Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Sensory Perceptions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Tactile Perceptions - Essay Example For example, an individual sees that it is cold since the sky is dim and trees are being influenced by the solid breeze. The understanding that the temperature is cool is rational with the surroundings’ state. Data is additionally accepted to be exact when the circumstances and logical results include. For instance, an individual accepts that he heard a noisy sound when he hit a drum. Realities bolstered by research helps in making tactile data authentic. For example, it is sensible to feel cold regardless of whether the climate is warm on the off chance that one has fever. This is brought about by the body’s signs to the mind (nerve center) to raise the temperature to murder undesirable remote bodies. Since the temperature becomes lower than the set point, the nerve center sends the message that it feels cold. Regardless of whether the discernment isn't predictable with nature, it can in any case be clarified by clinical realities. Three factors that can influence the precision of tangible data are: discernment ability and data source, unwavering quality of upgrades, and the brain’s translation of the boosts (Goldstein, 2009). Right off the bat, the five detects fill in as the receptors for information. These information are then sent to the cerebrum through neural pathways for recognition. The exactness of both sensation and observation influences the nature of the tactile data. Also, the more trustworthy and reliable the realities watched, the more precise the tactile recognition will be. Thirdly, the mind must be fit as a fiddle to have the option to work appropriately. Nature and support have consistently influenced the presence of creatures (Myers, 2009). These two powers additionally have noteworthiness in the evaluation of tangible information. The human body’s improvement is influenced by the components around it like time, temperature, and food. Acquired qualities, for example, physical properties, sensitivities, and ailments are similarly fundamental in deciding one’s presence. Considered under nature are some atypical states of the sensory system that are not demonstrated to
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Essentials of Marketing Mix Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
The Essentials of Marketing Mix - Essay Example Hence, the promoting blend for every one of these item classes likewise should be extraordinary. It appears that advertisers utilize changed showcasing blend methodologies in any event, for merchandise under a similar item classification. This paper will break down the showcasing blend procedures of two existing brands that advertise extravagance merchandise. Hypothetical Concepts of the Marketing Mix Elements The term ‘marketing mix’ was right off the bat utilized by Neil Borden in 1953. The hypothesis of advertising blend contains four principle components called 4 P’s of showcasing; item, value, spot, and advancement. These four components comprise the whole special battle; and â€Å"when these are adequately mixed, they structure an advertising program that gives need fulfilling products and ventures to the company’s showcase (Spiro, Stanton, and Rich, 2003, p.10). The term advertising blend mirrors a more extensive idea that incorporates a few promoti ng perspectives which all work toward a comparable target of making mindfulness and client dedication. Each firm considers promoting blend as an indispensable technique as the components of advertising blend assume a huge job in each phase of item life cycle. In the cutting edge days, ‘people’ is added as the fifth P to the showcasing blend components so as to speak to the objective individuals. The 4 P’s of showcasing are quickly depicted beneath. 1. ... Item is an essential component that can lead the entire business tasks to progress or disappointment. Consequently, so as to hold item seriousness in the market, advertisers for the most part utilize item separation system as an apparatus to separate their items from those of its rivals. To put it plainly, while showcasing an item, the advertiser must take explicit item choices with respect to scopes of elements like brand name, usefulness, bundling, guarantee, styling, and quality. 2. Cost Simply, cost decides the numerical estimation of the item or the sum a client pays for the item. An advertiser may increment or reduction the cost of his item as indicated by its interest in the market. Diverse evaluating techniques are utilized to value an item in different circumstances. Premium evaluating is a most regular valuing system by which a more significant expense is charged for the item; it is rehearsed if the item has a considerable upper hand over the contending items. What's more, infiltration valuing, economy evaluating, value skimming, mental estimating, topographical valuing, and quantities of others valuing methodologies are utilized to value an item. Advertisers must consider value adaptability and value separation while detailing estimating choices. 3. Spot Place speaks to an area where an item is advertised. It might either be a physical store or be a virtual store on the web. Agreeing the hypothesis of advertising blend, the spot additionally alludes to channel, appropriation, or middle person. At the end of the day, place is the channel through which merchandise and ventures are moved from the advertiser to a definitive shoppers. The advertiser needs to figure clear choices on dissemination channels; for example, he has
A Comprehensive Marketing Planning Case Study
Question - Write a contextual investigation examination on Marketing Planning? Chapter by chapter list Presentation. Errand 1 (M1) P1 Reviewing the changing point of view in showcasing arranging. P2 Evaluating the associations capacity to get ready for its future promoting action. P3 Examining the methods for reviewing an association and dissecting the outer elements that influences the promoting arranging. P4 Carrying out the hierarchical reviewing and examination of outside elements that influences the advertising arranging Undertaking 2 (M2) P5 Accessing the fundamental hindrances of advertising making arrangements for Nelson Professional Clothing. P6 Explaining how to conquer the hindrances to advertising arranging. Errand 3 (M3) P7 Marketing plan for an item or administrations. P8 Importance of promoting getting ready for the association in the key arranging process P9 Techniques for new item improvement P10 Recommendations for estimating approach, dispersion and correspondence blend. P11 Factors influencing the successful execution of the showcasing plan. Errand 4. P12 Ethical issues affecting promoting arranging. P13 Response of Nelson Professional Clothing to moral issues. P14 Examples of purchaser morals and their impact on promoting arranging. End. Reference List Presentation Advertising arranging can be alluded to as the plan that helps in laying out the general showcasing endeavors of an association. The market arranging for the most part brings about a showcasing system that helps in improving the deals and benefit from the business (Glaser and Traynor, 2014). This task manages aggregating a showcasing review for Nelson proficient apparel, appropriate strategies for investigating and evaluating the principle obstructions of the association alongside chalking out a compelling promoting plan. What's more, the task likewise concentrates its light on the moral issues that the association needs to react and the manners in which that moral issues impact the showcasing arranging. Undertaking 1 (M1) P1 Reviewing the changing point of view in promoting arranging Presently days when showcasing arranging is made, it is fundamental to remember the purpose for its change. The various explanations behind which the market arranging is changed are because of the adjustment in prerequisites and necessities of the clients and their purchasing conduct. Likewise, so as to keep a serious pace with the evolving contenders, change in showcase arranging is required. As indicated by Chang and Cheng (2014) the market arranging is changing because of presentation of new advancements where the utilization of the cutting edge innovation is a significant piece of the any retailing organization. In this technically knowledgeable current world, more the associations will be slanted towards innovation, the deals and benefit will increment. What's more, the other explanation of rolling out an improvement in showcase arranging is the failing to meet expectations execution of Nelson Professional Clothing where the organization confronted a tremendous misfortune becaus e of worldwide downturn in 2008-2009. This brought about disappointment in meeting the operational exercises just as lead to cutting back of representatives just as auctioning off the advantages (Gunder, 2011). P2 Evaluating the associations ability to get ready for its future promoting movement Subsequent to confronting a gigantic misfortune because of downturn, Nelson Professional Clothing needed to battle a great deal for meeting their operational exercises by both cutting back the representatives and selling of the benefits of the organization. Thus, the organization employed Gantts Hill Research and Consultancy Group (GRCG) so as to chalk out a viable promoting plan for what's to come. The association is sufficiently proficient to confront the change since it has just confronted a great deal of obstacles during the period of downturn (McKay, 2014). The capacity approach is one of the methodologies that utilization the incentive of the clients so as to set up the presentation objectives that depend on commitment of qualities. The GRCG bunch comprehends the advantages of the association and furthermore assesses the limit that the association needs to confront a significant change in advertise arranging that may influence the staffing frameworks and the effectively set pro moting systems (Towers, 2012). Additionally, the organization is anxious to investigate the promoting procedures that incorporates dissect of the qualities, shortcoming, opportunity and dangers of the organization. P3 Examining the strategies for inspecting an association and breaking down the outer variables that influences the promoting arranging The strategy that the showcasing head of GRCG had received for breaking down the outer elements influencing the market arranging is the SWOT investigation. The quality of Nelson Professional Clothing is the low value technique where it gives great quality items at a significant low cost. Moreover, the presentation of current and refreshed innovations such as self looking at machines, ECR, electronic rack marking and so on will help the organization in decrease of additional representative cost (Anderson, 2012). Also, this quality will give the organization an additional upper hand over different organizations. What's more, the shortcoming of the organization is that it needed to auction a portion of the benefits because of downturn. The chance of the organization can be presentation of broadened items into the market at sensible costs (Mooradian et al. 2012). Since the clients think about the great nature of results of this organization, they will be anxious to have the items again f rom the organization. Be that as it may, then again as per Karakaya and Parayitam (2013) the danger of the organization is the rising worldwide rivalry and worldwide financial emergency. P4 Carrying out the authoritative inspecting and investigation of outside components that influences the promoting arranging The examination of outside elements that influence the market arranging of Nelson Professional Clothing is talked about thusly. The association needs to examine the outside condition for chalking out or detailing a viable promoting getting ready for the government assistance of the organization and to increase an upper hand over its rivals. The political factor incorporates the political security, charge rates, duties rate and enactment of UK (Castleberry, 2014). Likewise, financial variables incorporate the monetary state of UK because of an unfavorable impact of downturn, the interest of its items and costs of the item. Additionally, the social variables incorporate the convictions and assumptions alongside the way of life and expectation for everyday comforts of the individuals. The social factors likewise remember the examination of the clients for the premise of their age, sex, pay, instructive foundation and employment (Bazini and Ramaj, 2013). The mechanical elements incorporate the ramifications of present day innovation into the business that helps in lessening the work expenses and creation cost and expands the benefits and nature of item and administrations (Schultz, 2012). The legitimate elements incorporate the principles and guideline the association follows during the creation of the merchandise. It likewise incorporates the working hours, the representatives and work laws states of business and pay scales. The ecological variables incorporate the handling of the waste materials before removal and techniques to diminish the carbon impression. Examination of these variables helps in making a fruitful promoting plan (Perret and Holmlund, 2013). Undertaking 2 (M2) P5 Accessing the primary hindrances of advertising getting ready for Nelson Professional Clothing The adequacy of various administration styles of various associations is talked about in this unique situation. In dictatorial administration style, the supervisors and the higher authorities are the center leaders. The representatives needed to work as indicated by the standards and guidelines of the organization independent of any issues they face. Such initiative can be an obstruction to the market arranging in light of the fact that new thoughts are not permitted to stream inside the association (Tyssen et al. 2013). This builds the decrease of representative maintenance and furthermore the workers don't secure fulfillment in their position. For the participative initiative style, the pioneers talks about with the representatives before taking any sort of choices. In any case, this style faces difficulties at the hour of crisis a likewise during the hour of taking choices inside a brief timeframe. Likewise, the value-based initiative style centers around giving prizes or discipli nes that depends on the consequences of the exhibition (Arnold and Loughlin, 2013). This makes the workers move towards a shared objective and makes the wok dreariness and development in this authority style is missing. This is on the grounds that disappointment of the thought can prompt discipline of the representatives so the workers ideally dont face any challenge in giving out thoughts. These diverse authority styles are the fundamental boundaries in compelling showcasing arranging. P6 Explaining how to conquer the boundaries to promoting arranging Nelson Professional Clothing can free of obstructions and make a viable showcasing arranging by the accompanying ways. The association can assemble more data of the market pattern by doing a distinctive and real statistical surveying. This is on the grounds that; assortment of wrong information can prompt a mistaken market arranging that will have an unfavorable impact to the matter of the association (Bazini and Ramaj, 2013). Also, statistical surveying with respect to the market development, net worth and dynamic procedures should be possible to keep away from and beat the obstructions. The better comprehension of the clients, the necessities and prerequisites of the potential clients can likewise be the method of defeating hindrances. Utilization of present day innovation like information the board framework, process computerization, cooperation and multi divert crusade the board helps in defeating the boundaries to set up a successful promoting arranging (Towers, 2012). What's mo re, the expulsion of existing lawful obstructions can help in beating the boundaries in advertising arranging. Also, a two route correspondence inside the association and outside the association alongside fixing a dependable financial plan of th
Friday, August 21, 2020
Transport Economics of Ktmb free essay sample
Presentation Generally, transportation is the sheltered, proficient, dependable, and maintainable development of people and products by after some time and space. A few accessible kinds of transportation are utilized broadly in the reality, which including railways, transports, air, car, truck and, and so on. Furthermore, the worth included exercises, for instance, entryway to-entryway administration, for transportation is basic to the older or disabled.No one can question the significant of transportation to the economy, for example; an incredible transportation spikes monetary advancement by offering versatility to creation factors, which licenses scale financial matters and increment productivity. Whats more, it additionally expands the zone that customers and businesses can draw on for assets and items. KTM Komuter in Malaysia is a notable transportation organization, since it procures its incredible notoriety by the significant history, propelled the board, what not. The accompanying parts will concentrate on the foundation, the achievement and restriction, the job and significance of the KTM Komuter to the economy. We will compose a custom paper test on Transport Economics of Ktmb or on the other hand any comparative subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page It was on June 1, 1885 where the primary train in Malaysia to take its calendar during British pilgrim time. Beforehand it was known as the Federated Malay States Railways (FMSR) and the Malayan Railway Administration (MRA). Keretapi Tanah Melayu obtained its present name in 1962. after 30 years, which was on 1992, the organization was corporatize however remains entirely possessed by the Malaysian government. During the occasions, charges offered by KTMB are commonly sensible, yet the low recurrence of the intercity trains makes them serious with different methods of transportation. Nonetheless, KTMB has rolled out various improvements that lead to its present achievement. As of not long ago, the turnaround exertion to guide KTMB in the groove again with sensible benefit or at any rate self-manageable to take care of its working expense has been excessively long late. Throughout the years, a large number of that turnaround exertion have been demonstrated disappointment. In KTMBs most recent openly accessible budget summary as at December 2009, it was accounted for that the organization figured out how to round up net benefits of somewhere in the range of RM9mil and RM15mil from 1993 to 1995.
Friday, August 14, 2020
And thats a wrap, Illinois!
And thats a wrap, Illinois! Hi guys, I am officially an alumna of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign! I received my B.A. in Creative Writing Saturday night in a beautiful ceremony at Smith Hall. As a first generation college student, this is a pretty big deal for me and my family. I got a job offer to work for a creative video advertising agency out in Hollywood, CA, and I have a few more weeks at my current apartment before I make an epic 21-hour drive across the country to begin a life out on the West Coast. Here are a few things that Ive come to realize over commencement weekend: Youre not the same person who attended convocation You made lifelong friends and/or found your significant other here Its hard saying goodbye to professors, faculty, and advisors All your mistakes, all the what-ifs dont matter anymore Change is a good thing Its weird being done with undergrad. I remember not wanting to attend convocation the first week of college because I couldnt stand large crowds and I just felt nervous to walk by myself with no one I knew. Today, I am so glad that I did. Im so glad I got out of that shell and just went for it. Not only did I meet some friends there who are still in my life, but thats how I met my best friend and fiance. Yes, I met my future husband husking corn for the 2012 Guinness Record. You just dont expect these little things to have a profound impact on you! I guess, #ILLINILOVE is a thing. My best friend/fiance and I standing in front of the Eternal Flame! Its also hard knowing I have to leave this place I made my home for the past four years. The people you meet at this time in your life change you. You learn to be responsible, forgiving, and you understand you cant see them all the time because of other obligations. I think thats the moment where you truly grow up and begin to appreciate those around you. Anyway, my best friend served in the Marines, and then enrolled to the English departments Creative Writing program because he wanted to share his story and passion for fiction writing with the rest of the world. Weve had so many workshops and classes together, and Im sad thats coming to an end, but we learned so much about ourselves, our craft, and how to be a better person addressing constructive criticism. Hes expected to join the MFA program out in Purdue in the fall. So proud of him! John, a good friend of mine also in Creative Writing. Saying goodbye to the professors in your life is strangely difficult too. My Creative Writing professors took so much time out of their schedules to meet with me on side projects and for pitching advice my way on MFA programs. You hear about their lives, their current writing projects, and they become more of a mentor than just an instructor. They invest in your ideas, if youre invested in challenging yourself. Thats whats so incredible about my time here as a student; I didnt just feel like a number, I shared an overwhelmingly creative space with passionate folks. Two of my favorite Creative Writing professors! Sometimes, I find myself regretting not joining a certain RSO (Registered Student Organization) I expressed interest at first on Quad Day and didnt bother to pursue, or regret on the fall outs of a few friends from my residence hall days. Looking back now, things just sort of work out in the end. I completed college working two jobs most of my undergrad career to support myself financially and I maintained a high GPA, volunteered when I could, and completed my assignments with pride. Im a better writer now taking risks in all sorts of experiencesâ€"from prose to marketing writingâ€"and thats what makes me feel like a better writer and person today. Even as a socially anxious person, I signed up to be a campus tour guide! How daring that was. Undergrad career done! I dont know if Ill always enjoy writing, and I dont know if Ill stay in the same career path all my life. Heck, I dont know if Ill stay in the LA area my entire life. All I know is that Im ready to welcome change, an entry-level writing career, and that Ill always be a bit nostalgic about my days here. These were my formative years, my time and place to experiment and fess up if I didnt know anything. Now, I better brush up on the Chicago Manual of Style before my first day of work ?? Thanks for reading and following my blog. I hope my posts provided comfort for first-generation students seeking to enroll in college! Peace out! Jenny Jenny Class of 2016 I'm majoring in Creative Writing in the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences. I'm from the north side of Chicago, an artsy neighborhood along the lakefront called Andersonville. I plan to pursue a low-residency MFA program in Fiction Writing with the hope of becoming a published author.
Thursday, June 25, 2020
From Objectified to Deified An Exploration of Self in Goblin Market - Literature Essay Samples
A torrid lesbian love affair. An acerbic commentary on the commercialization of sex. A dire struggle between physical temptation and spiritual good. A childs nursery rhyme. Goblin Market encompasses a wealth of interpretations, some of which smoothly blending together, others remaining diametrically opposed. It symbolizes its creators complex nature. With each reading, it challenges readers to analyze, debate, and actively engage with it anew. In light of several of her other poems as well as her biography, yet another voice emerges to guide the interpretation of this intricate work. Christina Rossettis narrative poem Goblin Market asserts itself as an early feminist text in its condemnation of the Victorian womens roles and its empowerment of a female heroine. Rossetti denounces her female contemporaries for their characteristic vulnerability and submission to mens wills through her depiction of Lauras temptation and downfall. Rather than merely condemn the status quo, she provides her audience with a credible and inspirational heroine in Lizzie. However, the truly revolutionary and feminist quality of this poem lies in Rossettis assertion of Lizzie as a female Christ figure. In her contrast between the helpless Laura and the self-reliant Lizzie, Rossetti introduces her Victorian audience to the inevitable shift of womens roles.The VictimIn the Victorian era, women shouldered the burden of quietly and gratefully attending to their husbands every need and whim. Rather than retain their own identities, women became mens objects and possessions. In her poem In an Artists Studio, Rossetti subtly addresses the injustice of this relationship through her description of a woman objectified in an artists painting. Instead of portraying her as she is, the artist merely paints her as she fills his dreams, without the pains of living that make her human (14). When he represents her simply as a perfect saint or angel, he refuses to acknowledge the wan with waiting and dimness of sorrow in a real womans eyes (7, 12). Rather than allow Victorian women to add the role of victim to object, Rossetti condemns these women for their inability to assert themselves through her characterization of Laura in Goblin Market. Despite her initial admonishments to not look at the goblin men and not buy their fruits, Laura finds herself weak-willed and unable to resist their calls (42, 43). Curious Laura chose to linger among the goblin men, thereby ignoring her instincts and succumbing to their will (69). Persuasive and assertive in their temptations, they easily crumble her last restraint and watch as she sucked and sucked and sucked the more (86, 134). Rossetti further chastises women for their weak constitutions in her portrayal of Lauras helplessness. Upon realizing the futility of her search for the goblin market, Laura [gnashes] her teeth for baulked desire and grows as cold as stone instead of actively seeking a way to extract herself from these depths of despair (267, 253). Through her tongue-in-cheek portrayal of a woman objectified in a painting coupled with her denunciation of Lauras weakness and helplessness, Rossetti critiques Victorian womens passivity and inferior status in an attempt to propel the recognition of the need for change.The HeroineIn lieu of demanding instant and revolutionary changes in gender roles, Rossetti offers Victorian women practical and effective means of gaining power. Rather than succumb to the easy solution of a marriage of convenience, the speaker of No Thank You, John' assertively rejects convention in favor of her personal needs. Although many other women would take pity on the suitor if he would ask, this woman refuses to perform that task because she never loved him from the start (9-10, 12, 5). Despite his incessant entreaties, she maintains that she would rather answer No to fifty Johns than succumb to weariness and answer Yes to [him] (19, 3, 20). Furthermore, the speaker adopts the dominant role when she instructs her immature suitor to rise above quibbles and use his common sense (29-30, 16). In addition to her vignette of this speaker creating power for herself, Rossetti further encourages women to challenge the status quo by her portrayal of Lizzie as the heroine in Goblin Market. Beyond her mere characteristics of purity and kindness, Lizzies true heroism hails from her active pursuit of danger and her determination to conquer it. As a witness to Lauras anguish, Lizzie fully comprehends the risks of venturing into the world of goblins and forbidden fruit. Despite her desire to buy fruit to comfort [Laura], she recalls another girl driven to death by her fall to temptation and fears to pay too dear (310, 311). Then Lizzies wavering ceases when Laura dwindling seem[s] knocking at Deaths door, thereby prompting the heroine to take action (320-321). In order to save Laura, Lizzie begins to actively listen and look for danger (328). Though she remains ever mindful of the risk, she firmly demands much and many of the fruits and refuses to comply with the goblins temptation to eat in their presence (365). In both of these poems, Rossetti depicts women who assert their strength and integrity by holding firmly to their principles in the face of temptation.The Christ-FigureIn her most revolutionary and controversial tactic, Rossetti bolsters the feminist voice of this piece through her portrayal of a female Christ figure. According to her biography, Rossetti embodied many contrasts and polarities as part of her complex nature (1611). Deeply devout in her religious beliefs, Rossetti renounced any pleasures or relationships that did not conform to her strict Anglo-Catholic principles (1611). Nevertheless, her life was woven with a thread of defiance of convention in favor of personal integrity: she regarded her choice of single life as an act of artistic self-preservation despite the Victorian societys promotion of marriage and procreation as a civic and religious duty (1611). Her ability to reconcile her strict faith with her challenges to convention indicates that she would likewise be capable of toying with controversial aspects of her faith while maintaining the deference for its basic tenets. In her assertion of Lizzie as a Christ-figure in Goblin Market, Rossetti simultaneously elevates womens status and empowers them by simply challenging the importance of Christs gender. Because tender Lizzie could not bear to watch her sisters cantankerous care and not share in the burden and strife, she parallels Christs role as the sacrificial lamb (299-300, 301). She willingly offers herself to evil with the intent of rescuing her fallen sister. Just as Christ suffered on the cross to redeem sinners, Lizzie endures the goblins mauling, mocking and clawing in her attempt to save Laura (429, 401). Despite their taunts and cruelty, Lizzie [utters] not a word (430). After the agony and despair, Christ ri ses from the dead for the salvation of sinners and to inspire his people to spread the word of Gods glory. Lizzie likewise transcends the torture of the evil people and returns to Laura, for the sake of whom she braved the glen (437, 473). By licking the juice residue from Lizzies face, Lauras anguish lifts and she awakes as from a dream and from life out of death (537, 524). As Christs apostles proclaimed his sacrifice, Laura gathers the children to tell them how her sister stood in deadly peril to do her good (557-558). In her portrayal of a woman as a Christ-figure, Rossetti further supports a feminist interpretation of this work.ConclusionAlthough she lived in the Victorian era and endured the severe inequality between men and women, Christina Rossetti refused to passively abide by rigid gender roles. The success of her poetic career and her strict professionalism alone attest to her hope for and work towards expanded opportunities for women. In her controversial poem Gobl in Market, Rossetti anticipates a shift in womens roles by contrasting the deeds of Victorian Laura with the early feminist Lizzie. As the embodiment of the Victorian woman, Laura easily succumbs to the goblin mens temptations because of her vulnerability and lack of independence. Lizzie sharply contrasts Laura by resolutely maintaining her moral ground and by coaxing her inner strength to the surface. In an attempt to further challenge these social roles, Rossetti draws distinct connections between the self-sacrifice of the feminist heroine and of Christ. The characterizations of these two women render the Goblin Market a feminist work of art. The women of Rossettis poems span an array of personalities, ranging from a soulless object to a weak-willed sinner to a single woman to a selfless heroine to a Christ-like figure. Through her self-expression in art, Christina Rossetti finally explores the many facets of her complex nature.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
Causes and Effects of Gender Inequality - Essay - 1544 Words
Thao Nguyen English 101 Mr. Merchant October 19, 2012 Essay #2 Causes and Effects of Gender Inequality Throughout history, countless acts of gender inequality can be identified; the causes of these discriminating accounts can be traced back to different causes. The general morality of the inequity relies on a belief that men are superior to women; because of this idea, women have spent generations suffering under their counterparts. Also, a common expectation is that men tend to be more assertive and absolute because of their biological hormones or instinctive intellect. Another huge origin is sexual discrimination; even in the world today, many women are viewed by men as just sex objects rather than a real human being with†¦show more content†¦Although they have been given more rights and equality, women still lack fairness in areas such as education, domestic abuse, crime, and lower class value. Cassandra Clifford states in her article â€Å"Are Girls still marginalized? Discrimination and Gender Inequality in Today’s Societyà ¢â‚¬ , â€Å"Woman and girls are abused by their husbands and fathers, young girls are exploited by sex tourism and trafficking, girls in many countries are forced into arranged marriages at early ages. Twice as many women are illiterate as men, due to the large gap in education, and girls are still less likely to get jobs and excel in the work place than boys.†She describes some of the issues that women face today around the world. These issues are what keep society from coming together to form a better world. Today, women have more rights than ever before, but the belief of male has resulted in a never ending convention toward women. This leads to predetermined thought from younger girls that they must become inferior. Clifford states in her article, â€Å"Children look first to their own parents for examples and inspiration, therefore when a child see their mother living a life of inequality, the cycle often continues as girls feel there is no alternative for themselves.†When younger girls see their mother or any woman submitting to the standard, they feel they must do the same. An effect on men is that they have to live up to theShow MoreRelatedGender Equality Essay1069 Words  | 5 Pagestogether to be equal but that is far from true. No Im not talking about the inequality of people based off of race or background, the grouping of sex is the issue here. From the beginning of time till now, cultural practices have formed these boundaries. There has always been a separation of males and females and the way they are raised and taught even to what occupations they take on. Over time these became a set of gender boundaries. 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This essay is going to discuss whether or not the solution of increasing minimum wage for women and young employees could reduce the issue of income inequality such that it would improve all salaries from different occupations, help single mothers to support theRead MoreThe Media Is A Mirror Of Society, And If That Society Is1461 Words  | 6 Pagesauthor of the book Gender Advertising, depicts how men and women behave as a socia l purpose and how today’s social purpose is highly unbalanced in men’s favor. Some people say that advertisers should be held accountable for the unethical images they present. Others, however, say that consumers should be to blame because by buying the products being advertised they are, in fact, supporting the advertisers and the images they set forth. The solution to this issue is simple: If these gender messages are everRead MoreConflict Analysis And Peacebuilding Planning Essay1143 Words  | 5 Pages I. Introduction From my experience in different contexts in East Africa, gender dimensions are often overlooked in conflict analysis and peacebuilding work. I believe that, as peacebuilders, understanding gender dynamics in conflict context would not only enrich our level of analysis, it would also help to come-up-with comprehensive and sustainable peacebuilding plan. In this essay, I will reflect on the conflict, gender and peacebuilding lens discussed in Lisa Schirch’s book (Chapter 9): ConflictRead MoreAre Women Morally Superior To Men By Katha Pollitt750 Words  | 3 PagesKatha Pollitts essay, Marooned on Gilligan’s Island: Are Women Morally Superior to Men, is an essay that explains why people in a society act the way they do, specifically regarding why women are labeled the way that they are. Ms. Pollitt argues how gender difference is a big problem in our society that a lot of people, including women overlook. Through her refutation of many different authors arguments, she b egins to build her thesis as well as discuss how important this topic is in society andRead MoreThe Work Of Maria Del Mar Alonso Almeida1390 Words  | 6 PagesThere are 3,418,059,380 women in the world (, 2015) and yet, women, in 2010, earned a staggering 19% lesser in wages across the world (Economist, 2011). Such wage differentials have been a cause of gender inequality and thereby segregation in the workforce across the globe. The staggering numbers of economic contributions of women compared to men has however, highlighted that there are fewer women to men ratios in the workforce due to the where we live, maternal implications (pregnancies)
Monday, May 18, 2020
Manifest Destiny in America Essay - 684 Words
The famous phrase â€Å"Manifest Destiny†was made up by a journalist in 1844. The idea of Manifest Destiny was that the people of the east had a divine and God-given right to settle in the west. God put the land there for the taking, and so the immigrants answered His call with westward expansion. My belief is that Manifest destiny was a necessary evil. The idea of manifest destiny expanded the west and provided homes and jobs. but on the other side of the coin manifest destiny ran the Native Americans out of their land and kept pushing them further and further west. In the year 1843, the stage was set for the Great Migration. Throughout the 1840s westward expansion started rolling. People living in the crowded east were lured west with†¦show more content†¦And whether or not they had the God-given right to settle in the west, that was exactly what they did. Nothing was able to stop them, even seemingly massive amounts of death, and that is the true miracle of Americ a’s westward expansion. Though Oregon had given away all its free land by 1855, more would still continue to migrate to California and Oregon for many years. Hundreds and thousands traveled the Oregon Trail, and though approximately one in ten died from illness and accident, many more remained to settle and farm the land. They believed it was their divine right to do so. Today, some historic land marks and wagon ruts remain as monuments to the Oregon Trail. Many of the brave and bold from the east traveled its path, with ambition and hope in their hearts. Many would never see the lands they wanted to settle in. In a bid to encourage people onto the Plains advertisements told success stories of those who had claimed land under the terms of the Homestead Act and had become successful. It divided 2.5 million acres of Plains land into sections or homesteads of 160 acres. People could now claim 160 acres of land. The only requirement on their part was that they paid a small charg e and built a house or added something to the land such as a house or a well and lived on the land for at least 5 years. The bad side of the coin was that manifest destiny ran the Native Americans outShow MoreRelatedThe Manifest Destiny Of America Essay897 Words  | 4 PagesThe Manifest Destiny was the name given to the Anglo-American (white) expansion into the West. The Manifest Destiny was based on an idea that white Americans were superior people who believed in God. Americans were to populate North America â€Å"sea to shining sea†and spread the religion of Christianity. The Manifest Destiny displayed American’s confidence. Americans moved west for more land, the Manifest Destiny also uplifted American’s freedom and democracy. And it encouraged independence. TheRead MoreManifest Destiny : America s Destiny1188 Words  | 5 PagesManifest Destiny was the idea that it was America’s destiny to spread across the entire continent of North Americ a. It was started by a group of expansionist called the Young American Movement and they were affiliated with the Democratic Party. By their idea, America was able to double its size and obtain new land from Mexico and Britain. However, this also caused pain to the Native Americans. In the end, America obtained new land, and its people achieved what they believed to be their God givenRead MoreNative America, Discovered and Conquered: Manifest Destiny803 Words  | 4 PagesTerritory and the prospects of future land acquisition, Americans used the idea of Manifest Destiny to justify their actions for moving westward and their treatment of Native Americans. The idea of Manifest Destiny was created directly by the European-used Doctrine of Discovery and industrialization; this direct correlation was proven to be true from the verdict of the court case Johnson v. M’Intosh. The term â€Å"Manifest Destiny†was never actually used until 1845, but the idea was always implied from theRead MoreManifest Destiny Of The United States1202 Words  | 5 PagesManifest destiny is one of the beliefs that existed in the United States. The latter stated belief claimed that, the settlers based in America were allowed to spread all over the continent. However, historians came into an agreement that three themes exist in relation to manifest destiny, and this include: the America’s special virtue and their institutions; America’s mission that aimed at redeeming and rebuilding the western part as per the agrarian America, and a destiny that will enhance theRead MoreEssay on Manifest Destiny 1312 Words  | 6 Pagesthe largest and most wealthy countries in the world, the United States of America, has gone through many changes in its long history. From winning its independence from Great Britain to present day, America has changed dramatically and continues to change. A term first coined in the 1840s, Manifest Destiny helped push America into the next century and make the country part of what it is today. The ideas behind Manifest Destiny played an important role in the development of the United States by allowingRead MoreManifest Destiny By James K. Polk1257 Words  | 6 PagesJack Biernesser Mr. Schulten U.S. History 16 March 2016 Manifest Destiny Manifest Destiny is the belief during the 19th century, that the United States of America not only could, but was destined to, stretch from coast to coast. The idea of Manifest Destiny helped to fuel the war with Mexico and the removal of Indians from the United States. The American people and government lived by this belief. Manifest Destiny had many good results like the expansion of the American territory. It also had manyRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay802 Words  | 4 Pages Manifest destiny was the belief that God wanted the United States to own all of North America (Hall 301). But John O’Sullivan really only envisioned that white men were the only ones privileged enough to receive liberty (Hal 301). The Manifest Destiny was caused by the American people it gave them a sense of superiority over the other peoples who lived in North America. The declaration of the Manifest destiny wanted to expand the U.S. territory over the whole of North America and to extend andRead MoreThere Were Different Researches Done To Show What Caused1059 Words  | 5 PagesThere were different researches done to show what caused the Mexican War. Some say America and others say Mexico themselves. There has been some insight by Ramà ³n Eduardo Ruiz, David J. Weber, Rodolfo Acuà ±a, and Walter Nugent. From Ramà ³n Eduardo Ruiz’s article, there are mentions of the Manifest Destiny. Manifest Destiny played a role in the New World and in Mexico. In â€Å"’From Hell Itself’ The Americanization of Mexico’s Frontier†by David J. Weber, talks about the issues within Mexico that causedRead MoreAp American History - by: Alberto Alonso937 Words  | 4 Pagesfor expansion.†However, slavery was not the only reason America sought for expansion. Other than slavery, people wanted to expand America because they believed in Manifest Destiny (an idea during the 19th century in which people believed that America should expand over the enti rety of North America) or because they feared that Texas was an independent state, even the Gold Rush in California (1848-1855) contributed to the expansion of America. Even though â€Å"the opponents of the annexation of Texas andRead MoreManifest Destiny Essay735 Words  | 3 PagesManifest Destiny affect on Modern United States During the mid 1800’s America was at a peak of nationalism, which involved their religious beliefs. Manifest destiny describes the attitude of a white man in America during the 19th century, involving their desire for evangelization, white supremacy, and westward expansion. To a majority of the Americans, manifest destiny was a proud accomplishment they would be faced with. Manifest destiny had a negative impact on the Native Americans, however, it
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Where Did the Roman Senate Meet
During the Roman Republic, Roman senators met together in their senate-house, which was known as the curia, a building whose history predates the Republic. In the mid-6th century B.C., the legendary King Tullus Hostilius is said to have built the first curia in order to house 10 elected representatives of the Roman people. These 10 men were the curiae. This first curia was called the Curia Hostilia in honor of the king. Location of the Curia The forum was the center of Roman political life and the curia was part of it. More specifically, in the forum was the, an area where the assembly met. It was originally a rectangular space aligned with the cardinal points (North, South, East, and West). The curia was to the north of the comitium. Most of the following information on the Curia Hostilia comes directly from forum member Dan Reynolds. Curia and the Curiae The word curia refers to the original 10-elected curiae (clan leaders) of the 3 original tribes of Romans: TitiesRamnesLuceres These 30 men met in the Comitia Curiata, the assembly of the curiae. All the voting originally took place in the Comitium, which was a templum (from which,temple). A templum was a consecrated space that, was circumscribed and separated by the augurs from the rest of the land by a certain solemn formula. Responsibilities of the Curia This assembly was responsible for ratifying the succession of kings (Lex Curiata) and for giving the king his imperium (a key concept in ancient Rome that refers to power and authority). The curiae may have become lictors or the lictors may have replaced the curiae, following the period of kings. During the Republic, it was the lictors (by 218 B.C.) who met in the comitia curiata to grant imperium to the newly-elected consuls, praetors, and dictators. Location of the Curia Hostilia The Curia Hostilia, 85 long (N/S) by 75 wide (E/W), was oriented facing south. It was a templum, and, as such, was oriented north/south, as were the major temples of Rome. On the same axis as the church (facing SW), but southeast of it, was the Curia Julia. The old Curia Hostilia was dismantled and where it once stood was the entrance to Caesars forum, which also ran northeast, away from the old comitium. Curia Julia Julius Caesar started the construction of a new curia, which was completed after he died and dedicated as the Curia Julia in 29 B.C. Like its predecessors, it was a templum. Emperor Domitian restored the curia, then it burnt down during the fire under Emperor Carinus, and was rebuilt by Emperor Diocletian.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Career Episode-2 . C.E.2.1 Introduction. C.E.2.1.1 Duration
CAREER EPISODE-2 C.E.2.1 INTRODUCTION C.E.2.1.1 DURATION: The duration of this episode was from June 2015 to December 2015. C.E.2.1.2 PROJECT NAME: Designing, Erection and Commissioning of 5/8 inches to 4 inches High Frequency Tube Mill for 3G Metal Corp. in Bawal, Rewari. C.E.2.1.3 LOCATION: This project was located at Plot no. 119, Sector 26, Industrial Area, Bhiwani. C.E.2.1.4 ORGANIZATION’S NAME: Nav Jyoti Casting Engg. Works. C.E.2.1.5 POSITION: Mechanical Engineer in the Erection Department. C.E.2.2 BACKGROUND C.E.2.2.1 CAREER HISTORY: After completing my first project of Manufacturing, Erection Commissioning of S.S. slitting line (850mm) for Anmol Stainless steel Pvt Ltd, Kolkata, I worked in my company’s projects as a†¦show more content†¦- Detailing and dimensioning the various components for manufacturing. - Working with maintenance teams to develop and implement preventative maintenance processes. - Transforming research ideas into technical plans with the help of computer aided design (AUTOCAD) program. - Creating designs with the help of computer aided design (AUTOCAD) program. - Evaluating final products, overall performance, reliability and safety. C.E.2.2.7 PROJECT BACKGROUND: The project was a direct consequence of the flexible tube mill design which stipulated better efficiency measures, particularly for special (round or square) pipe manufacturing. C.E.3.3 PERSONAL ENGINEERING ACTIVITY C.E.2.3.1 ENGINEERING KNOWLEDGE AND SKILLS APPLIED: - Concept design generation was guided by theories from Design Engineering like Computer Aided Design and AUTOCAD. This computer program helped in drafting and translates customer needs into product features. - Designing of mechanisms required knowledge in Basics of Mechanical Engineering, Kinematics of Machines, Engineering Mechanics, Strength of Materials and Mechanical Machine Design. - Concepts of Manufacturing Technology used in considering the implications of issues such as cost, safety and time constraints. - Detailing and dimensioning required knowledge of various Manufacturing operations and Drawing fundamentals to increasing the efficiency of manufactured components thereby reducing manufacturing costs. -
Brother Man Free Essays
Brother Man By: Roger Mais 4/1/13 Summary: The novel follows several characters including brother man and Minette, Girlie and Papacita, Jesmina, Cordelia and Tad. Brother man is the village’s healing man but some of the villagers do not believe in what he does. Girlie and Papacita are in an abusive relationship and they both suffer greatly from it. We will write a custom essay sample on Brother Man or any similar topic only for you Order Now Papacita however is out till late hours of the night making deal with men for setting them up with girls. Jesmina has been taking care of Cordelia because she has been sick but once brother man comes and places his hand on her and prays, she begins to recover back to full health. However her young son tad becomes ill with an unbreakable fever. Minette secretly loves Brother Man but cannot get him to notice her, so she also flirts with Papacita. One night when Brother Man was walking through the village he thought he was so focused that he did not fully notice a woman who had said peace and blessing to him. But when he went back to thank her, she could not be found. Brother Man asked a girl and boy if they had seen the old woman but they had not. They told Brother Man about the legend of old Mag and how her spirit is said to go around giving curses and blessings on people. Brother Man reassured them that she has said blessing words. Brother Man then ran into a young boy carrying a crab. The boy showed brother man how he has handcuffed the crab to itself in order to safely carry it home. Brother Man then offered to buy the crab and the boy took him up on his offer. Then brother man released its handcuffs and set it free. Brother Man then explains to the young boy that all creatures have feelings and that it was not right to torture the crab by handcuffing it. Visceral Response: When first introduced to Papacita and Girlie, I did not understand their relationship. I pitied Girlie for having to put up with the physical along with the mental abuse but then again she dishes out some abuse as well. It is truly a sad occurrence when little Tad becomes sick and they are unable to break the fever. I have hope that he will get better but I fear that he will die. As for Brother Man I have mixed feelings about him. I understand that he is supposed to be the protagonist of the story and that we as readers are supposed to like him but I am not too sure if I do. I sometimes get the feeling from him that he is better than everyone else because he knows more, yet he preaches that all living beings should be equal. He is almost like a too perfect character. It actually makes me mad when he buys the crab off of the boy and lectures him about not handcuffing crabs. The boy was going to eat that to survive, it is the way of life; survival of the fittest. How to cite Brother Man, Papers
HR Strategy For The High Performing Business assignment essay
Question: Dicuss about the Report on HR Strategy For The High Performing Business? Answer: The best Human Resource strategies regarding the performance of the management system The meanings of strategies are the choices and actions made by an organization to fulfill its future development (Eigenhuis, Dijk Eigenhuis, 2008). The two best strategies of Human Resource are Loyal Soldier and Committed Expert. The hiring as well as retaining of employees who are loyal to the company is emphasized by the loyal soldier. The employees perform any kind of task according to the order of the company. The main reason behind this strategy is employees of the organizations have huge roles and perform a variety of different tasks. In most of the organizations, efficient job roles are being provided to the company professionals and staffs because they are skilled and experienced. So, it gives encouragement to perform well (Falcone, 2010). On the other hand, the performance evaluation of the committee expert human resource strategy is designed to balance competition and cooperation between the workers of the company. They also receive durable training for the development of their strong skill. This strategy also includes a good advantageous profit to the employees. The reason behind selecting the objectives of the new system The objectives of the new system are utilized to facilitate change of performance. The organization modified from subjective appraisal system regarding performance to more objective rating method. These rating systems are more concerned with the behavior as well as actions of the employees (Werner, 2014). The change from old to new system of the organization is good because the utilization of the behavior-based scale overcome the errors of the employees. As a result of this, the errors are checked and reviewed properly which helps to maintain the proper flow of projects. The performance regarding the evaluation of the employee is done once in a year. Here, the main advantage of the employee is that they can perform their job according to their capabilities and skills. For example, the new system strategy maintains cooperation between the employees and helps each other according to their skills. The changes are done to maintain a competitive environment between the employees as they p ut their best effort with an expectation to get awards from the organization. Therefore, the organization is able to make the development of the future. Time to time training also helps the employees to increase their employment skills and knowledge. The certain ratings of the organization In order to provide general ratings on the employee's performance organization are using different types of ratings formats such as narrative ratings, graphics ratings and forced ratings. Narrative ratings This is one of the major rating factors which influence the supervisor to ask other raters to provide a written description of employee performance. For an example, a professor can draw a character report of a leaner by evaluating its performance. Moreover, with the help of proper monitoring a person can write a report of individual people. On the other hand, the narrative ratings conclude some useful benefits that enhance tailored specific descriptions, various aspects of performance with perhaps unique (Cole Cooley, 2014). However, a stock analyst has some effective responsibilities with specific sets of goals and circumstances that may not applicable in the case of another analyst. Moreover, this narrative rating enhances an opportunity to make comments and evolutions that reflect the analyst. In addition, those comments can be used to improve the performance. Graphics ratings The graphics rating scales are generally used as the most common ratings formats. With the help of these graphics ratings, raters can provide a numerical rating numbers that include different dimensions of work performance (Buckingham, 2007). On the other hand, either outcomes or behaviors are influenced by measurements of graphical ratings. For an example, a scale that may include three categories such as low performance (1), average performance (2) and excellent performance (3). The rater is asked to place the employee in above mentioned ratings scale. Forced rankings Apart from above ratings, the forced rankings where a rater is asked to rank all employees. For an example, an office manager asked a rater to make all five office secretaries in a rank format according to their work performance. Moreover, the forced rankings enhance a tendency and provide a clear guidance to the organization that should promote and rewarded for performance to an employee. Moreover, forced ranking encourage employees to compete with each other in order to achieve individual targets. The strengths and weaknesses In the new system, main strengths are employee satisfaction, active communication, and customer satisfaction. The management trained their employees to become skilled. The customers are very satisfied with services. Talking about the weakness of process, organization did not pay attention to the employee recruitment process. Moreover, the management did not meet the needs of clients. As a result, many clients complained against the organization (Smither London, 2009). References Eigenhuis, A., Dijk, R., Eigenhuis, A. (2008). Hr Strategy For The High Performing Business. London: Kogan Page. Falcone, P. (2010). 101 sample write-ups for documenting employee performance problems. New York: American Management Association/Society for Human Resource Management. Werner, J. (2014). Human Resource Development Human Resource Management: So What Is It?. Human Resource Development Quarterly, 25(2), 127-139. Buckingham, M. (2007). Go put your strengths to work. New York: Free Press. Cole, H., Cooley, T. (2014). Rating agencies. Cambridge, Mass.: National Bureau of Economic Research. Smither, J., London, M. (2009). Performance management. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
Monday, May 4, 2020
Earning Gap between men and women Essay Example For Students
Earning Gap between men and women Essay Earnings GapEarnings gap by gender can be explained by several different theories. Varying on the individual views/opinions some theories may make more sense than others. In my opinion the one theory that best explains this gap between genders is the occupational segregation. There are some occupations that are female, and others that are male. One of the explanations for this is the discontinuity of the female participation/attachment in labor force. During their labor force participation, women would need to take time off for child bearing. In order to ensure that she still has a job when she comes back, she needs to choose a job with general skill level. As a result, the jobs that require only a general skill level and not a lot of training will generally pay less than the jobs with specialized skill and that involve a lot of training. Therefore, because women have a tendency to movie in and out of the labor force, they choose jobs that share common characteristic of general skill and training. Furthermore, the occupational segregation explains the earnings gap with the notion of gender roles. That is to say that certain jobs such a secretaries are pegged to be occupations of the females, while the jobs such as lawyers have a tendency you be viewed as males occupation. Once explanation for this is that male occupations require aggressiveness, strength, and endurance, while the female occupations require caring, patience and empathy. In contrast the other explanation is that women choose certain occupations because of the way that they are socialized. Regardless of the explanation, traditionally the male roles had higher earnings than females. To this day the research suggests that gender role stereotypes have an influence on career choices of men and women. Also, one can say that discrimination on part of the employer played a factor in the gender earnings gap. For instance if you were hiring for a high management position in your company, would you rather hire a female that will most likely require maternity leave in the futureleaving you with an empty spot and a requirement to re-hire, and re-train the new employee to fill it, or a male that is more likely to be stable at the given position. By looking at it from a profit maximizing point, and rational decision-making one would most likely pick the male for higher probability of stability at the job. So, to explain the earnings gap between genders one can look at it from the prospective of occupational segregation or the discrimination. The occupational segregation contributes that women choose certain jobs because of their socialization and their own instability in the labor force, while the discrimination on part of employer keeps the women away from high specialized/high paying jobs for the same reasons.
Saturday, April 11, 2020
Writing an APA Sample Argumentative Essay
Writing an APA Sample Argumentative EssayUsing the APA sample argumentative essay is one of the best ways to learn the skills required for writing academic essays. It will take time to develop the right style and structure, but with practice you'll be able to write persuasive essays with a clear purpose.Writing an APA sample argumentative essay can be easier than you think. The first step is to make sure that you choose a topic for your essay that is appropriate for your level of knowledge. Then you need to make sure that you write in the present tense and avoid using past tense. By following these simple guidelines you will find that it's much easier to write an argumentative essay than you initially thought.Your aim should be to have your essay clearly and concisely express your ideas, but at the same time not to lose your reader's attention. There are four steps to writing an argumentative essay:Write your essay firstly, by thinking about what you want to say and writing it out be fore you start writing. Try to include all relevant information you have gathered about the topic, using key terms and proper grammar. The last thing you want is to make the reader too confused about your argument because they are reading an essay.Now it's time to research the APA sample argumentative essay and prepare for the draft. The next step is to work on writing the introduction. In the introduction you should provide a summary of your main points and then go on to provide an account of your background. The third paragraph should explain your motivation, and the fourth paragraph should explain your conclusions.Once you've written your introduction, you'll need to start typing out your article. This is usually done in the beginning of the article, but you'll probably find that you'stuck at this point and need to look around to see if you can find a template or outline that you can use to help you get through the article.If you follow these steps, you should have a better idea of how to write an argumentative essay than you did at the beginning. You will be able to easily write powerful articles using the correct structure and syntax. Finally, writing essays and performing research is one of the most rewarding things you can do and should be treated as such.
Friday, March 27, 2020
Cheating Plagiarism
Introduction The education system is faced with a lot of challenges one of them being cheating on assignments and exams. The main reason behind cheating in colleges is usually to pass in examination and reach the expected grades.Advertising We will write a custom essay sample on Cheating Plagiarism specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More Many students suffer from transition from high school to colleges and the believe that college education is tougher than that in high school makes them panic hence the temptation to cheat in exams. The learning atmosphere in colleges for instance lack of strict rules and much freedom also may make the students relax and forget their studies hence cheating due to lack of adequate time to revise for exams. All in all the factors that lead to cheating do not in any way justify the wrong act and the students usually face a lot of consequences (Hinrichsen par 6). This paper gives an insight into some of the c onsequences faced by university students because of cheating in exams with much emphasis on the cheating/ plagiarism policy in the University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV). Should UNLV maintain and apply strict cheating/plagiarism policies? Most universities and colleges apply very strict cheating policies upon those who are caught cheating in either their assignments or examinations in an effort to correct this bad behavior and uphold integrity of their students and the school organization as a whole. UNLV is not an exception and cheating students have to face numerous consequences for instance lower grades, suspension/probation, and worst still expulsion from the learning institution. The academic sanction dependent on the seriousness of the cheating, the university’s stipulated rules and regulations in regard to cheating, among other considerations. The internet has contributed to plagiarism to a great extent. â€Å"The internet has made it easier for university students to access other people’s work which can then be cut and pasted into their own essays†(Anonymous par 4). Cheating in schools is an aspect that has been viewed with a lot of controversy with some individuals and groups advocating for strict policies while others stating that ethical measures would work better. I propose that ethics be advocated for in UNLV since even with the application of the strict plagiarism policies, there are still cases of cheating as some students are very good at breaking rules as long as there are some benefits accrued to it. Some of them also cheat because they are not aware of the long term consequences they may suffer for instance lack of creativity and innovation as well as being irresponsible and unaccountable in their general undertakings.Advertising Looking for essay on education? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More The students should be made to understand the benefits of originality an d hard work as well as the drawbacks associated with plagiarism so that they may make inner decisions to uphold integrity in their academic work as opposed to where they do it under the influence of the strict policies. This could be achieved through the integration of integrity in the university’s values and culture (Smith par 3). Conclusion Cheating in exams and assignments (essays) among college and university students is in the rise due to the access of the internet and poor culture where integrity is not a key aspect. Students usually find themselves taking advantage of cheating at the expense of working hard. It is thereby advisable that the education systems in universities be revised where the importance of ethics should be impacted to the students to ensure that the students are able to be resourceful and responsible even in their professional careers and other general life matters. Works Cited Anonymous. Conference to Tackle University Plagiarism Problem. Guardian.c Web. Hinrichsen, Erik. â€Å"Consequences of Cheating on Exams in College’. Bright Hub, 2010. Web. Smith, Andrew. â€Å"Consequences for Cheating in School†. Ehow. 2011. Web. This essay on Cheating Plagiarism was written and submitted by user Jerimiah G. to help you with your own studies. You are free to use it for research and reference purposes in order to write your own paper; however, you must cite it accordingly. You can donate your paper here.
Saturday, March 7, 2020
Seagrasses and Seagrass Beds
Seagrasses and Seagrass Beds Seagrass is an angiosperm (flowering plant) that lives in a marine or brackish environment. Seagrasses grow in groups, forming seagrass beds or meadows. These plants provide important habitat for a variety of marine life. Seagrass Description Seagrasses evolved around 100 million years ago from grass on land, thus they look similar to our terrestrial grasses. Seagrasses are submerged flowering plants that have leaves, roots, flowers and seeds.  Since they lack a strong stem or trunk, they are supported by the water. Seagrasses attach to the ocean bottom by thick roots and rhizomes, horizontal stems with shoots pointing upward and roots pointing downward. Their blade-leaves contain chloroplasts, which produce energy for the plant through photosynthesis. Seagrasses Vs. Algae Seagrasses may be confused with seaweeds (marine algae), but they are not. Seagrasses are vascular plants and reproduce by flowering and producing seeds. Marine algae are classified as protists (which also includes protozoans, prokaryotes, fungi and sponges), are relatively simple and reproduce using spores. Seagrass Classification There are about 50 species of true seagrasses worldwide. They are organized into the plant families Posidoniaceae, Zosteraceae, Hydrocharitaceae, and Cymodoceaceae. Where Are Seagrasses Found? Seagrasses are found in protected coastal waters such as bays, lagoons, and estuaries and in both temperate and tropical regions, on every continent except Antarctica. Seagrasses are sometimes found in patches, and these patches can expand to form huge seagrass beds or meadows. The beds can be made up of one species of seagrass or multiple species. Seagrasses require lots of light, so the depths at which they occur in the ocean are limited by light availability. Why Are Seagrasses Important? Seagrasses provide food and habitat for a variety of marine life (more on that below!).They can stabilize the ocean bottom with their root systems, which gives greater protection from storms.Seagrasses filter runoff and trap sediments and other small particles. This increases water clarity and the health of the marine environment. Seagrasses help boost local economies through supporting vibrant recreation opportunities. Marine Life Found in Seagrass Beds Seagrasses provide an important habitat to a number of organisms. Some use seagrass beds as nursery areas, others seek shelter there their whole lives. Larger animals such as manatees and sea turtles feed on animals that live in the seagrass beds. Organisms that make the seagrass community their home include bacteria, fungi, algae; invertebrates such as conch, sea stars, sea cucumbers, corals, shrimp and lobsters; a variety of fish species including snapper, parrotfish, rays, and sharks; seabirds such as pelicans, cormorants and herons; sea turtles; and marine mammals such as manatees, dugongs and bottlenose dolphins. Threats to Seagrass Habitats Natural threats to seagrasses include storms, climate changes such as floods and droughts affecting water salinity, disruption of seagrasses by small predators as they search for food, and grazing by animals such as sea turtles and manatees. Human threats to seagrasses include dredging, boating, water quality degradation due to run-off, and shading of seagrasses by docks and boats. References and Further Information: Florida Museum of Natural History. 2008. †Seagrasses†. (Online) Florida Museum of Natural History. Accessed November 12, 2008.Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission. 2008. Learn About Seagrasses. (Online). Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission Fish Wildlife Research Institute. Accessed November 12, 2008.Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission.  Importance of Seagrass. Accessed November 16, 2015.Florida Department of Environmental Protection. 2008. †Seagrasses†(Online). Florida Department of Environmental Protection. Accessed November 12, 2008.Seagrass.LI, Long Island’s Seagrass Conservation Website. 2008. †What is Seagrass?†(Online). Cornell Cooperative Extension Marine Program. Accessed November 12, 2008.Smithsonian Marine Station at Fort Pierce. Seagrass Habitats. Accessed November 16, 2015.Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History. Seagrass and Seagrass Beds. Ocean Portal. Accessed November 1 6, 2015.
Wednesday, February 19, 2020
Business Financial Analysis Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words
Business Financial Analysis - Research Paper Example There are currently 1,396 IHOP restaurants in competition with restaurants like Denny's offering children menus and discounts for senior citizens serving low to moderate prices. Dine Equity Mission and core value is to become the number one franchiser in the restaurant industry while providing and exceptional customer service by committing to reducing overheads and optimizing on Applebee's and IHOP business. According to their last annual report their 1st quarter stock showed the highest closing price for 2008 and the 4th quarter stock showed the lowest closing price of 2008 compared to 2007 fiscal year highest closing price shown in the 3rd quarter and lowest closing price for 2007 shown in the 1st quarter. Also according to their 2008 annual report there are 5,300 registered holders as of February 17, 2009. In analyzing this company's profitability we will look at the company's return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE), Gross profit margin, price earning ratio (PE), divided yield and divided payout ratio. The gross profit margin has declined from a high of 0.403636 in 2006 to 0.26885 in 2008, this indicates that the profitability of the company is declining over the years, this shows that in the next period the gross profit margin may decline. From the above table it is evident that the return on assets has been declining over the years, the value is negative for the year 2007 and ... cost of sales 1179811 303891 208465 gross profit 433817 180668 141095 gross profit margin 0.268845731 0.37285 0.403636 The gross profit margin has declined from a high of 0.403636 in 2006 to 0.26885 in 2008, this indicates that the profitability of the company is declining over the years, this shows that in the next period the gross profit margin may decline. b. Return on assets: Return on assets indicates the amount of profit generated for each dollar of assets. It is calculated by dividing net income by total assets: Return on assets = net income / total assets The following table summarizes the results: return on assets 2008 2007 2006 total income -154459 -480 44553 assets 3361217 3831162 768870 return on assets -0.045953296 -0.00013 0.057946 From the above table it is evident that the return on assets has been declining over the years, the value is negative for the year 2007 and 2008 meaning that the firm's profitability has declined and therefore expected to decline in the future. c. Return on equity: The return on equity ratio indicates the rate of return on shareholders equity. It is calculated by dividing net income by the value of share holder's equity. Return on equity= net income / equity The table below summarizes the results: return on equity 2008 2007 2006 total income -154459 -480 44553 equity 42767 209373 289213 return on equity -3.611639816 -0.00229 0.154049 From the above table it is evident that the return on equity has been declining over the years, the value is negative for the year 2007 and 2008 meaning that the returns on shareholders equity has declined and is expected to decline in future. d. Price earning ratio: This is another ratio that indicates the profitability of a company, it is a ratio that indicates the price paid by
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Alternative Dispute Essay
Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of Alternative Dispute Resolution - Essay Example The same is known as alternative dispute resolution1. According to the available literature on alterative dispute resolution, there are four categories of ADR, which include arbitration, negotiation, mediation and collaborative law. There are experts who tend to cite conciliation as the fifth category. Other than negotiation, all other ADR categories include the person of a outside, unbiased and external person, which acts as the third party to facilitate the process and ensure that the parties reach a settlement. There are thousands of cases of divorces, commercial disputes, family disputes, professional liability cases, insurance issues, personal injury situations and others, where ADR has proven to be more effective than the traditional court processes and the first choice of parties to resolve their disputes2. Nevertheless, there are some pros and cons of ADR. This paper, therefore, is an attempt to explore the various advantages and disadvantages associated with alternative disp ute resolution. Discussion Advantages of ADR First, ADR offers the advantage of being cheap and quick. On the other hand, formal court processes may take years and cost people a fortune. In fact, in many developing countries with huge populations such as India, Pakistan and others, it takes more than 20-30 years for a person to get a date for his or her case hearing. During the 1990s, a woman who was raped filled a petition in the court for justice. However, when her date for hearing arrived, it has been more than 5 years since her death3. Furthermore, many poor and lower class people forget about their issues and claims in various countries considering the legal fees, bribes and other money which they would have to pay for getting justice. ADR, on the other hand, allows people to get quick and inexpensive justice. Many arbitration boards would take less than a few weeks before they could finalize their decisions45. Second, people prefer to keep their internal matters public; howeve r, when they refer to courts for justice, everything becomes public. The bigger the case, the information about both the parties would leak into the public. However, in case of ADR, the same does not happen. Both parties cannot only ensure confidentiality during the investigations and hearings but if they want then the decision and results may also be kept only to people inside the rooms6. Third, despite the fact that the judges and jury have great deal of knowledge about the happenings in the society, nevertheless, they are not the experts of certain fields. Therefore, whenever technical matters are brought up in front of the jury, huge investments in terms of time and money have to be done in order to educate the jury and even then, there is lesser chance that the jury would give a verdict after fully understanding the technical matters7. Fourth, courts have a limited number of options. They are books of law, processes, specific rules and outcomes, which one can predict. In short, there are certain paths and processes, which the jury cannot avoid while making a decision. However, in ADR, the jury has the power to be more creative and give decisions in light of domestic laws, international laws, foreign laws or even religious laws8. Fifth,
Monday, January 27, 2020
Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile: Effects of Garlic and Ginger
Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile: Effects of Garlic and Ginger Comparative Efficacy of Garlic and Ginger on Blood Sugar and Lipid Profile of Alloxan Induced Diabetic Mice Amna Masroor Allium sativum and Zingiber officinale are vegetables used for seasoning, flavoring, culinary and in herbal remedies as they hold insulinotropic properties playing significant role in maintaining ÃŽÂ ² cells helpful to lower blood glucose level in diabetes. Both are also siginificant in lowering blood lipid levels. The experimental trial of 4 week is planned to investigate the comparative effect of ginger and garlic on blood sugar level and lipid profile in alloxan induced diabetic mice. 25 male mice rats weighing between 40 and 50 g will be used for the study. Diabetes will be induced in fasted mice (12hrs) by a single dose intraperitoneal injection of 40 mg/kg body weight of alloxan. The diabetic state will be assessed by measuring the non-fasting plasma glucose concentration 72hrs after alloxan treatment. The rats with a plasma glucose level above 180mg/dl will be selected for the experiment and considered as diabetics. Mice will be divided into 5 groups having 5 in each as: No rmal Control (group 1), Diabetic control (group 2), Diabetic+ garlic (30g/100g diet group 3), Diabetic + ginger (30mg/kg diet group 4) and Diabetic + ginger and garlic (30g/ 100g group 5). In the end of trial the blood sugar and lipid parameters will be checked and compared. INTRODUCTION: Diabetes mellitus and its allied discrepancies is one of the prominent menaces of developing economics. Pakistan is at 6th position however, at the end of the year 2030; approximately 376 million people will be suffered (Wild et al., 2004). Diabetes is a metabolic syndrome that steadily affects different physiological systems of the human body. It is one of the leading causes of mortality in worldwide and, if uncontrolled, can threat multi-organs system (Zakir et al., 2008). Uncontrolled blood glucose is believed to be the cardinal feature in the onset of diabetic difficulties of both type 1 and type 2 (American Association of Diabetic Educators, 2002). Most common type is Type 2 category, while Type 1 diabetes develops in early childhood. Main reasons include sedentary lifestyles, energy rich diet, lack of physical exercise and obesity (Yajnik, 2001). Diabetes is mainly characterized by relative deficiency in insulin secretion or insulin action associated with hyperglycemia and malfunctioning in the metabolism of carbohydrate, lipid and protein. It may also leads to various other complications like cardiovascular disorders, oxidative stress and immune dysfunction may develop (Nogichi, 2007; Rana et al., 2007).Cardiovascular complications are the major cause of morbidity and mortality all across the globe. Increased cholesterol level and LDL oxidation trigger events that initiate atherosclerosis (Matsuura et al., 2008; Andican et al., 2008; Whale and Heys, 2008). To cope with this situation a number of herbal medicines for diabetes mellitus and its allied diseases have been emerged (Alarcon-Aguilara et al., 1998; Marles and Farnsworth, 1995). Drug treatment is obligatory nevertheless, accompanied by various side effects and their effectiveness decreases with the passage of time (Zakir et al., 2008; Lapshina et al., 2006). Physical exercise and diet selection is one of the significant strategies to manage diabetes and its allied complications including immune dysfunction, degenerative and cardiovascular disorder. Allium sativum, Zingiber officinale and their bioactive constituents hold insulinotropic properties playing significant role in maintaining ÃŽÂ ² cells helpful to address the menace. Garlic (Allium sativum) is an essential vegetable that has been widely utilized as seasoning, flavoring, culinary and in herbal remedies (Rivlin, 2001). Garlic has been shown to have diverse biological activities including antidiabetic, antithrombotic, anticarcinogenic, antiatherosclerotic, antitumorigenetic and various other biological actions (Augusti, 1996).Scientific investigations have depicted that it contains 65% water, 30% carbohydrates along with 5 % of other bioactive components mainly sulfur containing compounds (Milner, 2001). Its important constituents are classified as; sulfur containing compounds and non sulfur containing compounds. Among these organosulphur compounds particularly cysteine sulfoxides and thiosulfinates have greater importance (Tapiero et al., 2004). Allicin (diallylthiosulfinate) and S-allay cysteine are the main thiosulfinates out of which 60-80% is allicin (Lawson et al., 2001).Garlic and its various preparations have potential to lower total plasma cholesterol, reduction in blood pressure and alleviation of blood glucose level (Sterling and Eagling, 2001). Some studies confirmed anti hyperglycemic effects of garlic (Eidi et al., 2006). Garlic may act on blood glucose through various mechanisms and therefore directly lowers blood glucose level by exciting glycogenisis and preventing glycogenolysis and gluconeogenisis in muscles and hepatic (Ebomoyi et al., 2010). The fiber of garlic may also hamper carbohydrate absorption; thereby affecting blood glucose (Gholamali A Jelodar, 2005). Antioxidant property of garlic is another possible mechanism that makes it a contender as antidiabetic agent (Queiroz et al., 2009; Lee et al., 2009). Antioxidant effect of S-allyl cysteine sulfoxide, isolated product from garlic is considered to have antiglycation properties. Different supplementations of garlic hold remarkable effect on cholesterol level, LDL cholesterol and HDL cholesterol. Consumption of garlic and garlic preparations are very useful in regulating plasma lipid levels (Lau, 2006), plasma anticoagulant activity (Pierre et al., 2005; Lawson et al., 1992) and also contributed toward the prevention of atherosclerosis process (Rehman and Lowe, 2006).Ginger is also very effective for lowering blood sugar, cholesterol and triglyceride levels (Bhandari et al., 1998). Ginger (Zingiber Officinale) commonly called Adrak belongs to family Zingiberaceae (Joshi, 2000). It is used in both ways as food additives (Flavor) or as a medicine and it is useful in preventing or treating a variety of human ailments including migraine headache, elevated cholesterol level, hepatotoxicity, burns, peptic ulcers, nausea, vomiting and motion sickness (Robbers and Tyler, 2002).Chemical constituents of ginger are camphene, cineol, zingiberine, gingerol and ÃŽÂ ²-ph ellandrene (Shinwari et al., 2006). Ethyl acetate extract of ginger produces significant reduction in glucose concentration and also decreases lipid level (Goyal and Kadnur, 2006). Acute dose of aqueous extracts of Z. Officinale rhizome shows hypoglycaemic activity (Kalejaiye et al., 2002). Ginger promotes glucose clearances in insulin responsive peripheral tissues, which is vital in maintaining blood glucose homeostasis (Li et al., 2012). Ginger treatment considerably reduces the both serum cholesterol and triglycerides (Akhani et al., 2004). The ethanolic extract of ginger also appreciably reduces serum total cholesterol and triglycerides and elevates the HDL-cholesterol levels; also, the extract can protects tissues from lipid peroxidation and shows a significant lipid lowering activity in diabetic rats. Objective: The present study is designed to investigate and explore the hypoglycemic and hypolipidemic perspectives of raw garlic and ginger using alloxan induced biabetic mice modeling. Review of Literature: Ahmed and Sharma, (1997) studied on adult Wister rats were fed diet containing 0.5% ginger (group 3) and combination of ginger and garlic (group 4).Their results showed that the combination of garlic and ginger was much more effective in reducing blood serum cholesterol and blood glucose and in increasing HDL cholesterol. Hence a combination of garlic and ginger is much more effective in reducing blood glucose and serum lipids. Bhandari et al. (1998) studied the effect of ginger on cholesterol fed rabbits, after ten weeks, cholesterol fed rabbits had increased cholesterol, serum triglycerides, serum lipoproteins and phospholipids. When extract of ginger was given the remarkably reduction in the cholesterol, serum triglyceride and serum lipid proteins and phospholipids was observed. Ahmed et al. (2000) examined the dietary effect of ginger on antioxidant dependent system in rats, and his results showed that ginger (Zingiber Officinale; 1% w/w) significantly lowered lipid peroxidation by maintaining the activities of the antioxidant enzymes-superoxide dismutase, catalase and glutathione peroxidase in rats. Ackermann et al. (2001) conducted a study to see the effect of garlic on lipid profile and results indicated that garlic preparations had comparatively lower declines (1.2-17.3 mg/dl and 12.4-25.4 mg/dl) in total cholesterol level as compared to whole garlic after 1 and 3 month correspondingly. Bhandari et al. (2005) discovered that ethanolic extract of ginger significantly reduced serum total cholesterol and triglycerides levels and increased HDL-cholesterol level as compared to diabetic rats, and the extract showed a significant lipid lowering activity and protect the tissues from lipid peroxidation. Goyal and Kadnur, (2006) reported that goldthioglucose cause a significant increase in body weight, glucose insulin level and lipid level in mice and when methanol and ethyl acetate extract of ginger were given to mice for eight weeks that produced significant reduction in glucose concentration and lipid level. Amin et al. (2006) studied the hypoglycemic potential of ginger.The aqueous extract ofraw ginger (500mg/kg) was given to the streptozitocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats for seven weeks. Fasting blood serum was examined and results indicated that the raw ginger was very effective in lowering the serum glucose. Afshari et al. (2007) estimated the effect of ginger powder on nephropathy induced by diabetes, and measured the changes in plasma lipid peroxidation, Wistar rats were treated after the grouping of 3 rats in each. Blood sample was collected from the heart of each rat. The results showed that ginger powder caused decrease in lipid peroxidation. Al-Qattan et al. (2008) reported that in STZ-induced diabetic rats which were injected intraperitoneally with ginger extract for seven weeks, the serum glucose was significantly lowered, and the urine protein reduced to the same level as the normal group. Histological examination clearly depicted that ginger effectively reduced the progression of structural nephropathy in diabetic rats. Islam and Choi, (2008) compared the anti-diabetic effects of dietary ginger and garlic in STZ induced Diabetic rats. In this trial 5-week-old male Sprague-Dawley rats were fed a high-fat (HF) diet (22% fat) for 2 weeks and then randomly divided into six groups of eight animals: Normal Control (NC), Diabetic Control (DBC), Ginger Low (GNL), Ginger High (GNH), Garlic Low (GRL), and Garlic High (GRH) groups. Low and High indicate addition of 0.5% and 2.0% freeze-dried ginger or garlic powder in their respective diets.After 4 weeks data of this study suggested that ginger and garlic are insulinotropic rather than hypoglycemic while overall anti-diabetic effects of ginger are better than those of garlic. Shariatzadeh et al. (2008) exhibited the effect of garlic on lowering blood sugar and preventing and curing nephropathy in STZ induced diabetic rats. 32 male Wister rats were randomly divided into control, control+extract, diabetic and diabetic+extract groups (n=8).Treatment with aqueous-ethanolic extract of garlic (50mg/ kg/day) was followed for 4 weeks. The results revealed that there was significant decrease in blood sugar and increase in weight of kidney and volume of cortex,medulla and kidney. Abd-Elraheem et al. (2009) depicted the effect of ginger extract consumption on levels of blood glucose, lipid profile and kidney functions in alloxan induced-diabetic rats. In this study rats (130-150gm) were divided into 4 groups; normal control rats, diabetic control rats, diabetic rats post-treated with ginger and diabetic rats pretreated with ginger. Ginger extract was administered orally for 6 weeks to post-treated and pre-treated rats, and they were compared with the normal and diabetic groups, respectively. Plasma glucose, plasma lipid,plasma creatinine, urea and uric acid levels were reduced significantly in both post-treated and pretreated groups. Bing et al. (2011) conducted a study to evaluate the hypolipidemic effect of enteric-coated ginger and garlic essence tablet on lipid profile of rats fed high-fat diet and hyperlipidemic subjects. One experimental group having hyperlipidemic rats was assigned to orally expose to three different doses of essence tablet for 30 consecutive days. In addition other experimental group of hyperlipidemic subjects received one piece of ginger and garlic essence tablet twice daily. After 30 days the data of serum lipid profile of both group was obtained which depicted that enteric-coated ginger and garlic tablet remarkably improved blood lipid profile in rats fed high-fat diet and hyperlipidemic subjects. Eyo et al. (2011) revealed the comparative hypoglycemic effect of the hypoglycemic increasing dosages of A. cepa, A. sativum and Z. officinale aqueous extract on alloxan -induced diabetic rats. Increasing dosages (200, 250 and 300mg/kg bw ip) of A. cepa, A. sativum and Z. officinale aqueous extracts were given to the diabetic rats for six weeks and after six weeks blood glucose levels were determined and concluded that A. sativum, A. cepa and Z. officinale significantly decreased blood glucose as 79.7%, 75.4% and 56.7% respectively. Ashour et al. (2011) conducted a study was to investigate the short term effect of garlic oil on the antioxidant status as well as insulin level in streptozotocin (STZ) induced diabetic rats. In diabetic rats (two groups), one treated by garlic oil (200 mg/kg b.wt) and the other group treated by vehicle (corn oil; 2 ml / kg b. wt,) for 8 weeks. Results showed the significant increase in levels of superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase, GPx, C-peptide and insulin on oral administrations of the garlic oil in the diabetic rats. Prasad et al. (2012) investigated hypolipidimic effects of ginger-juice in rat. Albino rats (n=6-12) were administered G.J at single dose (4ml/rat, p.o) as a chronic treatment over period of 21 days. After the 21 days the lipid profile parameters were checked and which indicated that treatment with ginger-juice in rats significantly reduced the total serum cholesterol level and significantly increased the serum HDL-cholesterol. So it was concluded that ginger juice has hypolipidemic effect. Sanghal et al. (2012) conducted a trial to check the comparative efficacy of ginger and garlic on hypertension and hyperlipidemia in rats. In this study total 18 rats were taken and equally divided into three (control, ginger and garlic) groups by random selection. Ginger and garlic (500 mg/kg orally) were given to two separate groups of rats fed on high fat diet for a period of 7 weeks. Blood pressure and lipid profile were measured on day 0 and after 7 weeks. Comparative results depicted that ginger has better although not significant preventive effect on systolic blood pressure and garlic has better preventive effect on lipid levels. MATERIAL AND METHODS: This experiment will be conducted to investigate the comparative effect of garlic and ginger on blood sugar level and lipid profile of alloxan induced diabetic mice. Plant Material: The A. sativum and Z. officinale used for the experiment will be purchased from the Ayub Agricultural Research Institute, Faisalabad. Animal Model: 25 mice weighing 30-35g will be purchased from National Institute of Health, Islamabad and kept in the animal house of the National Institute of Food Science and Technology (NIFSAT), University of Agriculture Faisalabad. They will be maintained at a temperature of 25  ± 1 °C and relative humidity of 45 to 55% under 12-h light: 12-h dark cycle. They will be fed with normal diet and water ad libitum. Induction of Diabetes Mellitus: Diabetes will be induced in mice by a single intraperitoneal injection of aqueous alloxan monohydrate (40 mg/kg, i.v.) solution. After 72 hrs animals showing serum glucose level above 180 mg/dl (diabetic) will be chosen for the study. Experimental Protocol: The experimental animals will be divided into 5 groups; each group will contain 5 animals: Control group G1 (normal without treatment), diabetic control group G2 (injected with 40mg/kg b.w. of alloxan), diabetic mice treated with 30g/100g diet of garlic for 4 weeks G3, diabetic mice treated with 30g/100g diet of ginger for 4 weeks G4 and diabetic mice treated with 30g/100g diet containing mixture of garlic and ginger G5. Data Collection: Data will be collected for different parameters for body weight, feed and water intake. Collection of Blood Samples: At the end of 4 weeks blood samples will be collected by sacrificing the animals for determination of blood glucose and lipid profile. Proximate Analysis: The proximate analysis of garlic and ginger for moisture, total ash content, crude protein, fat, crude fiber and nitrogen free extract will be done by using the method given by AOAC (1990). Statistical Analysis: The resulting data will be subjected to some appropriate statistical techniques. Reflection | Physiotherapy Placement Reflection | Physiotherapy Placement The Department of Health (DoH) (2003) highlighted the importance for all professions currently regulated by the Health Professions Council to demonstrate competence through continuing professional development (CPD). CPD is a systematic, ongoing, structured process that encourages the development and maintenance of knowledge, skills and competency that assists us in becoming better practitioners (Chartered Society of Physiotherapy (CSP), 2003). As a result of the Health Act (1999) and for registration with the Health Professions Council (HPC), CPD is a legal requirement (HPC Standards of Proficiency, 2007) that must be completed in accordance with the (HPC) Standards of Continuing Professional Development (HPC, 2006). This essay allows for demonstration of life-long learning using evidence from clinical practice and critical evaluation to contribute to my CPD. Learning outcome 5 will be demonstrated throughout this essay. Throughout this essay the reader is directed to the appendices to support theory with evidence of practice. I considered my motivations for undertaking CPD before writing this essay and reflected upon them again on completion (Appendix 1). Demonstrate professional behaviour with an understanding of the fundamental, legal and ethical boundaries of professional practice Beauchamp and Childress (2001) identify four ethical principles; Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-maleficence and Justice. These ethical principles can be used to morally reason whether an action or decision is right or wrong when used in conjunction with a set of guidelines (Kohlberg et al, 1983). Professional codes of conduct are developed within moral, ethical and legal frameworks to help guide and regulate practice (Hope et al, 2008). Every practitioner has clinical autonomy, therefore they are professionally and legally accountable for their actions. The following will discuss the importance of consent and duty of care for both legal and ethical reasons with regards to case 1 (Appendix 2), encounterd on practice placement 6 (PP6). Rule 9 of the HPC standards of conduct, performance and ethics (2008) states you must gain valid consent from a patient for any treatment you may perform or else you could face trial for assault, battery or negligence under civil or criminal law (Hendrick, 2002). It is a fundamental ethical priniciple that every person has a right to exercise autonomy (Article 9; Human Rights Act, 1998) and is reflected in the Core Standards of Physiotherapy Practice (CSP, 2005). Performing a procedure without gaining consent, undermines the moral priniciple of respect for patientà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s autonomy and human dignity (Sim, 1986). However, inability for Patient X to conform to the Mental Capacity Act (2005) meant he was treated in his best intrest in adherance to section 1.5 of this act and Rule 1 of the HPC (2008) standards of conduct, performance and ethics. Assuming the medical management of Patient X, a legal and professional duty of care was established (Rule 6; HPC, 2008). As part of this duty and in accordance with standard 2 of the CSP Core Standards of Physiotherapy, all interventions were explained to patient X despite his inability to consent. Had I not treated Patient X on the basis he had swine flu, this would have been failing to do justice to him, acting outside of the Disability Discrimination Act (2005) which states everyone should have equitable access to and utilisation of services regardless of disability and also Article 14 of the Human Rights Act (1998) in that no one should be discriminated against based on their health status. The Bolam Test (1957, cited in Dimond, 1999) states if duty of care to a client is breached and subsequent harm to the patient occurs, professional standards have not been kept and therefore negligence can be assumed. Although not legally binding, the CSP rules of professional conduct effectiv ely have the same status as law and failure to comply with them means they may not only be used in disciplinary hearings but also in legal proceeding as a civil case under the tort law of negligence (Dimond, 1999; Hendrick, 2002). In summary, a sound understanding of the legal implications surrounding consent and duty of care can help avoid unwanted litigation, however they should not undermine the ethical implications. Appendix 3 demonstrates how I have learnt from this experience. Assess the needs of a range of service users and, with reference to current professional knowledge and relevant research, apply, evaluate and modified physiotherapeutic intervention A service users is anyone who utilises or is affected by a registrants service (HPC, 2008). The complex needs of a service user encompass a range of issues including social, environmental, emotional and health related, the extent of which varies from person to person. For the purpose of this essay, the physiotherapeutic management of two patients treated whilst on PP6 with differing severities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) exacerbations (Appendix 4) will be discussed. The National Institue for Health and Clinical Excellence (NICE) guidelines (NICE, 2004) in conjuntion with the guidelines for physiotherapy in respiratory care (British Thoracic Society (BST), 2008) advocates the use of active cycle of breathing technique (ACBT) with expiratory vibrations on the chest wall for the treatment of COPD to help aid airway clearance. Inability for patient A to comply with ACBT indicated the use of manual hyperinflation (MHI) to passively inflate the lungs and aid mucocillary transport (Ntoumenopoulos, 2005). As identified by Finer et al (1979), atelectasis is a common problem observed in mechanically ventilated patients for which MHI has been found to be beneficial in reducing it in a well controlled clinical trial by Stiller et al (1996), scoring a PEDro rating of 6/10. Absence of a cough reflex in patient A, resulted in sputum retention and the increased risk of infection indicating the use of suctioning (Pryor and Prasad, 2002) by which, copious amounts of viscous secretions were cleared. Shorten et al (1991) supports the use of saline instilation to loosen secretions prior to suctioining however, conflicting arguments by Blackwood (1999) and Kinloch (1999) question its effectiveness. Patient Bà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s compliance with ACBT replaced the need for MHI and suctioning. Patient A developed bilateral shoulder subluxations due to his lengthy intubation for which subluxation cuffs were applied, as suggest by Zorowitz et al (1995) with positive effect. Despite this study being on stroke patients, the results can be generalised to other patient groups as proved. The importance of mobilising patients with regards to respiratory function is highlighted by Ciesla (1996), however mobilisation of critically ill patients is restricted as they are often non-ambulatory. A high quality, randomised control trial using fifty-six participants by Mackay et al (2005), identified mobilisation as superior to other respiratory techniques, therefore Patient B was encouraged to sit out and treated using a graduated walking program. In the case of Patient B, mobilisation constitutes any change in position therefore the use of postural drainage positions and positioning into the cardiac chair setting on the bed were used (BTS, 2008). The range of problems service users present with means practitioners need to be adaptable, drawing on current evidence, professional knowledge from different fields of physiotherpy practice and experiences through CPD to deliever indiviualised patient-centred care. Appraise self management of a caseload and modify practice accordingly, demonstarating effective teamwork and communication skills Caseload management typically refers to the number of cases handled in a certain timeframe by an individual for which they have a duty of care towards (Scottish Executive, 2006). It is the management of time effectively through appropriate priority-setting, delegation, and allocation of resources to meet the service demand of its users (Curtis, 2002). Self-management of a caseload and adaptability to changing circumstances is expected of a registrant (HPC, 2008). Well developed time management skills can make a workload more manageable and improve the effectiveness of treatments and quality of time with patients. Prioritising patients to the order in which they will be seen based on their needs is encouraged by SARRAH (2010), however Nord (2002) argues whether it can be justified to prioritise those in most need if their potential benefit may not be as great as those in less need. In my experience prioritisation is dependant on a variety of factors for example, the trust where PP6 was completed, enforced protected meal times which did not run alongside staff meal times. Therefore, to prevent there being a void in the day, patients were still prioritised according to need but considertation had to be given to see patients that would be eating first and treat those that would not be during protected meal times. It is essential to consider that a therapists workload includes not only patient care, but also admistrative and research tasks in which delegation to others can be a valuable stratergy to assist with workload mangement. Curtis, (1999), identifies the need for practioners to show greater awareness of other disciplines competancies so delegation can be more effective. Feedback systems should be enforced to ensure task completion and objectives are being met (Curtis, 2002). Inter-professional collaboration refers to the process by which different disciplines work together to improve healthcare (Zwarenstein et al, 2009). Poor collaboration amongst healthcare professionals contributes to problems in quality of patient care and consequently poorer outcomes (Zwarenstein and Byrant, 1997). Liaison with members of the multi-disciplinary team (MDT) is encouraged by Shortell and Singer (2008) as practitioners are less likely to work off their own autonomy, ensuring patient safety, as demonstrated during handover in (Appendix 5). The learning objectives on PP6 to develop MDT collaboration and caseload management have been achieved as demonstrated in the feedback from my educator (Appendix 6) which identifies that improvement in self confidence will allow further development of the skills discussed. Demonstrate partnership with more junior students and/or appropriate others through the development of mentoring skills Mentoring is a process aimed at transfering knowledge, skills and psycological support from a more experienced person to a less experienced person, where the desired outcome is for both persons to achieve personal and professional growth (Anderson, 1987). An effective mentor facilitates, guides and empowers the mentee in becoming an independent learner (Coles, 1996) in which the relationships developed are based upon mutal respect, trust, confidentiality and shared beliefs and values (Lyons et al, 1990). The CSP (2005) acknowledges the importance of intergrating mentorship into CPD, in which the mentor develops a range of skills transferable to other CPD activities. This section focuses on peer mentoring as a concept, its practice and clinical application on an informal basis. Having identified the characteristics of a mentor (CSP, 2005), a SWOT analysis (Appendix 7) was completed to assist recognition of my personal learning needs. There are four stages to the mentoring life cycle (Appendix 8), in which the mentor needs to adopt and develop new skills to accommodate the mentee and guide them through the process. A qualitative study using a moderate sample size by Chan and Wai-Tong (2000) encourages the use of learning contracts (Appendix 9) to help establish rapports and facilitate autonomous learning which aids progression to stage two of the cycle. This is further supported in a recent review of the literature by Sambunjak et al (2009). Gopee (2008) recognises the importance of analysing the menteeà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s needs. Foster-Turner (2006) states that different people approach the learning process in different ways therefore, matching the learning styles of the mentor and mentee will produce a more productive and successful relationship (Mumford, 1995; Hale, 2000). Honey and Mumford (1992) suggested people tend to have a predominant learning style and can be classified as activists, reflectors, theorists or pragmatists (Appendix 10). Boud (1999) identifies raising self-awareness as an essential tool used in lifelong leaning and through analysis of learning styles using Honey and Mumfordà ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â€ž ¢s (1992) questionnaire, this allowed for reflection on the style of learning that would best suit the mentee to help meet their learning needs (Foster-Turner, 2006) (Appendix 11). As identified by the learning style inventory, the mentee and myself were both reflective learners, therefore we arranged sessions where we could dreflect on a clinical experience and discuss how new learning could be applied to future events. A feedback form from the mentee (Appendix 12) an a SWOT analysis (Appendix 13) demonstrates how through increased self-awareness and review of the literature, I have developed a better understanding of the mentoring process, the skills required and its application in into clinical practice. Developing others is central to current and desired practice (DoH, 2000a, 2000b, 2001, 2002) in which mentorship offers all the key attributes to the process. Preparation of an individual for this role, through self assessment, is central to its success, in which the skills developed are lifelong and can enable development into management and leadership roles later on in life. Demonstrate skills of career-long learning Lifelong learning is used synonymously with CPD and is concerned with practitioners critically reviewing their skills and knowledgebase with the ultimate goal of providing a better standard of care to all service users (French and Dowds, 2008). A recent inquest into a practitioner who did not maintain his competencies, demonstrates the possible consequences of poor CPD (Appendix 14). Appendix 15 details a range of formal and informal activities that can be undertaken to contribute towards CPD, evidence of which can be documented in a portfolio. The importance of staff development is recognised by the DoH documents (2000a, 2000b, 2001, 2002) which sets out the Governments vision of an NHS that prepares allied health professionals with the skills to take advantage of wider career opportunities and realise their potential. By using the competency based framework; The NHS Knowledge and Skills Framework (2004), physiotherapists can participate in development reviews which identify development opportunities and contribute to the fulfilment of personal development plans.
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