror depiction. The textures of this image are implied because there are x-ray photographs that reveal that Manet twice shifted the barmaid’s reflection further right. The color scheme is broken down with light and dark colors making it appear naturalistic.The space is created in two dimensional work with the barmaid’s image reflecting off of the mirror with the crowd portrayed in the background as pretty far away from her and also by balancing to lead our eyes around the work. Elements are arranged with the barmaid as the main element which is big and catches our eyes before we notice the sm aller people in the mirror reflection. Unity is created by the mirror reflecting her back image talking to a man knowing that they are all one big room. There is variety n this piece because the barmaid is very finely painted yet the crowded area of people in the mirror is almost fuzzy and unrecognizable. The scale of this work is half life size half not with the women being painted as a normal size yet the other people are very tiny with just their upper bodies being painted. The woman is extremely emphasized in this picture and the man along with the bar top is emphasized as well but not as much as the woman. In the detailed work of art by the artist, Edourd Manet art can be described in many various ways to depict so many different aspects of the painting.
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