Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Free Essays on False Justice
False Justice Leandro Anrade, a thirty-seven year old man with a non-violent record, was sentenced to fifty years to life in prison for stealing 153 dollars worth of videotapes. Leandro’s sentence is a raw product of California’s Three Strikes Laws. California’s Three Strikes Laws were erected in March of 1994 and have been the center controversy since their debut. Basically the laws state that if anyone is convicted of any crime three times and it can be three different crimes, whether it be a petty, or serious crime, they are sentenced to twenty-five years to life automatically. (Marks 2) Do these laws even seem remotely rational? Not according to California prosecutors, who only use the law in about ten percent of the eligible cases. (Dolan and Perry 3) That means ninety percent of all prosecutors in California ignore the ludicrous laws because they are not reasonable judgments. Why would you even have the laws when it doesn’t achieve the purpose it was produced to do? The reason behind that question lies in one major fallacy; the laws are unjust to petty crime offenders. When California’s voters condemned the laws in 1994 they were put under the influence that it would only pertain to felony, or serious crime convictions. The fact that someone can be sent to jail for at least twenty-five years for writing bad checks, stealing videos, selling drugs and so forth is unfair to the criminals and the tax payers of California who have to pay for larger prisons to welcome in the massive amounts of criminals who are sentenced under the three strikes laws, sixty percent of them being non-violent offenders. (Marks 2) Overall the laws have decreased the crime rates in California, but that can also be the result of a trend in that generally the whole country has been experiencing within the last ten years. These unreasonable laws should be altered in that they should only pertain to felonies and serious offenses. Even though I fee... Free Essays on False Justice Free Essays on False Justice False Justice Leandro Anrade, a thirty-seven year old man with a non-violent record, was sentenced to fifty years to life in prison for stealing 153 dollars worth of videotapes. Leandro’s sentence is a raw product of California’s Three Strikes Laws. California’s Three Strikes Laws were erected in March of 1994 and have been the center controversy since their debut. Basically the laws state that if anyone is convicted of any crime three times and it can be three different crimes, whether it be a petty, or serious crime, they are sentenced to twenty-five years to life automatically. (Marks 2) Do these laws even seem remotely rational? Not according to California prosecutors, who only use the law in about ten percent of the eligible cases. (Dolan and Perry 3) That means ninety percent of all prosecutors in California ignore the ludicrous laws because they are not reasonable judgments. Why would you even have the laws when it doesn’t achieve the purpose it was produced to do? The reason behind that question lies in one major fallacy; the laws are unjust to petty crime offenders. When California’s voters condemned the laws in 1994 they were put under the influence that it would only pertain to felony, or serious crime convictions. The fact that someone can be sent to jail for at least twenty-five years for writing bad checks, stealing videos, selling drugs and so forth is unfair to the criminals and the tax payers of California who have to pay for larger prisons to welcome in the massive amounts of criminals who are sentenced under the three strikes laws, sixty percent of them being non-violent offenders. (Marks 2) Overall the laws have decreased the crime rates in California, but that can also be the result of a trend in that generally the whole country has been experiencing within the last ten years. These unreasonable laws should be altered in that they should only pertain to felonies and serious offenses. Even though I fee...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
What I Learned on My Summer Vacation Lessons in Joy, Leadership, and the Mona Lisa
What I Learned on My Summer Vacation Lessons in Joy, Leadership, and the Mona Lisa Mona Lisa Smile Have you ever tried smiling with just the one side of your mouth? I attempted to do so as part of a leadership workshop last week and was surprised to find out what happened. Before I reveal the punch line, try it yourself: Really smile, with your eyes and everything. Just only use the left side of your mouth. How did it go? OK. Now try smiling with the right side of your mouth. Smile with your mouth and with your eyes. Surprised? If you’re like me and everyone else I know, you found yourself grimacing more than smiling in the second part of this exercise. For me, the seeming impossibility of cracking a right-sided smile was a true eye-opener about where in our brains our emotions show up. Perhaps it’s no surprise that the Mona Lisa is smiling on†¦ guess which side of her face? This phenomenon was just one of the many things I learned about last week when I attended a leadership training with the Wright Institute. The training was a total immersion in a sea of topics including emotional intelligence, creating joy, the formation and workings of the human brain, and getting group projects done with the right leadership (note: the link will bring you to an introductory weekend training; the one I attended was a more in-depth week-long retreat). After the retreat, we were asked to write an essay about the experience in order to cement our learning- something akin to â€Å"What I Did on My Summer Vacation.†I’m sharing my essay here. What I learned will inform the way I live my life and conduct my business for years to come. I gained takeaways not just about Mona Lisa smiling tricks but also about what it means to be a leader, share myself, create joy, and, well, be human. My wish is that you see something for yourself in the following words What I Learned on Summer Training 2013 At Summer I learned how to show up as a leader. It’s not about what I’ve done. It’s not about my skills as they relate to stuff I can do. It’s not about being liked. Leadership requires presence. It requires being willing to risk and to correct myself and others. It requires a strong vision and the ability to communicate it powerfully. It requires being incredibly awake! And it requires caring about the people I’m leading more than I care about getting stuff done. At Summer I learned how to share. It’s not about telling stories or talking about insights. It doesn’t require â€Å"getting it†or having â€Å"done the homework.†It doesn’t require â€Å"knowing†anything. All it takes to share is to be with my feelings, be with the person I’m with, be with my heart and feel into the hearts of the people around me. At Summer I learned how to â€Å"dedicate†to joy. It’s not about being happy all the time. It’s not easy. It’s not a one-shot deal and there’s no magic pill. Joy is not a phenomenon based on life circumstances. Dedicating to joy is a responsibility- a big one to the world and the people around me. Joy is a choice, made moment by moment. Joy often looks like hurt, tears and anger fully felt that open into joy. Joy requires opening- over and over. Joy is accessible to us all. It takes practice. 10,000 hours to mastery, as with so many other things. (See Malcolm Gladwell’s Outliers) At Summer I learned that I matter. Not for the things that I do, not for my talents and not for my creativity or my singing voice. I learned that I don’t have to prove that I matter, and that trying to do so is a losing battle, since in that paradigm as soon as I’ve had to prove it I don’t really matter. I matter because I am. I matter because I have feelings and heart waves that reach out at least 3 feet from my body. Because I am everything that I am. And I learned that these are the things that make other people matter too. At Summer I learned that the lifelong journey of getting to know myself as a leader and group member has only just begun. Getting to know the people around me (including the intricacies of their left and right side facial muscles) is an integral and fascinating part of that journey. I will continue to explore over the next year, and look forward to taking the next steps forward on Summer Training 2014.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Paulson Statement on Regulation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Paulson Statement on Regulation - Essay Example He reiterated his confidence in the strength and resiliency of the country's capital markets, and that the country would be able to work its way out of the situation. In his introduction, the Secretary remarked that the most pertinent priority of the government was to limit the actual effects of this crisis on the country's real economy. He advised that the key to keeping the country's economic state above water was to maintain liquid and stable financial markets, and that banks must put in their fair share by making credit readily available both to ordinary citizens and businesses. He added that there must be vigilant efforts introduced in order to dilute the destructive effects of the recent housing downturn on the economy. In addressing the importance of orderly financial markets, Paulson stated that the recent turmoil the capital markets have been facing were largely in part to the reduced access to short-term funding, which in turn caused widespread liquidity issues even with the biggest investment banks. As a result of these volatile conditions, Bear Sterns, the country's 5th largest investment house, found itself in bankruptcy. He justified the Federal Reserve's intervention leading to the JP Morgan buyout, stating that market stability was the primary concern of the government and the issue warranted prompt resolution. In light of the Bear Sterns fiasco, the Federal Reserve took a leap of faith by putting forth a temporary program which is meant to provide short-term liquidity to primary dealers. From a historical perspective, such bold moves by the country's central lending institution had not been propagated since the 1930's. While Paulson praised the Federal Reserve for its creativity in dealing with a potentially crippling situation, he chided that such drastic measures also have corresponding repercussions which need to be addressed. He argues that while commercials banks have traditionally had access to the Federal Reserve's liquidity facilities, these have been accompanied by strong regulation and supervision to avoid and potential pitfalls. Hence, the same measures should be enacted this time around if only for the sake of prudence. Paulson suggests that in opening the discount window temporarily to non-insured and non-depository institutions, tighter measures must be enacted in screening these institutions, which will enable them to make better informed lending decisions. In explaining the current mortgage crisis, he admits that its rapid free-fall has adversely affected both financial institutions and capital markets alike. Far from putting the blame on the inherently flawed sub-prime mortgage system, he argues that unsustainable home price appreciation in certain key areas was the primary driver behind the crisis. Also, once stability is restored to the housing sector, this will lead to a much more favorable situation for institutions involved with mortgage-backed securities. Paulson admits that with the current housing crisis, the availability of mortgage financing has been almost non-existent, due largely in part to the crippling liquidity problems that have beset lending institutions. He offers that in order for the housing and mortgage industry to get back on its feet, government-backed institutions such as Fanny Mae and Freddie Mac should be willing to
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Goal Setting - Point of View Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Goal Setting - Point of View - Coursework Example For instance, a clear goal should take into consideration the parts of your day to day work that make you happy or frustrated. This helps to deal with different scenarios that may emerge while you carry out your duties. This also helps you to assess your interactions with your boss so as to be able to take corrective measures that can improve the chances of attaining the desired goals. The other important idea that should characterize goal setting for 2015 is that a specific goal should be measurable. This helps the user to be in a position to establish if the desired goal is attainable. This helps you to know that you are on track. If not, then necessary adjustments should be put in place to make sure that the desired goal is achieved. A well defined goal should be realistic, measurable and attainable. The avenue to be followed towards the attainment of the goal should also be clearly outlined so as to make it easy to attain the desired
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Bipolar World Essay Example for Free
Bipolar World Essay Polarization means the union of like- minded countries into a single homogeneous unit in order to safeguard their national interests. Polarization thus, naturally means that various countries with similar ideas on various problems confronting the world unite around a super power with a view to giving united front. Polarization has been facilitated by the scientific and technological advances under which the world has shrunk in area and distance. In this way, when two centers of power, i.e. two poles appear round which the other countries of the world revolve, the system is known as Bipolar. I would prefer living in a bipolar world order because it tends to reduce international violence. The advantages of bipolar system are: †¢Reduction in Tension With only two world powers, their areas of influence are clearly demarcated. This leads to reduction in tension. In Cold War era, both the Soviet Union and America were concerned with happen ¬ings in different areas of the world. The USA was mostly concerned with America continent and West Europe, whereas the USSR’s sphere of interest was Asia and East Europe. This has led to a solid and determinate balance. Expansion was not so easy, aggrandizement was not a simple work. †¢Leads to balance resulting in peace In a bipolar system, there are only two rival blocs; competition in every field is relative which keeps the balance, usually resulting in peace. Both the power blocs are equally -or at least similarly- engaged in space race, economic growth, military preparedness, propaganda struggle and domestic issues. â€Å"Policy proceeds by limitation of the other power, with occasional attempts to outflank.†A super power never escapes calculation in terms of international balance and always evaluates the other power’s reaction. By asserting the interests of the two great powers in even minor matters, the balance is sought to be achieved in everything. Neither of the parts can act in a careless manner and this is in favor of stability. †¢Equality of Power Thirdly, the most important stabilizing factor is the nearly constant presence of pressure and the recurrence of crises. I mean crises are natural and even desirable in a condition of conflict. If crises do not occur, it means that one side or the other is neglecting its own interests. Maintenance of balance will then mean large or small wars. As long as there are only two major powers, the power of both will be almost equal. There will be equal and opposite reaction in crisis instants. (i.e. Cuba Crisis) This will check any one of the two powers to embark on a policy of aggression. †¢Any change anywhere in the world The changes in some parts of the world do not affect the basic position of two powers. Finally, the preponderant power of the two super states means that minor shifts in the balance are not of any great importance. For example, the U.S. lost China due to the Chinese Communist Revolution in 1949 and the Soviet Union lost China after Sino-Soviet border conflict in 1962, but neither change dras ¬tically altered the Russian-American balance. The two states were so strong that they could accommodate change easily. The U.S. and the U.S.S.R. confronted each other on almost every issue but none of the issues was of decisive importance and none led to war. To sum up, in addition to advantages, there are also disadvantages of bipolar system, like continuous pressure in international system. Yet, the balance of power always hinders the crises getting more serious. The world witnessed two world wars in thirty years in a multipolar order, but a third world war never happened in almost fifty tense years between 1945 and 1991, the bipolar Cold War era.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Physics of a Kayak (Qayaq) Essay example -- physics kayak kayaking qay
Qayaqs, now known as kyaks, were used by the Yup'ik Eskimos of Southwest Alaska. The Qayaq is a symbol of the Yup'ik culture. It symbolizes the significance of subsistence and using the surrounding resources to survive. This vessel also represents the intelligence and ingenuity of the Yup'ik people developing and designing a water craft that was swift, quiet, and could withstand harsh water turbulence. They were used as a mode of transportation for subsistence hunting and gathering. They were also a symbol of importance in society. "...it was the basis among men for obtaining wealth and women" (Zimmerly, 40). Wealth was measured on the ammount of goods a man could give away, indicating he was a successful hunter. In turn, because this hunter had a qayaq, he had to be skillful in manuvering the qayaq and hunting which gave him status in the community. This would be equivalent to a man owning his own vehicle and having a good job (Zimmerly, 40). "Each qayaq was outfitted with hunting suppliments to ensure the hunter's success." (http://www.alaskanative.net/341.asp). This mode of transportation was very efficient and aventageous while traveling along coast lines and upstream against a current. This style and of sea vessel is known as the Bearing Sea Kyak. Qayaq building was a very time consuming process. There was a ceremony held in the traditional men's house while each of the wooden memebers of the qayaq was cut. Each piece of wood was measured by the size of the owner. "Thus each man's kyak is built according to the specifications of his own body and hence is peruliarly fitted to his use" (Zimmerly, 40). Qayaqs were on average fifteen feet in length. They had wide and deep hulls, the bilges were rounded and slightly fl... ...L/n "As a rule of thumb R ~3000 turbulent flow" Anything in between 2000 and 3000 is unstable and may go back and forth between laminar and turbulent flow. (www.physics.usyd.edu.au/teach_res/jp/fluids/flow1.pdf) Works Cited Alaska Native Heritage Center. Floating Bodies 101. Lincoln, K J. "Qayanek: The Resurrection of a Lost Art." Delta Discovery 13 October 2004. 14+ Serway, Jewett. Physics for Scientists and Engineers 6th Edition. Pomona: California State Polytechnic University. 2004. Visual Physics. Yup'ik Qayaq. Zimmerly, David W. Qayaq: Kayaks of Alaska and Siberia. Fairbanks: University of Alaska Press, 2000.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Analysis “Hanging Fire” & “Barbie Doll”
Thesis Statement & Introduction An analysis of the literary elements imagery, symbolism, and tone/mood in â€Å"Barbie Doll†, by Marge Piercy and, â€Å"Hanging Fire†by Audre Lorde reveals each character and their struggle with their identity in society. Summary of â€Å"Barbie Doll†In the poem â€Å"Barbie Doll†by Marge Piercy, we read about a young girl who has self image problems. Due to the expectations of society, she is not happy with her physical appearance. She had many good qualities but is unable to see these for herself. Instead she only sees is a â€Å"a great big nose and fat legs†(Piercy,1936). In order to conform to society’s idea of beauty, the young girl was â€Å"advised to play coy, exhorted to come on hearty, exercise, diet, smile and wheedle. †(Piercy, 1936) The pressures became too much for her to handle. She could no longer live this way so she â€Å"cut off her nose and her legs/and offered them up. †(Piercy, 1936) The author states that finally, the girl has achieved acceptance, but not on the qualities of her character or her being; rather, through the unwilling compromise to culture. Summary of â€Å"Hanging Fire†The poem â€Å"Hanging Fire†, by Audre Lorde is about the hardships of a teenager who is possibly growing up during the tense civil rights movement era, and is afraid for her life. She is scared about growing up and has many insecurities. There are many things she wants to do such as, learn to dance & be on the math team. The young girl has self confidence problems due to her appearance. For example she states, â€Å"my skin has betrayed me,†( Lorde, 1978) meaning there are many things she feels she cannot do because her skin is not white. She also asks, â€Å"how come my knees are always so ashy? (Lorde, 1978) She continues to refer to her mother throughout the poem as being in the bedroom with the door closed. Without her mothers’ guidance, she is struggling in society because she has no guidance. Lorde argues that anyone enduring these forces would feel the loneliness and loss of identity that the young girl had felt. Literary Element-Imagery in â€Å"Barbi e Doll†Imagery is used in â€Å"Barbie Doll†in several areas of the poem. Piercy uses lots of imagery to describe the struggles the girl experiences during her teenage years and the effects that can happen. In the first stanza, we see the beginning of an ideal image being stained in the girls mind. She was â€Å"presented dolls that did pee-pee and miniature GE ovens and irons and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy†. (Piercy, 1936) By being presented these gifts the girls parents have already instilled a visualization of what the perfect woman is like and the girl is already learning her place in society. Their place was in the kitchen and taking care of the kids. Piercy has painted an image to the reader of a little girl playing with toy stoves and irons and wearing red lipstick to make herself pretty. Piercy writes, â€Å"In the casket displayed on satin she lay with the undertaker's cosmetics painted on, a turned-up putty nose, dressed in a pink and white nightie. †(Piercy, 1936) The next line reads, â€Å"Doesn’t she look pretty? †(Piercy, 1936) The derisive imagery criticizes gender discrimination of the modern society. The character has struggled to feel pretty until the pressure of society has became too much for her and in response to this has cut off her nose & legs. Literary Element- Imagery in â€Å"Hanging Fire†The imagery of the mother plays a big part in the poem â€Å"Hanging Fire†by Audre Lorde. This line is repeated all throughout the poem, â€Å"and momma's in the bedroom with the door closed. †(Lorde, 1978) I think it is representative of the fact that this speaker has to grow up alone without the guidance of her mother. Another way to look at the imagery of the locked up mother is that her mother just wasn't there in the first place. Her mother could have been an absent figure in her life and that is a scary thing (to grow up without the guidance of a motherly figure). Audre Lorde was a African American lady who went back and forth with her sexuality during times of struggles with civil rights. â€Å"Hanging Fire†may have been her way of expressing the guidance of her mother could have helped her through her confusion with her sexuality. I think this really impacted her, so she reminds herself and the reader of it at the end of every stanza. Compare/Contrast Authors Use of Literary Element Imagery Imagery is used to depict identity issues in â€Å"Barbie Doll†by Marge Piercy and in â€Å"Hanging Fire†by Audre Lorde. In both â€Å"Barbie Doll†and â€Å"Hanging Fire,†a young girl struggles with their appearance. In â€Å"Barbie Doll†the author Marge Piercy uses imagery to portray a young girl who is unhappy with the way she looks. For instance, in the following lines â€Å"She was healthy, tested intelligent, possessed strong arms and back, abundant sexual drive and manual dexterity. She went to and fro apologizing. Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs,†(Piercy, 1936) although she possessed several good qualities, the only thing that stood out to her was her nose and legs. In â€Å"Hanging fire,†the author Audre Lorde uses imagery to show a young woman struggling with her identity as well, not only with the physical part of her identity but the emotional side as well. After repeated use of the line, â€Å"and momma's in the bedroom with the door closed,†(Lorde, 1978) it is apparent the young girl struggles without the guidance of her mother. Literary Element- Symbolism in â€Å"Barbie Doll†The title â€Å"Barbie Doll†itself symbolizes a thin, curvy body, with symmetrical, perfect facial features. The beginning of the poem starts out with, â€Å"This girlchild was born as usual and presented dolls that did pee-pee and miniature GE stoves and irons and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy. †(Piercy, 1936) This line symbolizes society’s expectations for a girls role in life. For example, introducing the mothering instinct, as well as cooking and cleaning while encouraging her to look pretty while doing all of that. The poem makes a reference to a fan belt, similar to a person’s â€Å"good nature,†will wear out from being over used and abused. With line twenty’s mention of an â€Å"undertaker’s cosmetics painted on,†(Piercy, 1936) the author paints an image of disguise–suppressing hurt and anguish suffered when a girl was forced to absorb into a materialistic society that functions only according to the standards set by its members. In the beginning of the last stanza of â€Å"Barbie Doll,†the reader can achieve almost a sense of relinquishment as the subject symbolically â€Å"cut off her nose and her legs and offered them up. †(Piercy, 1936) The reader is led to believe hat the girl has come to realize that she must account for the loneliness and emptiness that she has felt as a result of imitating a false person. In line 21, the putty nose symbolizes the â€Å"perfect nose†for a girl, even though it is very unrealistic. The pink and white clothes that the girl is wearing, symbolize colors that represent purity and femininity. The conclusion is her death, an act of her surrendering herself to the pain. Literary Element- Symbolism in â€Å"Hanging Fire†The title â€Å"Hanging Fire†symbolizes wanting to do something or, waiting on something to happen that you are expecting. In this poem, the girl is ready to mature although her body has not done so yet. She has insecurities about her skin color and appearance. Audre Lorde grew up during the civil rights era and much of her poetry represents these types of feelings. In the line, â€Å"My skin has betrayed me†(Lorde, 1978), is symbolism for change. Not only what she is going through at that particular time, but how she is the black girl in the neighborhood, the outrage in this racist society. At this age, she is going through changes which affect every possible way of life. She is going through changes in her body which may be related to puberty. Her ashy knees symbolize all the â€Å"falls†she has taken, representative of all the scars of her life. At the end of every stanza, Lorde writes â€Å"and momma’s in the bedroom with the door closed. †(Lorde, 1978) This symbolizes the absence of her mother in her life. Without her mothers guidance the girl feels as though she must face the struggles of life alone. Compare/Contrast of Symbolism Symbolism in â€Å"Barbie Doll†is used by the author to represent the lack of self confidence of a girl who does not have society’s idea of the perfect body. For example, â€Å"You have a great big nose and fat legs†(Piercy, 1936) gives a very good indication that the young girl is not part of the norm as far as beauty goes. â€Å"Piercy uses symbolism to convey the false views society has toward women, while in â€Å"Hanging Fire,†symbolism is used to portray a young girl who is impatiently waiting to see changes within her body. Lorde uses symbolism to show insecurities the young girl in â€Å"Hanging Fire†has with her body. For instance, in the line â€Å"and my skin has betrayed me†(Lorde, 1978) Lorde uses symbolism to show the change that her body is going through. In both poems the characters are struggling with their appearance as well as other things. In difference, â€Å"Hanging Fire†was written in the civil rights era, leading me to believe Lorde used symbolism to show an African American girl struggling with race issues. While in Piercys’ â€Å"Barbie Doll,†symbolism is used to portray aspects of gender discrimination. Literary Element Tone in â€Å"Barbie Doll†The first four lines of â€Å"Barbie Doll†are written in simplistic tones which represent the normality and basic needs of infancy. The ironic tone of the poem criticizes gender discrimination of the modern society. In the beginning of the poem, the tone is silent and simplistic at first, describing the norm for a child and what is expected from society, â€Å"This girlchild was born as usual and presented dolls that did pee-pee and miniature GE stoves and irons and wee lipsticks the color of cherry candy†(Piercy, 1936) The tone of the introductory stanza changes quickly in line five when the author writes â€Å"Then, in the magic of puberty, a classmate said You have a great big nose and fat legs. †(Piercy, 1936) The last line of the second stanza again changes in tone from simple to straight-forward with the statement â€Å"Everyone saw a fat nose on thick legs. (Piercy, 1936) This line re-emphasizes the offensiveness of not measuring up to the standard of an ideal female, a standard set by society. Tone is used to show the severity of the pressures that society can produce. Literary Element Tone in â€Å"Hanging Fire†Audre Lorde[-;0] used her diction to indicate the s erious tone in â€Å"Hanging Fire. †Lorde used a serious tone to enforce that this poem was to be taken sincerely. â€Å"My skin has betrayed me†(Lorde, 1978) indicates not only that the skin appears displeasing, but that it is displeasing. This also reveals that the tone is confident. The use of â€Å"and†instead of â€Å"if†gives the speaker a sad tone. The teenager in the poem worries excessively about everything, which is not abnormal from what most teenagers do. There is a sense of worry throughout the whole poem. She is stressed and the tone really represents that. The diction sets this tone because the speaker makes generalizations such as, â€Å"nobody even stops to think about my side of it,†(Lorde, 1978) and how her skin has â€Å"betrayed,†her. She is very overdramatic which is characteristic of a teenager. The author also shows a sense of urgency such as in the lines â€Å"I have to learn how to dance in time for the next party. †(Lorde, 1978) There are things the girl wants to accomplish and coveys that she feels a sense of urgency to do so. The serious and stressed tone of the poem conveys to the reader how serious the effects of the civil rights era were on many people and in particular young people. Compare/Contrast of Literary Element Tone The tone in â€Å"Barbie Doll†evolves and changes throughout the poem from a simplistic tone to a negative tone. While in â€Å"Hanging Fire,†the tone stays on serious side indicating signs of stress and worry. In both poems the tone indicates stress, in â€Å"Barbie Doll,†it is due to the fact that others have pointed out the flaws they believe the girl has based on societies standards. While in â€Å"Hanging Fire†the tone indicates the girl never had confidence in the first place. Her mother was not there to encourage or support her which led to stress and worry over her cosmetic issues such as her ashy knees. The beginning of â€Å"Barbie Doll†starts out with a simplistic tone then changes to tone portraying low self esteem and cruelty. In particular in the line â€Å"You have a great big nose and fat legs†(Piercy, 1936) indicates cruelty the young girl endures. The girl is described as smart and strong yet is still viewed negatively by others because of her nose and legs. The author uses tone to showcase that society as a whole is too obsessed with physical appearance and not focused on the qualities that really matter. In â€Å"Hanging Fire,†Lorde used a serious tone to enforce that this poem was to be taken sincerely. Tone is used to stress that the girl has many worries and that she needs to express them. Audre Lorde[->1] used very little punctuation in this poem to emphasize the variation of the worries of teenagers. The use of â€Å"how come,†and â€Å"why do,†in the poem suggests frustration about her current situation as an African American girl struggling to find her way in life without the guidance of her mother. Author’s Engagement with Culture and Society Marge Piercy’s â€Å"Barbie Doll†â€Å"Barbie Doll†is a poem that follows the life of a young girl growing up with modern expectations that she struggles to conform to. The young girl begins to suffer and she develops anxiety and depression. She loses her self confidence and becomes inferior and weak. â€Å"Barbie Doll†uses different aspects of a woman’s life to express the different pressures on women today. Marge Piercy grew up in a family greatly affected by the Great Depression. Due to the environment Piercy was raised in during the Great Depression, many of her works tend to be highly personal and often address concerns with feminist and social issues. Piercy’s poetry is known for its highly personal, often angry, and very emotional character. Author’s Engagement with Culture and Society Audre Lorde â€Å"Hanging Fire†â€Å"Hanging Fire†reveals a young girl who is troubled by the changes her body is going through as well as self confidence issues. Her lack of guidance is continuously mentioned throughout the poem. Lorde expresses or explores racial and sexual oppression, urban neglect, and personal survival in many of her other writings as well as in â€Å"Hanging Fire. †Lorde grew up during the civil rights era where she experienced first hand racism and prejudice. She addressed subjects concerning the complexity surrounding her life as an African American and as a woman. Fixed in her resentment of the racism and sexism that marked the history of the United States, Lorde dedicated her work to her ancestors, to the love and support of women, and to African Americans. In conclusion, my analysis of the literary elements imagery, symbolism, and tone/mood in â€Å"Barbie Doll†, by Marge Piercy and, â€Å"Hanging Fire†by Audre Lorde reveals each character and their struggle with their identity in society. References http://www. americanpoems. com/poets/Marge-Piercy http://www. margepiercy. com/Piercy%20Website/sampling/Barbie_Doll. htm Poem http://www. poetryfoundation. org/bio/audre-lorde http://famouspoetsandpoems. com/poets/audre_lorde/poems/19831 Poem [->0] – .. /essay_search/Audre_Lorde. html [->1] – .. /essay_search/Audre_Lorde. html
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Scratch Beginnings
The â€Å"American Dream†is only as real as one’s imagination. The Scratch Beginnings by Adam Shepard gives the reader an opportunity to walk in the shoes of a man working to turn â€Å"rags-to-fancier-rags†(p. xvi, Shepard). Within the book lies not only the journey of Adam Shepard, an ordinary man attempting to advance from being homeless to living financially stable, but also the stories of others, whom Shepard met along the way, taking different routes to reach similar goals. Taking place in 2006, it is easy to connect each event, three years later, with today’s economy. All through the story we are reminded that one’s character impacts his own achievements: A person is only competent to approach such a goal if their heart, passion, and mind are set to their ambitions. One main motto told the reader that to achieve the â€Å"American Dream†one must never settle for anything less than what they expect from themselves. This saying was shown in many tasks described within the story: just as Shepard was about to take the job at the carwash, which only paid the minimum, he took some initiative and made a final attempt to persuade Curtis into hiring him at Fast Company. Another example would be of Derrick, with hard work, dedication, and a little assistance; he was able to succeed in buying a new home. Shepard’s story described the emotional impacts of each achievement and failure. He was not short in telling of each fiasco he encountered and with every let down handed to him, Shepard was still able to look on the bright side in each event. The experiences in Scratch Beginnings hint to the reader that the â€Å"American Dream†is not always about hard work but a positive attitude is just as important. Some say the current economy is struggling but is it any different from seventy years ago when families immigrated to the United States in search for a better life? Hearing stories of your ancestors: how they came to America, their struggles, starting their families, and by living your life today would you not think your ancestors achieved the â€Å"American Dream? †Over the past couple years statistics have shown that the unemployment rate has increased and many Americans are losing their jobs; however, statistics have also shown that technology is increasing and so are desires of Americans. Shepard repeatedly states that with success comes sacrifice: he sacrificed his evening outs, free time in order to earn extra money, and also his purchases to save for later in life. When shopping for clothes, â€Å"I even thought about splurging for a couple extra pairs of pants and shirts, but the timing didn’t seem right. †(p. 74, Shepard) The economy needs to start thinking money savvy: instead of splurging on items, settle for the necessities. Shepard said others have criticized his experiment; however by briefly including the accounts of others (Marco, Derrick, BG, ect. , all with different backgrounds, and how they have advanced in society, gives his book credibility. The journey of Adam Shepard was in his eyes the achievement of the â€Å"American Dream. †He surpassed his goals by saving around $5300 while living in an apartment with monthly expenses. Everyone has their own definition of the â€Å"American Dream†and it is up to them to figure ou t what it is and how they will be able to achieve it. Like Adam Shepard said, â€Å"We are only as strong as our weakest link. †(p. 215, Shepard)
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Top 4 Tips to Write an Excellent Management Research Paper
Top 4 Tips to Write an Excellent Management Research Paper Write an Excellent Management Research Paper Research paper is the type of writing work that can be completed by graduates, undergraduates and PhDs and can become published in research or academic journals. Completing a research paper can take various amounts of time, because it depends on the depth of research, objective and the assignment itself. Therefore, it can take a couple of days or weeks to complete a basic management research paper, while writing a paper like this for an advanced program can take months or years to finish. Top 4 writing tips to help you craft an excellent research paper no matter the difficulty level: Select the Problem Choosing the right topic is the foundation of your success. You cant write a good paper about the things that youre not passionate about. Good news is that research paper on management can cover a lot of topics and problems which span across different aspects of organizations, business or different spheres of business. When choosing a topic, make sure that its not too broad and not too narrow, so that you can find enough materials to do the research. In addition to this, your topic should be relevant to actual challenges in business environment. Assess the Research There are certain stages of research that you need to complete as youre working on your paper. First of all, you should select the sources and references for your work that will be relevant to the thesis statement that you have chosen. In search of materials, dont forget to visit your university library and make sure to search for relevant research papers online. We also recommend you to use Emerald and Science Direct to search for quality research data materials. On all stages of your research, you should make sure that youre following all the requirements assigned by your professor, because you dont want improper formatting or minor flaws get in the way of your research paper. Structure Your Paper If selecting the right topic is the foundation of a good paper, good materials are the building blocks for your paper, then giving your paper a proper order and organization is the glue that holds building blocks together. Present your paper in the logical manner so that one paragraph reinforces and prepares the ground for each subsequent one. Transform the Research Never forget that research papers dont aim to restate facts that are already known. The main goal of the research is to come up with new ways to solve the researched issue. You have to show that you have studied the topic thoroughly, got acquainted with different points of view and were able to offer new, unique solutions to solve the real ongoing problems in the modern business environment. If you can speak from your own managerial experience, that would be even better. Once your paper is complete, dont forget to proofread it at least twice to remove vague parts and intensify the message. Following these four steps, you will certainly be able to write an excellent research paper.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
9 Strategies to Handle Difficult Behaviors in Children
9 Strategies to Handle Difficult Behaviors in Children The first step in dealing with inappropriate behavior is to show patience. This often means taking a cooling period before saying or doing something one might regret. This also might involve having the child or student sit in a time out, or remain alone until their teacher can deal with the inappropriate behavior. Be Democratic Children need choice. When teachers are ready to give a consequence, they should allow for some choice. The choice could have to do with the actual consequence, the time when the consequence will occur, or input as to what follow up should and will occur. When teachers allow for choice, the outcomes are usually favorable, and the child becomes more responsible. Understand the Purpose or Function Teachers have to consider why the child or student is misbehaving. There is always a purpose or a function. The purpose could include getting attention, power, and control, revenge, or feelings of failure. Its important to understand the purpose to support it readily. For instance, knowing a child is frustrated and feeling like a failure will require a change of programming to ensure that he or she is set up to experience success. Those seeking attention need to receive attention. Teachers can catch them doing something good and recognize it. Avoid Power Struggles In a power struggle, nobody wins. Even if a teacher feels like they have won, they havent, because the chance of reoccurrence is great. Avoiding power struggles comes down to exhibiting patience. When teachers show patience, they are modeling good behavior. Teachers want to model good behavior even when they are dealing with inappropriate student behaviors. A teachers behavior most often influences a childs behavior. For example, if teachers are hostile or aggressive when dealing with various behaviors, children will be too. Do the Opposite of What Is Expected When a child or student misbehaves, they often anticipate the teachers response. Teachers can do the unexpected when this happens. For instance, when teachers see children playing with matches or playing in an area that is outside of the boundaries, they expect teachers to say Stop, or Get back inside the boundaries now. However, teachers can try saying something like, You kids look too smart to be playing there. This type of communication will surprise children and students and works frequently. Find Something Positive For students or children who regularly misbehave, it can be challenging to find something positive to say. Teachers need to work at this because the more positive attention students receive, the less apt they are to look for attention negatively. Teachers can go out of their way to find something positive to say to their chronic misbehaving students. These children often lack belief in their ability and teachers need to help them see that they are capable. Dont Be Bossy or Reflect Bad Modeling Bossiness usually ends up with students seeking revenge. Teachers can ask themselves if they like being bossed around, in consideration, as children do not enjoy it either. If teachers employ the strategies suggested, they will find that they wont need to be bossy. Teachers should always express a strong desire and interest to have a good relationship with the student or child. Support a Sense of Belonging When students or children dont feel they belong, they often act out inappropriately to justify their feeling of being outside of the circle. In this scenario, teachers can ensure the student has a strong sense of belonging by praising the childs efforts to get along or work with others. Teachers can also praise attempts to follow the rules and adhere to routines. Teachers may also find success in using we when describing the behavior they want, such as, We always try to be kind to our friends. Pursue Interactions That Go Up, Down, Then up Again When teachers are about to reprimand or punish a child, teachers can bring them up first by saying something like, Lately youve done so well. Ive been so impressed with your behavior. Why, today, did you need to be involved with a hands-on? This is a way for teachers to deal with the issue head-on. Then, teachers can end on a note like, I know it wont happen again because youve been so good up until this moment. I have great faith in you. Teachers may use different approaches but should always remember to bring them up, take them down, and bring them up again. Strive to Create a Positive Learning Environment Research shows that the most important factor in student behavior and performance is the teacher and student relationship. Students want teachers that: Respect themCare about themListen to themDont yell or shoutHave a sense of humorAre in a good moodLet students give their opinions and their side or opinion Ultimately, good communication and respect between teachers and students are effective in maintaining a positive learning environment.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Homelessness in U.S Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Homelessness in U.S - Essay Example Given the current economic constraints, some people argue that the homeless people are freeloaders, who are unwilling to work extra hard so as they can afford to live in a place, which is not only safe, but also healthy for themselves, as well as their families. Therefore, this essay tends to clarify this issue by examining the main causes of homelessness within the United States, its effects, while at the same time giving a recommendation on what has to be done in tackling this problem. Causes There are various reasons leading to people becoming homeless, as well as the combination of causes leading to homelessness within the United States, which tend to vary from different individuals. The National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty (2011) notes these causes including high cost and scarcity of housing; it is hard, according to Mayock and Carr (2008), if not impractical, for individuals with low-income, together with families to get affordable housing within the US. The majority o f the houses available in the United States are extremely expensive; therefore, it is easy for low income earners to acquire them (USA Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness, 2011). Secondly, poverty, literacy, joblessness and education happen to be another significant cause of homelessness within the United States. Poverty has a close connection with homelessness. When people do not have income for meeting all their needs, they get compelled to make a choice between housing, childcare, utilities, food, transportation and healthcare (Carter, 2011). Mayock and Carr (2008) claim that, even though a high percentage of homeless individuals has employment, their incomes are in most cases not enough to make certain that housing stability while the majority of people lack jobs, which living wages, high job security, as well as health insurance. Additionally, a lack of educational opportunities restricts accessibility to living-wage jobs (USA Institute for Children, Poverty & Homele ssness, 2011). The third leading cause of homelessness within the United States happens to be domestic violence: This is a factor in homelessness especially for women with children. Research shows that up to half of homeless women along with children might have gone through domestic violence before becoming homeless (National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, 2011). The majority of homeless youth and young adults have experienced violence within their homes. Fourthly, effects of mental illness and drug addiction also play a key role in the problem of homelessness within the United States. Most people with complex life issues connected to mental illness as well as substance use are amongst homeless persons compared to the general population (National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, 2011). In the United States, about 25 percent of homeless people are living with acute mental illness with alcohol and drug use being noteworthy amongst a huge group of homeless persons (National Law Center on Homelessness & Poverty, 2011). Apparently, issues related to untreated mental illness, together with substance abuse affect housing stability, as well as success (USA Institute for Children, Poverty & Homelessness, 2011). Institutional release to homelessness happens to another major cause of homelessness in the United Stat
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